>he uses a password manager
He uses a password manager
>his password is qwerty123
>He uses the same password on multiple accounts
>not using Lastpass
Fucking plebs
>not writing down your passwords in a spiral notebook as a backup, even though you know all your passwords by heart
He doesn't use >32 character passwords
I use keepass.
Am I wrong?
>not using a phrase or sentence
>using an open source password keeper
>hiding all your passwords behind one password
Wouldn't it be even better to mix the two?
>I have no idea about dictionary attacks
fucking leddit-tier manga
>better than C0rr3ct_h0rS3_84773Ry_St4P1e !
Yes, but at a certain point it doesn't even matter.
>not using at least a 12 digit alphanumeric password
what do you suggest then you fucktard? memorizing hundred of passwords?
Hmm Snowden recommends using a phrase as well. Is he wrong?
I have a piece of paper with all of my logins/passwords written down on it.
fuck you, that's my password
>not writing your password down on a postit note and sticking it under your keyboard
I've memorized about 50-60 passwords, all typed like .
as a backup i write it down in a blank cover notebook and it sits on my bookcase, between hundreds of books.
id rather have it hidden in plain sight than in a program "HERE ARE ALL MY PASSWORDS XDDD" locked behind one password.
>less than 80 bits of entropy
Also if you're using passwords like that you don't use random words you fucktard, you use proper phrases like
>Some people on Sup Forums should just fucking die
>>Some people on Sup Forums should just fucking die
that's seems like a nice password, I think I'll use that from now on
>not using 50 digit alphanumeric password with symbolls
as you know keepass is portable so ive taken my precaution with that if you know what i mean
15 char passwords sampled from a 40 char pool: 40^15 = 1.073.741.824.
4 word password from a 20.000 word pool: 20.000^4 =
There's a 10^7 factor of difference.
This is where it's at. Hide passwords like this under a 500 bit entropy master password that you can remember and you're golden.
This is true, but people only care about muh entropy. In reality the entropy is not always an accurate measure of security
>writing down your passwords
retard spotted
This tbhsenpai
no one else has access to it, it's not in a program that says "PASSWORDS" and it's disconnected from the internet.
How exactly am I the retard?
KeePass is safe as long it's stored in a boot-protected pendrive.
>How exactly am I the retard?
Because. You. Wrote. Them.
>he memorizes a dozen passwords
>he uses the same password for multiple accounts
>he doesn't memorize ~3 password one of them being a master password for a .kdb
>no one else has access to them
>no one else has access to them
>no one else has access to them
>no one else has access to them
if it makes you feel any better, i'll do what you guys do - shove it in a lock with a key, and write "PASSWORDS HERE" on it. It's pretty much the same fucking thing as using a password manager anyway.
>there are people on Sup Forums who don't use their own personal password algorithm that gives you an easy to remember complex passphrase/password that is completely different per site
>implying I won't start going through books on the bookshelves of every house I visit from now on
Do you live in a basement locked away from the world? Even then the police has access to them.
Are you actually fucking retarded? The entropy model in the image he posted addresses that point. Maybe go through school again and try reading it?
How is 44 bits not safe? Are you worried that someone will find your pornhub password in march of 2420?
Retard, whats the point of encryption if you have yhe key written down?
>I don't know how dictionary attacks work
dictionary attack that
>20k word pool
kek you gotta throw one non-word or obscure word in there
It's literally the same thing. Instead of writing it down on paper, you write it down digitally. Since it is digital, it can be copied easier, and saved for much longer.
Writing it down on paper at least adds a foolproof method of security from the net.
Also, if you have 2-code auth enabled, it's even better.
That means someone got into your shit at home.
Literally a free burglar alarm.
Password entropy is an innacurate estimate. Real 44 bits are secure, but they aren't real in this case.
There are different kinds of attacks, see >he has a porn account
And I have real work worth money that I don't want people accessing
Are you not aware that password managers require a master password?
Are you perhaps, an idiot talking about things he knows nothing about?
>hiding all your passwords behind one password
parents should have aborted.
I just use password01
>placing all passwords into a physical item that you leave unattended for most of the day
You can join me in fetus heaven then.
Master password with 2 factor authentication (my setup) beats a notepad of paper and fucking day. I doubt anyone could even brute force my master password but if some how they fucking did how will they get access to my my phone?
Two factor authentication beats single factor any day.
The passwords on all my accounts are simple, just the one
the password I use is
I use KeePass with a strong master password and sync it with DropBox.
Get mad at me.
can you just tweak a dictionary attack to also work on dictionary words that are simply slammed together?
I have been using extremely simple word number word passwords my whole life and it worked just fine so far..
>FBI takes 5-Star to court in order to gain a backdoor into all Spiral Notebooks.
I write my passwords on sticky notes that I stick to my computer screen.
people which use password managers openly declaring they are mentally retarded to memorize their own passwords.
i have better things to do than waste my time memorizing different 60 character passwords to dozens of different web sites
>there are people on Sup Forums who actually lie in bed at night worrying about someone breaking in to their account on a Mongolian grilled cheese sandwich discussion board
memorizing cartoon girl names are not better than memorizing passwords weeb.
best password
Fuck ur dumb
I only have one password and I use small variations of it for all my accounts
>his password isn't "fuck your mother" in some obscure south Slavic language
It's like you WANT to be h4xx3d
>I've memorized about 50-60 passwords
Bullshit. You can't possibly expect anyone to believe that, and if you happen to be some kind of major autistic genius with a memory that can handle that then expecting anyone else to do the same just highlights your autism even more.