can you touch type? how fast?
Can you touch type? how fast?
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Your pic isn't touch typing. Touch typing is not having to look at the keyboard while you're typing. Most people who use computers more than a few hours a day should be capable of this if they aren't complete dullards.
Yes, about 60 words a minute. I don't do formal touch typing though, that's probably why I'm so slow.
I peak alot.
I never learned the whole hand placement thing, so my hands just hover over the keys.
I can only type at 70 max on the tests online.
However, anything video game related or meta like "kek lol faggot git gud" is atleast 120wpm.
>can you touch type?
>how fast?
~85-105wpm depending on how awake/caffeinated I am.
i know, i was just posting a weird picture.
Very few people know how to touch type, i find, and even less can use home row.
i type about 120wpm
most people around here use the site 10fastfingers to test
im on my phone right now and i type up to 50wpm with my thumbs with no autocorrect
top speed is 149wpm, I probably average in the 130s
That looks neat, i want one.
Yes I can touch type because I'm not retarded and actually learned at a young age. 15 years ago. If I'm focused on getting something done. Maybe 85-90 @ 96% accuracy with no correction.
80wpm at 100% accuracy after corrections
Probably because it's arbitrary.
When typing was being taught in school back in the 70s and 80s it was relevant, but today everyone has a pc or laptop. People just learn to type on their own.
You couldn't backspace on a typewriter. So precise efficient typing was mandatory.
Just tested on 10fastfingers, 110 WPM.
Though when typing real text with punctuations and what not it's closer to 90.
Also not a native speaker.
i think 10fastfingers is a more accurate representation because when you type, you already sorta know the what you are going to type beforehand. when you take a typing test, there's a perpetual delay between reading the word then typing it. i believe removing punctuation is an accurate trade off. also it's WORDS per minute, not punctuations per minute, so it's literally a more grammatically correct way of testing speed.
Yes, I'm at about 50 WPM. PS I'm actually autistic.
About 105 wpm, but I learned organically so it's not classic home row type touch typing. I mainly use index, thumb and middle fingers, sometimes ring, almost never pinky
I average just under 80 wpm in the online tests but always tend to mess up when I become aware of the test happening and end up losing my place. In full non thinking flow I'm probably 100/110.
Highest I've ever done is 134
Just tested at 65wpm at just about my everyday position, not specifically optimised for long typing. Eh, it works for me. Also like says, I'm probably 3 times as fast with common phrases.
Yeah, but only at about 64 WPM.
I don't usually type quickly though and often peek at the keyboard.
Last time I checked it was about 60 wpm
I can go faster but it kills accuracy
100/110 WPM Average
65 wpm untermensch here
I have to peak a bunch. And I can't use the number row without looking because I never bothered to memorize the numlock placement of the numbers on a thinkpad keyboard.
For anyone that says they haven't learned the keyboard properly, just buy one of these bad boys and play a typing game for a while. The raised bits on the F and J key are there for a reason.
~45 WPM max. Reason being that I never learned to touch type while young and there was a time in HS when I didn't own a computer.
Yes, on both regular keyboards and my phone's keyboard
Then stfu and learn to touch type.
>raised bits on the F and J key are there for a reason.
is there anyone on Sup Forums who didn't know that?
What do you think I do on the weekends?
I wouldn't be surprised if there was, the average IQ of this place is like 5
115wpm here. I've touch typed for years. Had a model m since the dawn of my computer use and still got it
Probably shit post on Sup Forums like you are right now, so go do something useful like learning to touch type.
Yeah. I've been using computers for the past 18 years or so. I'd be embarrassed if I couldn't touch type. I thought everyone who uses computers on a daily basis could?
>pic related
its 02:33AM here (eurofag), could probably do better during the day.
When I had a blackberry I could type on it and have a conversation or look ahead of me. Not this touchscreen bullshit that has you looking at the keyboard.
I use 10fastfingers to test (
Just got 86WPM.
been touch typing since I was like 11.
~120wpm avg, 150 was my max
It's not arbitrary if you're in /colllege/
Can look at the projected lecture slides while typing and also watch/listen without getting distracted by looking at the screen
>Can look at the projected lecture slides while typing
>typing in class
If everyone was this autistic, no one could hear the lecturer.
This is what pens and stylii are for. Notes should be handwritten, OCR'd if absolutely necessary.
If you can't touch type, you shouldn't be on this board.
>how fast?
120-130wpm, remember getting a max of 160 or so at one point in high school
no fucking way? even less can use home row? who would have thought
I type 110-125 wpm, without looking at the keyboard.. obviously. I have no style and use random fingers for random keys as well as know multiple keyboard layouts. who the fuck cares about home row?
I had a legit typing class back in middle school for some reason and it was the only class I absolutely sucked at because it was so militaristic. It shamed me so much that I struggled in that class. So I taught myself to type in home row and I type at least 100 wpm on average now. My peak is at 130 wpm.
110 WPM peak by just slapping my fingers across the keyboard fast enough.
Yes, for a long time. 120wpm average.
I don't use home row, I just learned to type by playing MMOs as a kid.
I'm really shit on my phone though.
I usually can get around 80WPM.
I really don't understand how people can type 120 plus. My finger/hand muscles probably can't move much faster than that yet alone accurately.
Once I make one mistake I tilt and make a ton more. I managed to catch some of them.
It doesn't sound like it makes sense,
But people who type 100+ look like they are lazily and slowly moving their fingers, barely lifting them up.
>You couldn't backspace on a typewriter.
You can do that on modern typewriters.
around 110 WPM
jealous of the faggots who can do 130+
Forgot pic.
Yes, but only at a few (15?) words per minute. Normally I type with two fingers on each hand and average 35-55 words per minute (35 read then write, 55 write from memory). While the WPM count (35-55) may be relatively low, my error rate is also very low (also don't need to look at the keyboard in either case).
Pretty fast