Why can't Mozilla make something as good as this masterpiece produced by a very small team?
Why can't Mozilla make something as good as this masterpiece produced by a very small team?
Because Mozilla was infiltrated by sjws who turned the whole company to shit.
nah f4m
even you could probably alone make that "masterpiece"
its just an eyecandy interface webapp running on top of chromium
>xDDD muh sjws!! xD
Is not a masterpiece, close, but no quite there yet.
And still is just a chrome skin. Even if it is a beautiful skin.
>diversity quotas
>minority incentive programs
>code of conducts with rule exemptions for women and minorities
>not destructive to the industry
OP's ass just got blasted.
>code of conducts with rule exemptions for women and minorities
This shit exists?
is there a webpage capture tool for vivaldi? like fireshot?
search for one on the chrome extensions, vivaldi can use those
>fired CEO because he doesn't support the homosexual industrial complex
Yeah, you're a retard
Last update to Vivaldi changed the default font to something like 8pt Arial narrow, the controls in the options don't change it, and as a result most sites look like ass.
Seriously what the fuck happened here and how do I put it back
Basically, under the popular Open Code of Conduct, discrimination against whites and males are tolerated.
Our open source community prioritizes marginalized people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort. We will not act on complaints regarding:
* ‘Reverse’ -isms, including ‘reverse racism,’ ‘reverse sexism,’ and ‘cisphobia’
* Reasonable communication of boundaries, such as “leave me alone,” “go away,” or “I’m not discussing this with you”
* Refusal to explain or debate social justice concepts
* Communicating in a ‘tone’ you don’t find congenial
* Criticizing racist, sexist, cissexist, or otherwise oppressive behavior or assumptions
>closed source browser
does Sup Forums support the botnet?
after all the shilling, i admit to have fallen for it.
and i have to say, it runs better that firefucks.
for some reason all menus and tabs appear as black squares when i open it. it must be five minutes before it shows text properly.
overall 6/10 browser. would be better if open source.
the options on Settings/Webpage do nothing?
well fuck me sideways, who though of this trash? who let it happen? how do we stop it?
>muh open sores
Why are you posting on a nonfree site, hypocrite?
Because I know the difference between GPL and AGPL.
So what ship can I jump to, to get off the gitHub ride?
In this case it's justified.
The only good Opera similar browser is Otter-Browser.
Or if you HAVE to use something Chromium based, then use at least Brave, which is Open Source.
But not that Vivaldi garbage ware with it's third class Chrome app based UI.
Hell, that wankers can't even create something like REAL Operas power saving feature or new VPN feature because Vivaldi developers totally do not understand Chromium code base and are totally unable to modify it.
All that disgusting Opera rip-off clowns can do is modify their cheap app based UI.
Dump Vivaldi as long as you can. This is total cancer!
Because a small team is better than a large team.
Because this is built learning from the mistakes of others
Because nobody cares about this yet so no bugs are found yet
Because this isn't as feature rich and has less code so easier to maintain
Don't publish your code.
All of that seems pretty reasonable, desu.
>if you complain about "reverse sexism" we will ignore you
Reverse sexism and reverse racism aren't even real things, they're just buzzwords made up by people who don't like to just say "racism" or "sexism"
>if someone tells you "leave me alone", and you complain about it, we will ignore you
If someone tells you to leave them alone, just leave them alone. It's not hard to ignore people.
>if you complain about somebody's "tone" we will ignore you
Who even complains about "tone"?
>If you complain about people criticizing racism, we will ignore you.
C'mon, man. It's 2016, you can't expect to say "Gee, I sure do hate when people dislike racism!" and not expect to be told to go away or ignored.
Nope. Tried forcing the default fonts to Times New Roman, no luck. Hacker News looks broken too. Only vivaldi does this, rest of the system runs fine.
>accidentally discovered tab tiling while setting this screenshot up
Then as a university student how the hell am I going to get a job in a year or so?
Why the hell someone would want to use a browser which is actually no real browser but only Chromium bundled with an app and 2 extensions?
And which has developers who are unable to modify Chromium in a real way like origin Opera guys?
Fix your aspect ratio ffs
Send the code to the interview guy directly. How is this even a question?
It's a cropped screenshot user, not fullscreen.
>marginalized people's safety
Safety? How does speaking out against unruly discriminatory behavior from hateful minorities damage their safety? They want protection from hate speech while they spew out hate speech themselves?
