Sup Forums 2013

>Sup Forums 2013

>Sup Forums 2016
>Sup Forums

Do we even have any mods on Sup Forums anymore? Can Sup Forums be saved at this point?

It wasn't called /dpt/ in 2013, it was called TDPT.

pick one

No. This happens to most smaller boards. They start off with small fun community, and eventually all the normies bleed out from Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums, and shit up those once fun boards.

This happened to Sup Forums, when all the normies visisted for the worldc up, and stayed. Now its just a very shitty board.


you're welcome.

That doesn't work. As time goes by, Sup Forums becomes more and more Sup Forums's tech support and fewer and fewer Sup Forums people post and there are fewer and fewer Sup Forums threads.

>Sup Forums 2008

Stop being such a crybaby

Do you guys think that we could get enough people together to make Hiro create

>>>/fs/ - Free Software

Since Sup Forums is forever lost as the consumer technology board, we could find a new home in an appropriately named board that focuses on software development, programming, linux, and gnu.

Horos a shit, glad maki replaced that shitty furfag character.

I can see it already:
>Android is free software. HOMESCREEN THREAD!

Something tells me the 'mpv' thread would somehow make its way there.

Old Sup Forums is dead. It has succumbed to the Sup Forums cancer and should now be abandoned for greener pastures. I only visit occasionally.

Sup Forums has always been shit and people always complain but there's really nothing to change & if you are looking for your own special little corner just shit up one of the generals you don't need the entire board

Almost all of these 2016 "generals" are tangential technology; they're "tech" enough to stay on the board but consumer/surface level as fuck enough to have almost no barrier to entry.

Seriously, how much technological know-how do you need for a fucking watch thread? That's clearly a topic for /fa/.

Why do these need general threads at all? Why not just make a thread where the OP goes "I want to talk about [text editor/software/server hosting]" once in a while?

>Do we even have any mods on Sup Forums anymore?
old meme from before 2013: there are no mods on Sup Forums


please help

>software development, programming, linux, and gnu

and again it will be less than 10% who actually want to discuss those things and the rest throwing dank memes around after some time.

Memes aren't the problem on Sup Forums. It's serious off topic threads. There's only one bait thread on my first page right now.

Not really true. People have been saying that for years on this board. But the truth is that there were always those Sup Forums wanna be hackers who shitpost.

>People have been saying that for years on this board.
And it's been true for years. Sup Forums had a presence on Sup Forums in 2013 but it's at least tripled by now in terms of threads.


no and no

One last bump.

Go to end or 8 if you want to not be Sup Forumss tech support

desktop thread is kill, only about 10 generals left to kill. We should keep the private tracker, programming, stupid questions, and friendly linux generals however.

I still dont know why /ptg/ is allowed here. Take a look at their discussion it is barely torrent related, let alone tech related. I dunno why it isnt in the dedicated torrent board /t/

How was the desktop thread killed?

hackers literally invented video games.

flg is generally good

>off topic threads

Possibly because the user base isn't really tech oriented, more consumer electronics oriented, if you will.

About a week or two ago, any desktop thread was set to automatically sage all posts or something like that. Since then,

*since then, there has been a lot of shitposting when the mods go to bed at night.


Newfags like you ruined Sup Forums

>Go to the places that are essentially 100% Sup Forums and other Sup Forums-level boards if you don't want to be Sup Forums's tech support

And now someone needs to replace Maki.
Maki a fucking shit.

I can't wait to see this post again in 3 years


Newfag like you ruined Sup Forums.

Stallman did 9/11

reddit/tumblr spotted