is it legal to shoot one of these things down
some neighbor kid keeps flying one over my weed farm
is it legal to shoot one of these things down
some neighbor kid keeps flying one over my weed farm
dubdubs of 420 VapeNay
Train an eagle to attack one.
The other day I was walking home and some creep kept following me with the drone, pointing the camera at me
If I had a gun I'd have shot it down
Pretty sure no, but it's not allowed to land on your property
>want to avoid attention about weed farm by shooting down neighbours property
pretty sound plan you've got there
Streisand effect
You shoot down his drone he's gonna go look for it and maybe even call the cops
This is the only acceptable answer
make a throwing net senpai
It use to be legal to shoot them down but with the new laws passed, since there are a lot of companies using them, if they have it registered with FAA, which takes like 5 minutes, you can't shoot them down without punishment. This is all assuming you are in the US.
In US yes it is, shoot it.
Most of these drones use wifi.
Load up a device in monitor mode when he flies it around and look for the bssid, use aircrack-ng to deauth the shit out of it and it will land.
After it lands its yours.
>Most of these drones use wifi.
But that's wrong you moron.
nvm it's right sorry I called you a moron
But it would be sliced up by the blades.
>more magnets
The blades are plastic. My dog attacked mine once, busted up the blades, and worst thing he got was a small cut on his lip.
In which case, they're arrested for harming an eagle.
Dutch police were actually training birds to catch them, but I think it was more of a PR thing desu. Saw it on the news.
More magnets user, what's the problem?
It depends on how fast the blades are spinning you goon.
Drone blades are NOT to be fucked with,
Google "drone blade injury" they can and will slice you to the bone, you will require stitches
The US White House uses territorial hawks as anti-drone defense.
>ITT: Paranoid anons
>is it legal to destroy someone's property because it happens to pass through the airspace that I don't own that just happens to be approximately above ground I own
People who shoot drones on sight are aggressive, primitive apes. If a drone is actually following you, coming up to your windows, staying in one place and watching you or some shit, then sure, that's suspicious and you should do something about it.
Shooting a drone because it just passes over you on its way elsewhere without actually giving a fuck about you and your stuff is just fucking paranoid and chimp-like behavior.
If I ever find some asshole using a drone to record above my house or through my windows, I'm shooting that thing down and give the broken drone back to the owner personally.
Yeah I'm specifically talking about the drone from OP's image, I have that one and it has plastic blades that I've had fly into flimsy branches and the blades just break instead of damaging the branch even. Those injuries were probably caused by an amature drone with metal blades.
enjoy your govt subsidies, retard
>comparing a branch to an arm
google "dji phantom injury"
shits fucking gore-tastic
isn't that illegal since it's effectively DoS using a radio?
It's not much different than jamming.
technically your property lines also extend vertically
I bet you're OK with people walking through your backyard too
I bet you're OK with airplanes flying over your backyard too
literally only 2 of them look even slightly bad, maybe you are just afriad of blood user
How the fuck would anyone know you did it?
brb claiming my property on the other side of the world
see >comparing apples to oranges
muh technicalities, muh castle doctrine
Do you shoot the mailman for trespassing on your property on his way to your door to deliver a package?
i bet you assholes don't even have a yard.
>it's not a crime if nobody knows it was me :D
They will interfere with the electronic devices, magnet population always should be audited and controlled
What the fuck are they going to do file a complaint with the FCC?
Crime or not, it doesn't matter if there's no consequence for committing it.
>Do you shoot the mailman for trespassing on your property on his way to your door to deliver a package?
No, the mailman is just doing his job and generally doesn't have a camera attached to him.
>Find the SSID
>Use a router, and name it the SSID?
An airplane can't hover above your house for starters and it's not something any dumbass can get their hands on one.
>is it legal
>my weed farm
lol. Are you for real?
Either just shoot it down or give the kid some dank kush to make it hush.
And my original point specifically excluded drones that are hovering over your place instead of merely passing over it. Take those down if you want, just leave the ones that are merely passing over you be.
Nah, just shoot every one in sight.
Make your neighborhood unsafe for drones and nobody will spy on anyone in this way.
That's how you get your house egged, cars keyed, tires punctured etc dumbass.
