Previous thread:This thread was created to prevent anons from spamming new threads, for technology questions they have.
If you are that person, post your simple/small/stupid questions here.
Don't bump. This is a slow board, and will continue to be. Wait for an answer or google it.
If you see other anons posting questions outside this thread, ignore or redirect them here.
Use a link to find the sqt thread.
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What is a port? Where is it located physically (in the router or the computer)? If I open a port can someone access all of my files if I'm connected to the internet? If not how do I make my computer accessible in that way?
Why is 64bit = x64 but 32bit = x86?
I want to get a dual monitor setup, one for full screen stuff like gaming and one for desktop stuff like Sup Forums, porn, youtube.
I currently have a 144hz monitor which i would use for gaming.
Would there be any problems if i bought a 60hz screen for desktop stuff?
Also, how does the focussing work? Can i just press alt tab to switch to the other screen? And can i make it so that i cant go off my gaming screen with my mouse while im ingame? I do like to be able to drag things from one monitor to another but not when im ingame ofcourse.
Because AMD.
I'm currently planing to build my first gaming-able PC within the next month. Main OS will be linux based, so Windows will probably be running in a VM (dual boot if I run into Problems with VGA Passthrough).
Pic related are the components I'm currently thinking about. Which combination would you recommend? Anything I did miss?
What you will select will all be based on your budget.
>Would there be any problems if i bought a 60hz screen for desktop stuff?
>Can i just press alt tab to switch to the other screen?
When reach the edge of one screen you will enter the next one. Except for maximizing windows and using fullscreen the displays will function as one large display.
>And can i make it so that i cant go off my gaming screen with my mouse while im ingame?
Yes, that is default for all games.
Before Pentium, Intel processor chips were 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486. They changed to words for copyright reasons.
I use youtube-dl via cli in my computer, but my friend's computer uses DownloadThemAll.
What can I put instead of *name* so it uses the Description in the filename when downloading?
Pic related.
Technically, x64 is actually x86-64 because it's an extension, it's just written the other way as shorthand to save having to type three extra characters each time. Also this
Let's say i got the domain ü with a wordpress install. Everytime i wanna login through ü, firefox changes url to über.dewp-admin (slash falls away). If i reload ü it works. Why? Any suggestions (also what to search on google? no clue...)
I think maybe I mean trademark.
I based my list on the one from logicalincrements and just wanted Sup Forumss opinion on my selection.
Thanks anyway, sempai.
This is getting annoying as all shit, the drive is a bit old.
I used Glary Util to run a disk check and it dismounted the HDD, however when I restarted (after the disk check) I still can't use it
Wait i dont quite get it. So if i maximize something it will display over both monitors or just fullscreen on one monitor? And if the latter, does that mean you cant go to the other screen with your mouse even if its youtube maximized?
How do I change the archive selection in Sup Forums?
man I dont get what am I doing wrong..... complete beginner here btw
I thought this cant be simpler, and yet clearly I didnt figure something out
I have to start taking Physics now. I took it in high school but remember nothing.
should I take this 090 Fundamentals course before 100? I know my algebra and will work but I don't want to be completely lost...
Maximizing and fullscreen will only be on one monitor. Fullscreen Youtube will not lock your mouse.
Multi monitor setups work flawlessly. The answer to all of your question is that it does exactly what you want it to do.
Alright I'll just take your word for it. This is really confusing when you've never seen it. Thanks.
I'm asking here because I don't understand the Wikipedia page.
remove the semicolon after the else statement
But the 970 NOW or wait for the 1080 and 1070.
Mainly to play Overwatch at Ultra setting.
Forgot to say, how do I remount the drive?
And is there any software I can use to check for bad sectors reliably?
Which ad blockers do you guys use for your web browsers? YouTube ads finally got past Adblock Plus.
what do these errors mean?
Is the Logitech MX Master a good mouse or should I go for a Zowie?
>YouTube ads finally got past Adblock Plus
no, adblock plus sold out
ublock origin is the best, it lets you block componentswith a right click, even if its not an ad. also you can get an anti anti adblocker with ublock origin
Hey, I've got an HP monitor 2009m.
I want to stand this in a portrait configuration, but
I don't feel like shelling out a shitload of money to get some special stand for it.
Any advice?
Buy the 970 NOW or wait for the 1080 and 1070.
Mainly to play Overwatch at Ultra setting.
holy shit, that did it
can you explain this a little bit to me? how did this fix everything??? what happens when my else has the ; that causes it to not work?
thank you btw
I am studying (theoretical and experimental) physics, and I dont know about the courses over there, but young and freedman are really good for explaining theories, while irodov book of problems is the best for practice, I am pretty sure if you practice these you would be able to take any physics course at any university anywhere in the world
>what happens when my else has a ; that caused it to not work?
