Desktop Thread

Rate my desktop

10/10 - Pretty nice OP

luuks breddy good, is that a kde spin off? Not a fan of kde; more of a xfce man myself. You know what they say though, old habbits die hard.

Looks pretty good, way too much stuff going on in my opinion, rate mine please

You can't say he has too much going on when nearly half your screen is filled with useless shells. Nice icons though, i would make them about 75%-50% of the size they are now however

i feel like chromebooks are what i imagined computers would look like in the future when i was a little kid

Just to elaborate, there's so much contrast between everything it actually kind of hurts, no offense. Maybe choose a different icon theme?

I meant that as there's too much contrast. Guess I should've worded it better. I like the size of those icons, but when I get on my PC later I'll try changing them.

looks like 2009

No It's XFCE with Openbox and Whisker-Menu.
It's so fast and smooth.

Very minimalistic but it looks very nice.
I also tried such a minimalistic desktop but it was nothing for me.

I see you have WoW and HotS insalled.
Does it work smooth on Arch? I know Blizzard doesn't support other platforms than Windows.

Maybe you are right. A darker (dark blue?) icon theme would be a better option.

Personally, I like it, though it’s not my type. At any rate, I prefer mine.
(my linux distro isn’t yet reinstalled, so I only have windows as for now)

Not him but i have SC2 and Hearthstone, both run seamlessly.

Not my type but looks very clean and good. For me it would be something to look but not to work. Looks a bit like Elementary OS with anime wallpaper and Windows icons

Is Windows 10 so customizable out of thw box?
I didn't use Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 but Windows 7 wasn't.

my fedora 23+xfce mememachine


Actually it's warcraft 3 and warcraft 3 the frozen throne, they all work very well, for a while heroes of the storm crashed but recently it stopped crashing. Also I've heard WoW works well under wine, if that helps.

u left ur autism simulator open whilst taking the screenshot

Nice and minimalistic, didn't even realize it was Windows.

Yes, I didn't mean to be rude about that, but a darker icon theme would bump this up to like a 9.5/10

thanks! also it’s not that hard to use to me, I put what I use the most in the start menu, and I just type in the start menu search the software I need if it isn’t pinned

the task bar is transparent thanks to Start10, but if you modify the background color, you can make it look like it is transparent —lots of people leave it black, but if they think they can’t change it it means they simply haven’t found out how to. Also, you can put wherever you want the task bar since WinXP if I recall correctly.
Also, Start10 is good if you have over 512 software installed (the vanilla start menu won’t update anymore once you go over this limit) or if you want to bring back a Win7 feel, or a modernized Win10 menu (pic related)

Thanks, I see too often people who actually don’t know what they are doing trying to rice their windows, that’s sad. If correctly done, it can give amazing results

by the way, inb4 Internet Explorer and this “App2”, they’re only here for testing purposes

My windows drive is actually a very sad rice.

If non-chromebook 9/10 if Chromebook, install Linux/10

very nice