Well I'm just doing my job too, I need to deploy my drone somewhere for a perfectly legal task and I merely happen to need to pass over your place in order to get there because physics.
>can I shoot a drone based on the assumption that it's spying on me
>what is innocent until proven guilty
If it's passing over you not paying you any attention whatsoever, who cares? People walk by outside on the street and can look into your yard/house too. Why does it suddenly become a problem because it's passing over you instead of by you?
You only have an excuse to take it down if it's actively looking at you or some shit like that.
Do you shoot everyone who passes your house outside and glances in the direction of your house/yard too? I mean they're passing by you so they must be spying on you as well, and not simply be on their way somewhere without giving a fuck about you.
>muh all drones are used for is spying even if they're not doing that at all excuse
how is a drone pilot supposed to know who shot down his drone?
>m-maybe if I call them monkeys, they'll ignore the fact that I have no arguments!
kill yourself, user
Well, the difference would be that people don't have their vision being saved to an SD card for later inspection
>I stopped reading after 5 words and am thus gonna claim no arguments were provided
>calling people primitive and apes because they won't allow trespassers/want privacy
I bet you think encryption should be illegal too, right?
>google glass
>guy in passenger seat with a camera
>photographer outside pretending to photograph the city architecture
>thinking every drone that flies over your place on its way to some location is spying on you and violating your privacy any more than the people outside on the street who can do the same but from a different angle
And no user, I don't. You and your fucking strawmen. I just think you can't destroy someone's property if you have no reason whatsoever to suspect it's doing something wrong like spying on you. If it's just flying over your place never to be seen again, it's just on its way somewhere, it needs to fly over SOME ground to get there because physics. You only have a reason to suspect bad intent if it's actually showing such behavior, like by hovering in place (which may still just for navigation so the pilot can see where he is for a second, but that's a fringe case) or focusing on you.
Public airspace starts at 500ft, show me a plane that flies below that height.
maybe by viewing the camera feed from the drone?
i feel like if you're going to shoot down some dudes $2000 toy just because he annoys you, you'll probably not get away with it without consequences.
That's how neighbors get beaten or shot at.
>Do you shoot everyone who passes your house outside
No, because it's outside my property. Not above. There is a difference.
Say a woman sunbathes naked in her yard and the only way a neighbor could see her tetas is from above (she doesn't do it in the front yard where everyone can see from the outside). She doesn't want her tits posted on Sup Forums just because a drone passed over her house on its way (to someone's window, probably).
It's generally a lot clearer if someone's loud ass drone is buzzing around you, focused on you. Just seeing one fly overhead? Not something I care about.
Also, all the examples listed have a clear party attached to them.
The guy wearing google glass.
The guy holding his smart phone.
The guy in the car with the dashcam.
The guy in the passenger seat with a camera.
The guy photographing whatever.
A drone, however, gives no idea or even hint as to who is controlling it and for what purpose. While I honestly just think you're baiting, I personally don't care about drones, it's not a problem where I live. If there was one hovering in my yard? I'd take it down for funsies :^)
>not being reasonably paranoid post-snowden
Wake up, man.
>i feel like if you're going to shoot down some dudes $2000 toy just because he annoys you, you'll probably not get away with it without consequences.
All of those should be shot at.
So shoot down all those airplanes flying over too then, people on them can have binoculars and cameras too
A drone should of course keep its distance. it sohuldn't fly a measly 10m above the ground. It should fly high enough where even if that happened it wouldn't actually see shit of her tits.
And that is still no excuse to destroy property because you have no proof it's recording her or gives a fuck about anything at all below it. if I was flying over the place in my plane at the minimal allowed height I could see her tits too if I had a camera, are you gonna shoot my plane?
Buy your own drone, attach a piece of metal rod to it, then fly it close to the other kids drone and use the rod extension to jam the blades of the other drone.
There is no such thing as private property, we are all humans and are all entitled to every inch of the earth.
Airplanes are usually owned by an airline company or the government.
Usually not a shithead kid who might want to jack off to your neighbors daughter :^)
fuck off commie
is it legal to shoot right into the frigging air? what if you miss the stupid drone?
>If there was one hovering in my yard? I'd take it down for funsies :^)
Yes, indeed. As I've said a million times now for you mongoloids to not read.