Is this what SJWs are actually calling "equality?"
>muh no real browser
Here's the first difference you fucktard: The UI isn't made for grandma. That alone elevates it over Chrom(e|ium)
>Reverse sexism and reverse racism aren't even real things, they're just buzzwords made up by people who don't like to just say "racism" or "sexism"
The terms came into being because sjws immediately dismiss racism against whites and sexism against men with the claim that whites can't be victims of racism, only perpetrators of it, and that men can't be victims of sexism, only perpetrators of it.
Oh, so because it is feature rich it is not shit even if it is made in a total incompetent way?
How stupid are you actually?
Garbage stays garbage. Hell, no matter how retarded Mozilla guys are, at least they understand something of real coding. Vivaldi guys are only Javascript experts.
They even will make their email client app based.
Tell me that you have been joking user!
That is exactly what is happening.
Look at this bullshit where they wanted to remove the dev who was doing basically all the work because someone went to his personal twitter and saw that he'd made some comment about trannies being sick in the head.
In the thread where they were trying to get him axed someone had the nerve to say that the twitter comment made them "feel unsafe". Because apparently anyone who isn't marching in lockstep with the totalitarian censors is going to go to their house at night and murder them.
egality as in "women have more rights than men" or " everything > cis white male" or "every girl is beautiful and all men are rapists"
this kind of "egality"
>produced by a very small team
It's a chrome copy. Anyone can make a chrome copy. Talk again when they make their own web rendering engine.
How about we agree with installing Otter-Browser, getting rid of Brave and call it a day?
Only Open Sauce is the real Sauce!
Not only that, they can not even modify Chromium in the slightest bit of way. People beg developers since the beginning to fix crashes in Soundcloud or Twitter, and it still crashes today.
These guys are totally incompetent dick suckers who think they can jump on the Opera bandwagon, steal their ideas and make money with it.
Just say "racial discrimination" then.
>One of the things that makes Vivaldi unique is that it is built on modern web technologies. We use JavaScript and React to create the user interface with the help of Node.js and a long list of NPM modules. Vivaldi is the web built with the web.
>One of the things that makes Vivaldi unique is that it is built on modern web technologies. We use JavaScript and React to create the user interface with the help of Node.js and a long list of NPM modules. Vivaldi is the web built with the web.
>We are incompetent Vivaldi guys and putting an UI layer on top of Chromium is the best we can. Yes, we are the origin Opera guys, believe us that!
Vivaldi sucks, but using JS for a browser is actually a clever idea. It's much more consistent, because now you only have to deal with one language for rendering a web-page and modifying the browser that renders it, instead of having one for web-content and another (Qt+C++) for the browser.
>ui isnt important
Kill yourself
no, that's a retarded argument. There is no jack of all trades programming language and that is a good thing. Stop trying to force memes
Who ever said "Jack-of-all-trades"? I'd rather use one shitty language for two deeply intertwined applications than three or more to render the same thing.
>JS for web-content and a browser
>JS for web-content, Qt and C++ or Gtk, or win32 API, or Cocoa, or XUL, or... etc.
well then laziness is where you fall flat.
>wordpress is calling for you
Not a very good argument.
UI is important.
But if it is made in a non native way which is slower, has more bugs and when Chromium developers decide to remove a couple of app system api and that change could render Vivaldi dead in an instant with no chance for the developers to go on after that (see Seamonkey developers problems with upcoming XUL removal) then you should not use that special product.
And instead use another one which is made with a brain and not with the money purse instead.
>not wanting to do pointless work makes one lazy
Uh, they use Chrome addons natively.
You did TRY the software before shitting on it, right?
Vivaldi screams totally:
>We have no money, we have no skill, so we decided to pick the most cheap and simple variant to create a "browser" - Aren't we great? Oh, and we made it proprietary too!
Code of conduct in Brave now.. no option anymore!
Call me dumb but is there any way to drag tabs to make a new window? I'm reluctant on using vivaldi because that's annoying af.
There is literally nothing wrong with caring more about people who are actually discriminated against in society than people who are privileged. Saying this is bad is like complaining that there are only soup kitchens for the homeless and not the super rich.
Vivaldi is made by the CREATORS OF OPERA, cocksucker.
>daily vivaldishit shill thread
Off yourself, shill.
>prioritizes marginalized people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort.
