What do people actually do with these? All I do with mine is read ebooks sometimes. Are there any apps I'm missing out on?
Nexus 7
my mom uses it to browse websites and write emails.
my dad uses it to write emails and browse websites
This is what mine does, it's a glorified alarm clock which I use sometimes for books and games, if I'm travelling
If it's a 2012, all you can do is reformat it to F2FS and use it as an alarm clock. A very slow alarm clock.
If it's a 2013, go wild.
People usually write novels on them, or they compile software.
>If it's a 2012, all you can do is reformat it to F2FS and use it as an alarm clock. A very slow alarm clock.
I think it's a 2012 ;__;
It doesn't have much practicality in my experience. It's pretty outdated and large phones these days have a similar enough screen size that there's little point in using this instead. Its main use would be as a static object, like a kitchen countertop recipe machine, or a coffee table guest computer.
This, auto collect makes typing on a torch screen much fatter.
I installed mine into the dash of my car. I use for media and navigation. pretty much it.
I have one blu-tac'd to the bottom of my monitor as a deskclock and sometimes PipBoy if I'm playing Fallout.
Using mine as a server :^)
32Gb model with 3G
what the fuck kind of server do you even use it for
My wife's husband uses it to shitpost on g
Hosting 4 websites and a file server. Doesn't even break a sweat. HTTPS enabled also.
OP here, I don't have a smartphone so you can recommend more phone oriented apps too as long as they don't actually require a phone.
yeah there is an app where you can install gentoo
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>>using the smiley with a carat nose
Being this upset because someone uses smiley faces :)
just that particular one
I use a 2013 for shortlisting in bed.
youre missing out on being a pretentious little shit
Wow, looks like that thing was horribly outdated compared to the iPads of the world even back then... a device from 2012 and now you can basically only use it as a coaster.
Are Nexus tablets the retarded brothers of Nexus phones?
>tfw you come to ask for tablet tips and your tablet gets ripped
gave my 2012 to my nice
joined shieldmassterrace
Shield Tablet K1
>It's named after a tax form
The ultimate Tablet for Gamers
Actually just retired my 2012 Nexus 7 from reading duties. I got an e-reader. Now all I use the Nexus for is look at pictures occasionally.
Do you have any suggestions for a dedicated e-reader?
There is no Android tablet space. Google isn't willing to take it seriously and the only manufacturer that would be able to, Samsung, is hated both by Google and by other manufacturers. So they make a new tablet every 3 months but none of them are really "This is the definitive Android tablet". They're all rehashes of "Samsung Galaxy and the Pointless, Unoriginal, Glitchy Gimmick i++"
Nobody is willing to tackle the problem like Apple did and even if Google decided right now to make it their primary target, we'd still be like 3 years away before they're really at feature and stability parity with Apple's offerings.
I own a 2013 N7. Right now I've been using mine in class almost exclusively. I used it a lot when my phone was a shitty 4" LG Optimus Black, but ever since I got my Moto G it got relegated to something I use when I need a big screen, which is pretty much only in class
I'd like to repurpose it into something like
watch movies on the plane or use it as a GPS with a pre-cached map in the car
I really like the Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight I picked up. The Kindle (7th gen) I also picked up was ass and I gave it to my mom.
Is it easy to read pirated ebooks on the Nook Simple Touch?
Yes. That's mostly why I hated the kindle.
I can't read pirated books on a Kindle? You're joking.
I do the tablet + dumb phone combo now.
Before I use to be on my phone all the time, never realised how long I'd spend on it. One day it broke so I started using an old dumb phone, which made me see how much time I was wasting on the phone.
The tablet is inconvenient to use in public, so I use it far less than my old smart phone.
Does anyone know of a dumb phone that I can tether my tablet to? I want to be able to check my bank accounts easier.
this, i pretty much only use my tablet for videos and Sup Forums
I assume you can use it for porn.
That's pretty much what every tablet I've ever owned was used for.
I was trying to convert epub to mobi or whatever the amazon format is with calibre and it wasn't working at all. I just tossed the epub files on the nook and it worked. The kindle doesn't support epub.
