Why haven't you bought an apple ⌚️ yet Sup Forums?
Why haven't you bought an apple ⌚️ yet Sup Forums?
Experience applefags know to avoid v1.0 of any Apple product.
My mother is thinking the same thing. Thanks for reminding me I am pressured to buy a luxury watch even though my mother also works at a jewelry store.
Because the Apple ship sunk.
The future is vr and not chewing gum supplying wrist watches with 1 day battery runtimes.
smartwatches are too gay even for appleags.
My job offered to buy me one, but I declined and instead asked to have my iPhone 6 plus to an iPhone SE.
What the fuck
>iPhone SE
Did you have your hands blown off and replaced with those of a little girl's?
>get job at McDonalds to finally afford Apple Watch
>Walk into Apple Store
>Buy Apple Watch
>It's awesome
>Battery runs empty after a few hours
>I die
What the fuck is going on here?! Hiroshima what the fuck is this? How long has it been like this?
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>Why haven't you bought an apple ⌚️ yet Sup Forums? ⌚
⌚ ⌚ ⌚
Cause I don't like eating cuck juices out of apples ass
Hoo (TM)
Vvvv ?
Э️ :---—–DDD
Hiromoot pls
did you just use a fucking emoji?
>emoji aren't disabled anymore
Emoji? How
Okay so this is showing up on my phone but
This isn't showing any emoji
ヽ( ・ω・)ノ
Let's find all the colored emoji's!
⭕ 〰 〽 ◼ ◻ ◾ ◽ ▪ ▫ ⬜ ⬛
Those are emoticons you pos
Symbols Emoji
⌚ 1⃣ 2⃣ 3⃣ 4⃣ 5⃣ 6⃣ 7⃣ 8⃣ 9⃣ 0⃣ #⃣ ℹ © ® ™ ‼ ⁉
>tfw running android 4.1.1
>tfw no emoji
🃏 🀄
Hearts and Love Emoji
Looks like there are only 4 colored emoji's that work
>three year life expectancy
Are smart watches even worth it?
what's the code for these? 🤕
So what? Wanna fight about it?
Because it only works with mediocre phones unlike Android Wear.
Emojis don't work for me ↙↙
Prediction: in a couple of years they're going to remove as much FUCKING bezels as possible and everyone's going to hail it as innovation
This will happen also with their laptops. People actually don't know anything about any alternative so they can only compare it to the previous model from Apple.
Adolf Hitler
wtf hiroshima
I go to school and work in a major metropolitan area in burgerland. I have yet to see a single smart watch in the wild.
Plain and simple im not a cuck
too bad they don't know well enough to avoid apple in whole.
I have a Moto 360
But I have done user.
Taken with my iPhone SE
apple watches look dum when they're actually on a wrist
My watch looks not dum and also is cooler
They look super dumb when people with tiny wrists wear the 42mm versions and vice versa.
What watch you rocking user?
Doesn't the first generation apple watch look like the first generation iphone or ipod touch? You're going to realize how dicked you were when the next verson comes out and it looks infinitely better
Oh trust me I am VERY aware how much of a cunt with it, especially when paying for stuff with it but I don't mind.
When they release the second gen I'll probs buy it too. Hopefully they take a page out of Motorola's book and go round.
Bought ⌚️ to the wife, now she loves me for ever.
Moto 360
Apple will innovate and make it truly 360 though so no worries there.
let's go senpai
I wonder if they'll invent wireless charging any time soon
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I've recently saw an Apple watch on the wrist of someone. It was the first time in a long while. And I noticed it wasn't just any Apple Watch, it was the "Edition" version, which is like 15000 bucks each. Then I thought "Jesus, that guy must have a lot of money to throw around".
Then I realized that this is exactly what Apple was trying to achieve. A product rich people can buy to be easily recognized as rich.
They already did with the first gen Apple™ Watch™ Magnetic Charging Dock™ you silly goose!
For real though knowing Apple and their ways if they were to make a round watch it would be fully circular and claim it to be the first.
>mfw when the hotties refuse to text me back because I don't have iMessage after trading in my iPhone for a Galaxy.
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I thought you had to stick a big magnet thing on it, my watch works on any quickcharger
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Technically it does actually use QI but they tweaked the software so it will only work with Apple certified QI chargers :/ The Apple way!
They usually invent things about two years after competition, so if it has been two years already it might be right around the corner.
Yeah motherfucker 4417 West Iowa avenue 33616 Tampa FL if you're ever feeling froggy motherfucker.
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I have two.
>feminine wrist
>acid washed jeans
>two Apple® Watches©
real link bracelet?
One's real, one's fake. I bought a genuine link bracelet SS for $375 on eBay, kept the bracelet, and sold the watch for the same price with the fake link bracelet and a sport band.
>thread this morning where Sup Forums complained about how utf-8 emoji support would kill Sup Forums
>enabled the very same day
What Android Wear watch is the best on the market right now?
Wait for Xiaomi to drop their watch in about a month.
smart watches are for manlets and autists
Pretty handy though
the watch is the only emoji that works other than ℹ️🀄🃏
>wrist full of arm hair
lol wat
That is a tiny-ass keyboard. Nice keys though.
I don't think it'd play well with BB10OS. Even if it did, I don't want one.
Not him but that's a tiny woman wrist.
They haven't realized that the real key to making the watch useful is immediacy. All the things they're focusing on are done better by phones or purpose built health tracking hardware.
What the watch needs to succeed is to have very, very specific apps that give immediate feedback to what you're asking for and, quite frankly, significantly better integration with siri. For example, you should simply have to ask your watch for a nearby sushi restaurant by just asking it for "sushi restaurant". Anything more complicated would need an app, but all apps should be built to have the same kind of voice interface, that just takes a key word to use - for example, an app that pushes driving directions requests to your phone would simply be accessed by saying "directions", followed by what you're looking for (so something along the lines of "directions gas station").
A great example of an app that would benefit greatly from immediacy would be Shazam - instead of having to take out your phone, going into the app and then pressing a button to get the name of a song being played, you should just have to tell your watch "Shazam" and it would start listening.
But those are the only kinds of apps that would benefit a lot from being on your wrist - almost everything else fits better on a phone. Apple is making the same mistake right now that Microsoft was making when they were trying to make tablets. Microsoft tried to jam everything from your desktop into a tablet, instead of having a tablet be an information consuming device. The real benefit to a smart watch will only come when people realize it isn't a phone on your wrist.
>wrist full of arm hair
>wrist only as wide as an applel watch
60%s are ace and thank you
>buying the overheating low-energy jew