Tfw Sup Forums defends nonfree programs if they're written in a language they like

>tfw Sup Forums defends nonfree programs if they're written in a language they like

>whining about websites running js to get some level of interaction (some obnoxiously and unnecessarily much, others just some simple trivial shit) like it's a big deal, not realizing js is sandboxed and has no access to jack shit and can't do a fucking thing to harm you besides muh tracking

Guys I just wrote an open source program that orders pizzas from Dominos give me your credit card information!

>sandboxed makes nonfree software okay to run
Wow, how haven't we thought of this before? All Richard Stallman had to do was install Windows in a VM the whole time!

I don't think anybody here defends non-free javascript on the pizza hut web platform.

Stallman admits to using non free software. He says it is okay as long as it isn't his computer

you are doing gods work

>open source program that orders pizzas

Gee, it sure is a good thing that javascript doesn't run on your computer in that case!

Just what are you even getting at?

>just wrote
That program is over a decade old.

I don't get why people get so buttmad about nonfree javascript
meme here or there, but you can fucking read it and decide wether you want to run it. that's more freedom than basically any http request, since you can never know what software runs on the server and how it will behave

>open source is the same thing as free

>source available is the same as open source

>ignoring the problem
If a program doesn't give you freedom, it's a botnet. Most Javascript programs don't give you the needed freedoms, so you shouldn't run them if you don't want botnets.

>It's an annoying anime poster episode

Why do people respond to this shit?

>it's a freedom-hating episode

anime website

This is a classic meme. Got to respond to it.

You can order pizza on the local library computer.

>he fell for the "anime is cancer" maymeigh

>go all the way out to the library in order to eat in freedom
>can't have hot, fresh pizza delivered right to your door while barely lifting a finger in freedom

>make open-source program
>put virus in compiled version
>people use it because OPEN SOURCE WE CAN CHECK THE SOURCES!!111

>Credit card

What country do you live in where you don't pay at the door?

If the binary differs from what you'd get from compiling the source, it's not really "open source". That's like saying you could make Microsoft Office open source by packaging it with helloworld.bas.

I pay at the door with credit card.

Okay then let's see your menu

>What country do you live in where you don't pay at the door?
you pay on the website/app when ordering.
who prefers cash in [current year]?

it's not, but if open source is not free enough for you then you probably shouldn't use the www since you might never know what software they use to serve you the content you see.

Medium pizza
Large pizza
Garlic fingers
A bunch of other stuff

do they use square or something


>since you might never know what software they use to serve you
>what software they use
If it's on their machine, it's their problem. Your freedom applies to your computer and your machine.