What do you think about Fractal Design?

What do you think about Fractal Design?

No gaymer looks ?¿

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i fell for the meme

Looks good bro

I am in the market for a new case, Phanteks EVOLV ATX is my ideal case EXCEPT for the fact it has no spot for an optical drive. Sure I could get an external one, but it takes away from the aesthetics of the case and why bother spending $200~ on a case then

Any recomendations on a mid case, good airflow/cable management, open side panel, not too flashy.

whats wrong with it

Mac pro ATX modded.

I like it , I'm watching Phanteks Enthoo Luxe too but don't know what to choose...

EvolV , Luxe , Fractal :S

Nice microwave you got here

Next time get a smaller CPU cooler

How about fucking designing cases in a way that doesn't fucking remove all functionality? I want USB ports at the front, an on/off button and headphone ports for fuck's sake. And any case without handles can just fuck off. Why do I need to spend 200 bucks on a stupid muh-army-gear meme-case (pic related) if I want equipment that wasn't designed by Apple hipsters or 12-year old gaymer kids. Jesus Christ.

Buying a define mini this summer for my new build
One of my buddies has a fractal case and it's pretty fucking sweet
>that modularity
>that matte black everywhere
>those silent fans
Gonna keep it for a long time

I want to replace my case with a newer one, I like the fact that cases these days have all that room behind the motherboard to hide the wires

What's a good one to buy for maximum $100 / 100 Euros

I saw Corsair makes cases now, are they any good?

Not fucking with you, but do you really /need/ an optical drive? I have an NZXT H440 and frankly I don't miss my optical drive. I got an external one just in case I need it but I don't ever use it. I think I've maybe used it three times in the year and a half that I've had this case and that was all for no good reason; ripping music and installing old games for shits. If you're some kind of audiophile and you buy CDs on the daily and make your own rips, go for it. If you're a movie buff and you prefer buying blu-rays over piracy and you prefer watching movies on your computer for whatever reason, go for it. Just think about how much you really use it.

People show me they need 200-3000$ cases for whatever reason

>Meanwhile use 5$ case with one fan and It does not burn my pc while gaming.

It looks nice until you realize the front panel is 100% plastic and vibrates like a mother fucker.

Fractal design with this ugly fan window at the side panel

yeah because metal plate does vibrate less do you even bridge

>tacky plastic door
>mismatched case feet
>full of fucking holes for the 0.1% of faggots that think water cooling is a good idea or simply want to put fans everywhere because they're fucking retards

Why cant I just buy a solid steel box with minimal bullshit.... Every case these days literally supports everything and it detracts from just being a case.

That said Fractal is still leagues better than most case manufacturers. Nice thick steel panels, good looks, good price. They haven't ruined any of their case lines yet either. Lets look at the competition:

Overpriced meme tier garbage. Full of "features" including holes in various places and plasticky bits that are likely to break.

Antec 300 was literally the last good case they ever made and its ancient by todays standards. They have fallen so far.

These guys havent had a clue what they are doing since the FT02. Weird company, they never seem to phase out old designs, FT01-05 still appear to be available. So they literally have about 50+ designs in production. How that is viable I dont know but whatever....

Evolv ATX aint bad

>lian li
Muh aloominum, overpriced meme, worse than steel and it costs more "b-b-but its lighter" says the limp wristed faggots who cant even bench their own bodyweight. The designs are aesthetically pleasing though.

>everything else
worthless trash

fractal cases have usb ports and headphone/mic jacks on top, near the front. you're a fucking mouthbreather who can't even find out the features a product has

WTF Really ¿?¿ Fucking shit
I had liked this case but now you make me doubt again ...

Yeah bring handles back carrying my tower around every few weeks is getting annoying.

You fucks told me gaming laptops, even with eGPU is a bad idea and yet here we are with this un-portable shit. Maybe if could just get itx...

Mainly for ripping cds. But you are right that I guess I really don't need one constant 24/7

Could very easily just plug in external one to rip a CD then put it away, not like I use my drive that often at all.

coolermaster does have decent cases too - i build computers for living and it is so easy to install shit in them.

many customers pick it for good price.

>different material for the front bit

Now , if you need to choose a case for a new PC build with max budget 150-180$ , wich one you will choose?

Chink cases aint bad. Daotech alu 200 is nice.

>full of fucking holes for the 0.1% of faggots that think water cooling is a good idea

Why you say that¿?¿

"simply want to put fans everywhere because they're fucking retards"

Isn't better 3 fans than 2?

Evolv ATX or a Fractal Define R4/R5

Because water cooling is a dumb idea for a PC. Overclocking was the only legitimate reason to do it in the first place and there is literally zero reason to be overclocking in 2016. Need more processing power? Buy a 10 core fucking CPU. Too poor? Buy a 10 core xeon from two generations ago.

The bottom of my Define R4 is flimsy as shit because its been stamped full of holes for the dicks who want to shove a huge radiator in the bottom of the case. The roof is the same. I resent this.

I mean custom loops are pointless but AIOs are convenient and perform decently enough.

You think that the Enthoo EvolV ATX is worth it against the Enthoo Luxe for 20-30€ more expensive?

By the way, talking about a bit.
You think about Noctua D15 for my new i7-5820K?

Yes, quite good in fact. My tastes are somewhat unique but I recommend the Carbide Air 540.

Diminishing returns. 2 well placed case fans is more than good enough for most high end systems. Not much need for side panel or top panel fans in average air cooled ATX sized computers.

I'm somewhat autistic but I greatly prefer having three fans to two. One intake and two exhaust for sick airflow memes.

