Retarded coding or does RAM speed actually matter?

Retarded coding or does RAM speed actually matter?

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That's a CPU benchmark, not RAM, you retard.

RAM speed does matter, just not as much as everything else. Now go back to Sup Forums.

Fuck you.

It was quickly spotted that the memory was running much slower than it ought to be, though we weren't entirely sure this was the cause of the massive deficit. Turns out it was, as moving the memory back up to 2400MHz resulted in a massive 67% increase in minimum frame rate for the Core i7-4770K.

Of course RAM speed matters. Memory access is the biggest bottleneck on modern hardware for most applications. I don't know much about video game programming, but I know that upgrading RAM can lead to large speedups in many cases.

Of course, this bottleneck is hidden somewhat because high-end processors have large caches. It is still often a bottleneck, though.

Are you blind? Each CPU there is benchmarked with two different RAM configurations. The faster RAM leads to major performance improvements.

> posts picture showing RAM speed matters
> asks if RAM speed matters

You're a real genius, of course it fucking matters. More proof here:

Yeah dickhead, this: It's obvious OP's pic is both a CPU comparison and proof that RAM speed matters more to some CPUs than others.

OP asked if it's because of retarded programming. That isn't an unreasonable question.
A good programmer will minimize memory usage, access it efficiently, and make good use of caches. This will partially hide the memory bottleneck.
A retarded programmer will use tons of memory and access it inefficiently. This will make the memory bottleneck a serious problem.

It also shows that RAM speed matters more than CPU in some cases. The i3 with good RAM outperforms the i7 with bad RAM.

>Insults intelligence
>Can't read the OP's pic and realize that he and the OP are both stupid.

Those are CPU speeds in there desu.

>i7-4770k ddr3 2400 vs ddr3 1333

You're the cancer which is killing this board. Please leave.

Dumb retards. Ram speed doesn't mean jack, it's cas latency that matters most. You can have 2400mhz ram and 1333mhz having the exact same performance. Anyway ram does matter and so does frequency but so do a ton of other things in regards to ram, it's not as simple.

Without even reading the obviously shitty article: no. In fact i downgraded to FX-8350, because i'm such a huge AMD shill and threw the Intel POS ('s, 2500k and 2600k) into thrash.

Wow user, I've never seen that descriptor before! Cancer? You're so original! Did plebbit teach you that? How do I be like you?

Ram speed is probably something that will matter with graphics post effects. As you move the data between GPU ram and regular ram, the difference in speed might be critical.

what's with all these Sup Forums threads? did the new 1080 announcement bring over cancer?

Yes by quite a lot. Tell them to fuck off and point out their retardation maybe some of them will leave.

everyone knows Sup Forums is second to only r/pcmasterrace in PC gaming tricks, tips and news!!

Sup Forums is Sup Forums's personal support board m8

The question is, does RAM speed matter over CAS timings and latencies?
Isn't a DDR3-1600 with CAS 8 faster than DDR3-2400 with CAS 12?

ITT one user was reading the other thread and decided to herp and derp about it.

Depends on different factors.

Would having more GPU ram fix the issue in OP's pic?

The idea being that the CPU ram should never be used if you have enough GPU ram (assuming the game is not CPU bottle necked).

The game also stutters on HDDs. Quality Bethesda code.

Depends. The bottleneck could either be the bandwidth or the access times.

Its within the realm of possibility, but memory caching is fairly obtuse on the gpu front.

>The game also stutters on HDDs

I experience no stutter whatsoever and I'm running it from a 5400RPM WD Red.

>Uses speed as a metric
>No mention of timings
Fucking useless

As a rule vidya isn't sensitive to ram timings.


Kill yourself then go back to Sup Forums

Psst, it depends on the cpu in question. AMD chips tend to respond better to tighter timings while - as OP's pic shows - Intel chips respond better to frequency.

>he doesn't know

You can't claim that given the pic since we can calculate the delay. A citation is in order.

>does ***** speed actually matter?
in most of the cases yes

So both cpu manufacturers are affected by ram frequency? Thanks captain obvious

at the bottom. Either there's something wrong with the benchmark or it matters significantly with skylake processors and ddr4 ram