pic related sums it pretty well..
Pic related sums it pretty well
nobody's taking that bait, people are not that retarded anymore
I thought it was funny OP
Reason #3: The aggressively nutball Linux community
Don't get me wrong here. Windows fanboys aren't exactly well-behaved. But compared to the Linux crybaby whiners, the Windows kids are little angels.
After I wrote about the server crash back in 2011, there were a whole lot -- a whole, whole lot -- of comments and emails. Many weren't exactly nice, and many were wildly internally inconsistent. I wrote about it in Mea culpa: coming clean about my n00b Linux mistakes, but the best summary of the nutball Linux community reaction was a little video I put together that helps showcase the true Linux-lover lunacy.
But let's get away from personalities, people who don't bathe, and the whole basement Fortress of Solitude thing.
>Windows users
>Not idiot
Rajesh, at least you tried. Go take the poo to the loo
Advantages of using Windows:
Ease of use. Users familiar with earlier versions of Windows will probably also find the more modern ones easy to work with. This is ascribable to everything from the standardised look and feel of almost all programs written for Windows to the way the file system has been presented ever since the days of MS-DOS (disk A:\, disk C:\, etc.). This is one of the main reasons why Windows users are often reluctant to switch operating systems.
Available software. There is a huge selection of software available for Windows. This is both due to and the reason for Microsoft's dominance of the world market for PC computer operating systems and office software. If you're looking for an application to suit your business needs, chances are that if it exists there will be a Windows version of it available somewhere.
Backwards compatibility. If you're currently using an older version of Windows and need something more up to date, but you don't want to loose the use of some older programs that are only available for Windows and are critical to your business needs, the chances are good (although not a certainty) that those programs will also work with a newer version of Windows.
Same goes for OS X. Only it's better at doing everything except for gaming. And it's not nearly as harsh on the spying front.
Only retarded cucks fell to virus meme on windows.
>Users familiar with earlier versions of
Windows will probably also find the more modern ones easy to work with.
>Available software
Except winmeme 10 now has the horrible $USER directory. Main reason of people using windows is not partition IDs (A, B, C, D,... XDD).
They use it becasue it's easy to pirate software
>Backwards compatibility
That's one of the scam microshills try to spread.
>spyware 10 removes incompatible software on reboot
>running "fix compatibility issues" does not work
>"convert and send" is another scam newly built into windows
Nice shit pasta though prajeet. But no bing points for you today
OSX does not have 1/10th the software catalog or backward compatibility of Windows, and the UI changes drastically with every refresh.
For example, "finder" and their taskbar-clone are almost indistinguishable from the originals now. Their various alt-tab replacements are disjoint and also have little resemblance to each other, the interaction design is completely different.
>And it's not nearly as harsh on the spying front.
How would you know? OS X is also a closed platform.
>Virus on windows
Yeah good one, dumb hindu
vulnerability != virus
but good try
>>Backwards compatibility
>That's one of the scam microshills try to spread.
Apple broke backwards compatibility completely when they switched from PowerPC to Intel.
Literally no software built or compiled before that change, will work on newer versions. It is the opposite of backwards compatibility.
>Virus != vulnerability
Get out
who /still on windows 7/ here?
I am, until the support ends. Already running Linux on laptop and homeserver
Here's the original version that triggered OP's butthurt and forced him to edit it.
also, remove OP.
Actual version of OP's
Omds no one gives a shit. Mac and Windows are both equal. And Linux is just for hobbyists and people that know how to use it. Windows is great for productivity and OS X is great if you can afford a Mac and want something that just works. Is anyone actually that sad to start wars over what OS someone uses? Get a fucking grip people.
looks like something made by an edgelord who used nothing but windoows in his life. probably pirated it too.
Ironically, usually the people who confidently claim they are not idiots are idiots and vice versa. Also, if I'd assume that on average, Windows users are by far the dumbest, simply because it is the default OS and requires no conscious choice.