If it's hanging still at low height, specifically heading for your garden, whatever that isn't just moving in a line from A to B where you property happens to be in between A and B, fine, take it down cause that is suspicious.
If it's just moving somewhere and happens to pass over you, then don't give a fuck about it indeed because it and its controller don't give a fuck about you either and are not doing anything wrong to you.
Yes. I honestly just like to shoot at stuff.
lol, this is an awesome idea. Drone lancing.
Use an air rifle
>it lands
guess who's gonna call the cops
>able to take down a drone flying at 400 feet
>guilty of a crime because I want it to be so despite no proof
I really don't think anyone in this thread was arguing that seeing a drone fly over them was something to pull a shotgun over.
If they were, they're probably retarded.
When did I say I cared about x or y being a crime?
It would piss me off enough that some coward wants to (for example) jack off to my daughter by flying his toy flying camera around my house / yard that I'd take it down and invite any cop to take a look at the thing.
Hopefully he'd figure out what pasty faced white kid was trying to get a sneak peek and then blast his ass all over public television :^)
Fuck you, there is NO REASON a human can claim any part of the earth as their own, we are all equals. If someone wants to fly a drone they can fly it anywhere they please.
As are drones. I was at a festival recently and the organization itself was using a drone to get some crowd/performer footage for PR purposes or a photo album or some shit.
All the gun-nuts in here would probably walk up to muslims and shoot them because if they're muslim they must be in IS too, rite?
Feelin' the bern user?
How's that art degree coming along?
Build your own drone, hook it up with an EMP. Fly it over the camera drone and let loose the EMP. Drone becomes unable to fly (at least temporarily), falls to the ground. When the neighbor comes to your house to recover his drone, put him in cuffs and call the cops.
>no reason blah blah
ok toughguy when you're gone i'll come over to your house later and steal all of your shit because it's not your private property xd
Found the communist.
why do you guys always pretend you want to kill people because they're on your property? that's not cool why wouldn't you talk to the person trespassing instead?
>I really don't think anyone in this thread was arguing that seeing a drone fly over them was something to pull a shotgun over.
Actually they very much were. You and I seem to agree about what is and isn't acceptable.
And yeah sure, in that case it is clearly spying on you because it's sticking near your place and keeping its camera on you and you should do something about it. Just happening to fly over someone's house does not constitute spying, which I'll assume you just didn't think to mention again.
None of the gun nuts I know (including me) would shoot a Muslim for being a Muslim. We'd just keep our hands on the gun we have strapped to our hip in case ackbar wants his virgins. They're not safe people and most of the America that works for a living doesn't want them here :^)
>lol, this is an awesome idea. Drone lancing.
I first thought of attaching some kind of projectile weaponry, but that would have required fixing up an electro mechanical trigger mechanism. Then I figured that those things have spinning blades already, so just jam them and the drones will destroy themselves.
>put him in cuffs and call the cops.
>be a citizen and arrest another citizen
I hope you like your time in jail
Jesus christ it's been years. How sheltered is this board?
Sure, do that. Keep your hands on your gun in case that drone flying over does suddenly stop and start recording you specifcally and hovering near you. But until it does so, you have no reason to pull the trigger, because ackbar has shown no intention of getting his virgins from you yet.
But user, now your weaponized drone is flying over my property (to catch up to the other drone flying over the same property) so I'm gonna shoot yours now, you spying fapping kid.
Lmao, there is a clear difference between a toy airplane with a camera on it and a human being.
Don't be retarded.
Firstly, you apparently don't live near farmland.
Secondly, you care more about some little shit jacking off to your wife rather than whatever some commercial/government entity may be doing flying above your house?
Yeah p. much
Yes it is illegal. You should figure out how to hijack and take over control. sell it on craigslist.
Then you can't claim a drone either. Shoot it down.
It's a social institution that works whether you like it or not and you can't do a thing about it.
Pic related. It's le spooky property man, my personal hero.
Be wary. The fcc is a very powerful organization with very little to do
The problem is that your drone is going down with its target if you fixed the rod firmly to your drone. It could be over someone else's yard.
You could add some mechanism to detach easily by moving in certain way, though.
>weed farm
I hope you get arrested
>all equal