AIO's are aesthetics and an extra thing that can break. Heatsinks are the superior technology.

Lump of metal with a fan attached, better heatsinks use heatpipes carrying *gasp* liquid. Heatpipes never leak.

Lump of metal with a fan attached, water pumped through the lump of metal by a pump, pump requires power and can potentially break over time. Plenty of potential for leaks.

I've had the Luxe for a while now, picked it over the Evolv for the more subtle design.

Thing is massive. Plenty of cable management ties and and gaskets, and the stock fans are some of the best I've ever used.

>more exhaust than intake
It's like you're begging for dust

The acoustics don't seem good on it, I'd much rather pick an R5 over it for muh silent PC

Fucking retard you have no idea about how fan cooling should work/air pressure right? You should have more intakes than exhausts, switch it over to 2 intakes and 1 exhaust

I think the Evolv looks better, both cases seem to be of solid design with minimal plastics but I haven't used either of them.

D15 is a great cooler, solid mounting system, good fans. It can easily cool the 5820k. Its unfortunate it tends to block the first PCIE slot on many mobos. Theres a D15S that fixes this but its no longer symmetrical and therefore slightly uglier than the standard D15.

>still buying refrigerator looking boxes and "building" PC's.

Go to bed gramps, you have dialysis in the morning. The AIO formfactor has won.

I've been using a "Lancool" case OEMed by Lian-Li that I found in a scrap metal bin half a decade ago. Hammered the dents out and kept using it. Never seen any reason to change.

>AIO formfactor has won
>$200 for 8GB RAM
This will always be funny

I'd recommend the nh-u14s if someone's thinking of going the d15s route techbuyersguru.com/noctuas-nh-u14s-and-nh-d15s-cpu-coolers-take-best

I have a black Evolv and I love it. Just get an external man, who even uses optical drives anymore?

Almost everything from NZXT, Phanteks, and Fractal have what you're looking for if you did 4 minutes of research

Just use an iTX system or don't be a manlet.

I got this

Why would I trust your taste in chassis if you can't hold a phone steady or clean your desk.

not being part of ft05 masterrice
180mm fans or go home yankee

I'm 6'2

Carrying a full tower will never be good. Most people don't need to of course.

I broke my frontpanel audio. Sent them a mail explaining I ripped it out myself on accident and asked them where I could buy a replacement kit. They asked me for my address and set me a replacement free of charge.

Fractal is great. Looks nice too. I hate the gamer aesthetic

f And what do you think about the Fractal Define XL R2

n-nothing i-i l-like it

Great doujin


I love mine.

Not him, but the top isn't the front, guy.

Have you ever seen a mini-itx case in real life? They're much smaller than a monitor.

>bunch of cranes on top of your PC

I always hear this, but my case doesn't have any more dust with negative pressure.

cuz they cute nigga

Get pro M. Its the same internals but simpler front pannel.

fucking weeaboos :^)

Because they are completely unrelated phenomena, dickweed

Recommend me a case that is not rice, is minimalist, and not something that is an eyesore.

I dare you find something that isn't fractal design or that one sweed company.


FYI if anyone is thinking about getting the evolv atx, the tempered glass version ships in a couple weeks for only $10 more

Is the front panel on R4/R5 really plastic ? How does the case look with it removed/opened ?


>front panel

Don't know

>positive pressure
>good for cooling
You're the retard here.

you're clueless, kys my man

I have an Arc Midi 2, which also has a plastic front.
But in general the plastic Fractal uses is sturdy and doesn't feel or look cheap.

but where do i insert floppys?

Yeah... nah...

Stop buying into Sup Forums memes and Linus Tech Tips. Try doing some actual research for once in your pathetic life.

I took my optical drive out three years ago because it made loads of noise even empty. Bought a USB one which I've used about three times since then for ripping dvds.

You don't need an optical drive at all.

TFW used to have that case

My GPU sounded like a jet fighter and the exhaust out the back felt like one

try this

>People on Sup Forums actually believe negative/positive pressure is a thing on PC cases.

Unless you have an industrial fan strong enough to move heavy stuff like a full can of coke you little PC fans make no difference on pressure.

The only thing you could do is using the fans as exhaust and help remove the hot air inside the case which would improve temperatures more than having all the fans push cold air inside the case.

I agree mostly, but buying a super cheap case can be a bad idea. Due to shit airflow despite doing as much cable management as possible and populating all fan spots, my motherboard cooked itself.

The only issue I have is it shows up dust like a mofo. But it does force me to clean more often.

too many gaymers buying 'non gaymer' shit now, i'm going back to razer

I made this in 2011
oh, how the time runs

I got a Define R4. I like the sound-deadening and overall look, and the drive capacity is nice, but I've realized I don't need such a fucking gigantic case.

thats me right there...
same thing, just with R3
would switch it for micro version in a heartbeat

Too bad it's both sides, my rear cable management sucks.

I have one and I put meme LEDs inside of it, the case is fantastic though, very damn solid, do recommend.

got myself the define S

now everthing except my gpu has 140mm fans

Fuck mang, I am going to get a evolv atx but can't make up my mind. Idk why they would put tempered glass on the cable management side..feel like it defeats the purpose of hiding your cables.

That and if im not mistaken, the older one has a panel that swings open instead of having to take it out which is nice.

i have one of those it's pretty quiet, i like it alot, just wish the front fans were easier to remove.

i honestly don't see the point of having a window, my case is on the floor and i rarely look at it, heck if i could, i would put it somewhere where i would never see it.

minimalism is 10/10

Lol are you me?

Nzxt hue+?