Spaces or tabs? How many?

Spaces or tabs? How many?

I kinda like 2 spaces myself, but I use 4 because that's what PEP8 says and I try to keep it consistent between languages.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anything but tabs is retarded.

>all meme languages
>css as "language"

I use three spaces.
I just like it.

B-but that's not a power of 2!

It's a language. Not a *programming* language though.

4 spaces

But as long as it's consistent it doesn't matter.

inb4 some retard posts html/css is turing complete.

Jesus Christ. Tabs guys. TABS!

I don't get why you'd want 4 spaces instead of tabs. Seems retarded


Either way, anyone who doesn't use tab for indentation purposes is a complete moron and shouldn't touch a keyboard in their lives ever again.

>100 random projects
you have all of github at your disposal. why would you take such a small sample?

Consistency. Tab size is system or editor dependent while spaces are not.

that's why you use tabs

everyone can set their own tab width...

html/css is turing complete, and therefore a programming language.

>binds tab to insert 2 spaces

What the fuck is the point of using spaces for the people who do this? Just set your tab width to 2 spaces and you're golden.

Spaces make sense for lisps. Since you often put arguments to functions on multiple lines you want them to all start at the same line.

No, making your functions have name length of the form 4n + 2 (for 4 spaces) is not legitimate.

You don't think Javascript is a programming language? Are you retarded?



4 tabs.

html is a "language". so is CSS. it's not a programming language, but it is a contrived way to communicate stuff, which is kind of the definition of "languages".

It literally doesn't matter for lisps, because Emacs enforces the way code should be indented period, and fixing the indentation of a file is literally as easy as opening it up in Emacs and calling reindent on it.

This entire thread is retarded, because either you're arguing that an existing project's coding style should be changed to suit your special snowflake self, or you're arguing that you're too stupid or your editor is too stupid to be able to change indentation styles for a file automatically on read/save.

4 spaces too much
2 spaces is too little
3 spaces just right