I use it to browse the web
Like every other device
I sold my 2012 Nexus 7 in 2014. I'm planning on getting a dumb phone and getting a cheap tablet to get my Android fix.
Is there anything coming up, or already out, that will serve me well?
Rumor has it a NEW Nexus 7 may be coming out this year my man
Right on
I'll keep an eye out.
there was one samsung tablet, one of the little ones that had aluminum body and was what this nexus tablet was before it even existed...
it was an anomaly in samsung's tackiness.
that tablet and the s2, that they fucked up with shit scaling, besides having an outstanding screen at the time
There might be a new one, otherwise I'm just gonna shill you on a Xiaomi Mipad 2
it's old and slow if you want to browse modern content, but it's perfect for minimal use case stuff.
my nexus 7 2013 is still my main browsing device. iphone se seems to only get used for voice calls and txt.
everything else is easier/better on the nexus.
my uncle uses it to browse emails and write websites
Can you elaborate on the scaling issues? Saw the Tab S2 in a store once and it did look really nice, specs look nice as well... of course you're almost paying the price of an Air 2 but it's one year newer and actually comes with a fucking SD cart slot so it's actually usable. Besides, can't you resolve any software issues by rooting / using a custom ROM?
I only upgrade when my old one breaks. Dropped my old Galaxy S4 at the corner and cracked the screen. So I said fuck it and upgraded.
Mostly just use it for phone calls, text and checking out coupons on various food places.
I use it to look at porn in bed, and twitch streams in bed.
Basically, tablets are used for porn. They replace women.
I'm using one right now to type this up. Fucking slow as hell. I need a new tablet Sup Forums
Glorified porn engine.
Little use these days.
Broke it (for the 2nd time) and didn't bother getting it repaired.
Replaced with sony xperia z3 tablet compact.
Water resistant.
If the z5 premium had been available I probably would've bought that instead.
Now my nexy 4 is all on it's lonesome.
2013 is gimped as fuck if you update it past 4.x. There are a whole bunch of things that piss me off about it too:
- The notification led not ever actually flashing if you receive a push notification.
- The notification bar/button hiding in some apps that can't be turned off, causing it to fuck with some programs 'scroll down from the top of the screen' functions.
- The complete inability to transfer android system files via usb, forcing all file transfers to take place over slow as fuck wireless that for one reason or another seems to cap at less than 2MB and drop in speed the longer it's been transferring.
The last one in particular really shits me off.
get calibre, convert epub to mobi, email to your kindle a/c
(need to change a setting in calibre to get book covers)
for pdfs: convert to epub, may need to edit in calibre (e.g ToC), then convert to mobi and email to kindle a/c
>A very slow alarm clock.
Root it and install CM
You can do most weebo stuff with it.
Which is what was made for.
USB file transfer works just fine with mine and I'm a windows user. Maybe you should install the newest driver.
regular old USB file transfer works just fine for things like video/pictures/music/whatever, but say I wanted to backup something that's installed on the tablet (and not just the apk, the whole thing), I can't simply copy the stuff over via usb, because it'll simply not read any of the android system directories.
Install Cyanogenmod or fall back to a stock Android 4 image. It's like I'm actually on Sup Forums.
Most ebook readers are shit for reading PDFs, mainly because they "forget" the zoom when switching between pages. Thats why tablets are still better for reading stuff, especially with a nice IPS screen.
Watch netflix, twitch, movies in bed or on the go.
Read books, manga, comics whatever...
I mean the possibilities are endless.
My wife's son uses it to play flappy bird and watch narutu.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
Your meme wasn't any funnier than his meme. I don't see what you are pointing it out for.
Please use e-ink display for reading. Your eyes will thank you for it.
There's a reason a lot of us nerds have poor eyesight.
Because he made the meme way earlier and somehow you guys thought the same meme posted later was the first to do so in thread.
>naked browser
2012 model works perfectly fine for all of the above
It's perfect for reading comic books and also for controlling a TV with a Chromecast or something similar. Makes for a great couch screen for guests too