Compiler flips out because; does not go there
a port is an identifier to a virtual interface. it is, thus, nothing physical. anytime you connect to the internet, you "open a port". what you're probably talking about when you say "opening a port" is probably referring to a router or os preference, where it means "allow others to connect to this device using the identifier", which is normally turned off on end-user devices for most ports. and, in answer to your question, if you open a port in your router, that makes it possible for outsiders to route through it. still, your device has to be accessible for an attacker to gain access to anything (other than your router, which may or may not be of interest). if you "open a port" on your device, then yes, attackers can use that port to talk to your operating system. "being able to read all your files" is an ability which depends on a number of factors, an open (meaning accessible) port being only one of them, and not a major one seeing how there are a bunch of standard ports open anyway.
Whut, not even
>using wordpress
>using firefox
c'mon Sup Forums u can do better, u fags
Did he died?
Looks like I should spend some time this summer on physics then...
anything with a semicolon is a command. think of an if/else control structure not as a command but rather which commands to run.
In html can I stylize a txt file I embedded as an object or iframe? Nothing I try seems to work.
To elaborate: C++ is a compiled language with strict syntaxing. One symbol out of place ANYWHERE in the code make the conpiler flippity dippity dob zoo wop bop bop bop and refuse to make the program, which is why people use IDEs
Do you have to be good with maths to work with programming, in general? Is it possible to get by with being only average? Obviously it would depend on what kind of programming you do, but is (advanced) mathematics an intrinsic component in all programming?
I'm not the same dude, but a simple way to describe it is that if(x
it lets people in in the same way that building a door to your house lets people in. For example, if you open the port, and then host a website that sends and receives data through that port, all that people can do is access the website, or any other service you hosted. To have people access all your files you'd have to host a server with all your files and no authentication. If you just want to do something like opening a game server, go to your router settings (look up your router model first) in your browser and an option for port forwarding should be there
Understanding basic algebra is very helpful.
It does depend what kind of coding you do, but
being able to easily understand complex
mathematical concepts can be necessary.
Thankfully for me at least, when I started programming,
I sucked at algebra, but after working with code a bunch,
math itself was a LOT easier to understand.
The way our brain develops is interesting that way I guess.
It's like my neural pathways got freed a bit so i could
get math better.
So, don't be discouraged if you suck at math pretty much.
Whats the best way the best way to echo a query object-oriented PHP?
Examples of what i have been using:
$rows = $db->query("SELECT * FROM table");
foreach ($rows as $row){
echo $row['name'] . '
if ($result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM table")) {
while ($obj = $result->fetch_object()) {
echo $obj->name . "
the other day my hulu and netflix stopped going into full screen mode when i click it. ive never had this problem before pls help
semicolae end statements. in c/c++, a statement is anything that does something, i.e. a declaration (int i = 0;) or a function call (sqrt(a);) or anything of the sort.
there is another way to end a statement, which is a block ({ // do shit}). other languages require you to put a semicolon after a block as well (javascript being a popular example, although "require" really is too hard of a statement when talking about semicolae in js anyway), but in c/c++ this is (sanely) not required because there really isn't anything, grammatically, that could follow a block.
now you might be asking "but how does c/c++ know i'm using an else if the statement ends after the if?" and you would be right in a way. however, the full statement as defined by the language is actually "if (...) {...} elseif (...) {...} else {...}". omitting the elseif and the else is just "syntactical sugar", meaning the compiler handles it gracefully although it's technically grammatically wrong. as this behaviour is also defined by the standard, you can assume it to be present in all conformant compilers.
as a sidenote, not all languages make this assumption. some functional languages (e.g. haskell) require you to specify the entire "if ... then ... else" block no matter what you're trying to do.
this is shit advice akin to "a question mark doesn't go here because my english teacher will give me a worse mark if i put one". you're not treating the problem, you're focusing on the outcome. the fact of the matter is that the semicolon doesn't go there because it's semantically wrong according to the grammatic structure of the language.
as for IDEs, there's two types of people using them: those without an understanding of how programming languages work (probably your category) and those who are simply sloppy and forget stuff like semicolae and want help counting braces and shit (people who know what the fuck they're doing).
man, this was a long way of saying stfu and gtfo.
Well, when you grab Irodov, dont just go ahead and do everything, its a fat book full of everything, look up what your course requires.
For example, first semester could only be....
Rigid bodies, Newtonian stuff, kinematics, certain types of movement and so on.
Second semester might be stuff like aerodynamics, thermodynamics, viscosity, ideal gasses (PV=nRT ones) and so on.
So dont go ahead and solve entire Irodov. Just focus on the chapters that you need. Physics is INSANELY huge, and there is a big chance you dont need all of it.
better explanation, but still technically wrong. a block ({...}) DOES end a statement in c/c++, if then else IS a statement, but one that for convenience reasons includes several blocks and allows omission of statement parts as well as a flexible number of statement clauses.
Yeah, but see if I explained it that way, he wouldn't understand a lick of that.
You're using words like blocks, and clauses when this guy is fucking up else statements.
If i create a bootable USB with the windows installer, can i put stuff on it?
Like programs i will use once the installation is complete?
sure, why not?
what's a good long lasting data storage medium? Recently 2 HDD failed but had my important files backed up to DVDR that was still good but I need to find a longer term solution since DVDs have a rather short life expectancy.