And I have problems with this fact. A lot of addons for Firefox aren't available for Chrome.
So you care about white men then? Because they are the least privileged motherfuckers in the West. No special status for them.
They are also the most disadvantaged.
And this is the best they can do? If yes, then Opera must have been a truly sucking company.
Oh wait, it was not in the past, and it begins to rock again. Only Vivaldi is being incompetent.
Guess we know now where all the incompetent fags have gone from Opera.
One more thing fucktard:
A bunch of UI designers and script coders and a leader who is only able to talk big, travel around from one meeting to the other and is unable to do actual browser work is the worst environment to create a true browser!
Vivaldi would be good IF they would be Open Source, IF they would actually have some real coders and IF they would have a leader who knows something of the business in which he is taking part too.
All requirements are FAIL in Vivaldi. So take your piece of script garbage and go to hell!
not that guy but is this even acceptable? isn't this the sort of things that are red flags for the retards at HR, like not having a facebook account?
>chrome with a different skin
Does it respect my freedoms? No really, does it? I am willing to switch to anything that has a VIM addon at this point.
If it actually would be a skin. But worse, it is an app and 2 extensions!
A bit better created than Torch, but still utter crap!
>reverse racism
not having a fb account is a plus these days.
Pale Moon is outdated and has no future.
>for _extra_ empty space
As much as I dislike Sup Forums this time it's 100% true, they literally spent like 15k on a project to remove the word slave from their documentation, if this is not being SJW I dont know what is, although braindead retard is another fitting term.
Idk what is your problem with Mozilla. It works fine to me. It only gets slow when I put a lot of addons in it.
He just likes the latest flashy garbage. I bet he uses Sublime Text too. Firefox or one of its many derivatives is fine.
The problem is that those addons you are using will not work once Mozilla kills XUL support from Firefox.
When it happens I'll give a shit. Not before.
oh shit waddup
but what you really mean is, they hired a bunch of incompetent shit for brains which is naturally what happens when you hire for """"""diversity"""""
Fuck off Sup Forums
It isn't a masterpiece. It's an MS Edge clone with larger, more obtrusive userchrome. It's what happens when ideaguys are allowed to actually make decisions instead of just forking over money.
Consider Chrome, Firefox, dwb, or Surf instead.
>Uh, they use Chrome addons natively.
Yeah, all three of them. :^)
>Idk what is your problem with Mozilla. It works fine to me. It only gets slow when I put a lot of addons in it.
Ok pajeet
yet still destroys firefox in every way
even if you have one tell them you dont
do you really want to work for a firm that values that type of shit? Id rather work for one that values making fucking money and being successful.
This pretty much precludes large corporations who can't help but make huge profits which is why they dont care about hiring idiots as long as they are good little drones.
Ironically, based on Mozilla's plan, I don't think it can happen. It's suppose to happen 6-12 months after e10s goes into the release channels, which was suppose to happen with Firefox 43.
Not even once.
sigh. currently using opera 12 and avant browser, since it can switch between the 3 major engines and it's made by an opera fan, who apparently gets opera more than the guys at vivaldi. if avant ever gets tab stacking and all the old opera features, it's game over.
i've used otter and love it, but it's not quite there yet. still needs some polishing. it will be good though.
brave... i've tried it and it doesn't render shit properly. the same sites render just fine in opera 12, firefail and everything else chromium. not sure why.
vivaldi got me excited at first. it has tab stacking, which is good. but nowhere near the amount of useful options and customization that made presto opera great. i hope they get there. or maybe reverse engineer presto or re-create it as best as they legally can. but right now, i'll have to take a pass on vivaldi.
i like to try out the latest versions of all the major browsers, but so far, none match what opera could do in the past, which is sad because opera is getting old and less compatible by the day. fuck, browsing sucks nowadays.
i wish the words existed so that i could adequately express how disappointed i am with the vivaldi team who are supposedly old presto opera team members. i was hoping to see the old opera preferences, some decent speed in both rendering and in startup. instead, we get chromium.
>only people I like should have rights
fuck off nazi
>we will not care about discrimination against whites, males or heterosexuals
>gee that sounds good
Vivaldi master race.
Nope, they are right. Some SJW fired a guy that was going to improve firefox and make it something good and competitive.
They also improved their salaries (they earn like $250k per year).
Those morrons are just here to get money and doesn't care of what happen as long as they can push their SJW crap.