I'm thinking about bluray but I don't have a writer and theyre still around 100 bucks plus expensive discs.
what are my options these days for long term 50 plus years of cold storage?
Isnt it funny thay a 300 dollar phone out performs a 300 dollar laptop in almost all aspects
better display
equal battery
better ram
How to find a good Norwegian keyboard? Can't just get key covers because American keyboards have one less key.
>DVDs have a rather short life expectancy
Hello Sup Forums
If i have one laptop with win 7 that has sata ports, can i clone the internal hard drive into an SSD through SATA to get an extra copy of win 7?
Also, would this work if i updated to win 10? Or does the key expire or something
Using Javascript you can access the information in the txt file and do whatever you want with it, for example appending it to a paragraph or a div.
The first answer shows how to read the information.
They do except on better CPU and better optimization.
Just get a Thinkpad for $190-210.
look for EU/UK/GER layouts, they seem to have the same keys
Can I drive one set of speakers with two different amps (for reasons) or would one amp just blow out the other one?
>good long lasting data storage
Steel plates (or even stone tablets). Books (actually printing information onto the paper).
These all passed the test of time, for thousands of years. Storing stuff on anything that uses magnets/electricity did not.
Conclusion: make some sort of computer scanner that can take information from paper scrolls and stone tablets.
What is the best free tower defense game for android? Not just the most fun but in your opinion the one thats maybe coded the best.
I use. /start-tor-browser but nothing appears
what's the deal?
how do I make the tor browser appear?
Is there any reason to have a good dedicated soundcard if I have a DAC?
That's all well and good except now I can't find key covers in Norwegian that aren't for fucking macbooks
>key covers
what? why not just buy a keyboard in any norwegian online shop if you want norwegian keys printed on
Well not at the same time, obviously.
Where can I pirate VSTs? All the pleb torrents sites have trojans and malware in their sylenth1s and shit. I remember it not being like this before.
>firefucks 42: runs fine
>firefucks 43 to present: freezes for up to a full 30 seconds if i scroll too fast
how come
Is it possible to upgrade to windows 10 from 7 with Enterprise LTSb and keep all my installed programs?
I like Enterprise LTSb siince it is not bloated cortana etc but not in mood to do frehs reinstall
I use youtube-dl -t .
To emulate android what should i use memestacks?
any vst you have to pay for or cant torrent is shit
Bump for these, as I still can't use my drive.
Glary Utils can see the folders and shit inside, I just get the ACCESS DENIED garbage
Is it possible to define shortcuts to open a program? For example, ctrl+alt+t to open a cygwin terminal
In windows, I should add
since the only way to know something isnt backdoored is to compile it yourself, how do i go about compiling it? id need to write my own compiler to compile an open source compiler or something like that?
You should be able to do that with AutoHotKey.
It would take you several lifetimes to read the source of everything you're using. With Debian, most packages are cryptographgically signed with real legal names, so it's unlikely malware is snuck in.
So i bought a laptop, installed linux onto it. Haven't really touched it after the install.
What should i do with it?
use a livecd like ubuntu to boot then copy the data before its gone
put a shortcut in your windows start menu, then press windows key, then the letter of the shortcut and enter (not at the same time but one after the other)
try using the Open-with extension, point it to youtube-dl,
add this as the argument
--output "your/video_folder/%(title)s.%(ext)s" --restrict-filenames
best way to avoid back doors is to have a non network connected computer (even a virtual one)
So I've got myself a JBOD, and a pair of Mini-SAS to MiniSAS cables. I dont plan to use physical raid on the disks in the JBOD, probably just ZFS, since most things support it now.
Unfortunately, I don't have a PCI to miniSAS card and I can't seem to find one without the physical RAID nonsense. Looking to not spend a ton on this small adapter. ~$100?
Help me shop Sup Forums?
use it?
but the thing is, when youre networking you cant know of backdoors. what if the virtual box is backdoored?
Why did you buy a computer you had no plan to use?
Is there some way to store temp files free space files and similiar stuff directly into ram? win10
Why do people care that their games run at a higher fps than their monitors' refresh rate?Apart from more good=more better?
I always turn vsync on so that my computer wouldn't fly off the table.
>use a livecd like ubuntu to boot then copy the data before its gone
Christ I hate losing HDDs, it's literally shit.
I did a health check and it read that it has 0 errors, or am I supposed to check for bad sectors to determine that the drive is kill?
video card bragging rights. the type of people whp worry more about their hardware and FPS than they actually do the game they play
I start IT studies in august, and just wanted to get familiar with linux before it begins.
Based on how the game works will either make the game more smooth, or there will be tearing.
I live on 10 acres and have a pool house about 200 feet from the house. How much will it cost to get a router and an adapter to get the internet to the pool house? Best router to put out that signal?
Sometimes FPS can drop significantly when there's lots of explosions and such, so it needs to be able to idle much higher to never drop that low. Games shouldn't be running at thousands of frames per second if they're coded correctly. For rare exceptions such as FTL, there's Nvidia Inspector.
thats a good question, I wouldn't know how to do it on windows or mac, but you could run from within a sandbox
How does one learn to make apps and get money from it?