Desk Chairs for actual TALL PEOPLE

Chairs are technology and are pretty important to your setup.
Can you guys help a tall-man like myself (6'3)
Find an acceptable comfortable chair for my height?
Im browsing on amazon and it looks like in the chair department they have forgotten all about taller people, like they dont even think tall people were ever a thing.

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally all chairs work for tall
people unless you're a fatass

by the way i cant afford a DX RACER

yeah dude ur not helping, not true at all and dont make sense, u can leave now

No they don't, most have a headrest that's at the height of my neck. The same thing happens with 99% of all cars

yeah this dudes fucking retarded, i cant fit in most cars either, fucking dumb shit gtfo go to redditt

Usually chairs like that one will allow you to lift the back part up. I've got a similar chair and it works fine for me at 6'1

link me one thatn allows you to raise up the back that sound perfect

hey man fuck
you dude

what about this one guys?

It's hard to tell if they're adjustable online. Just go to Staples or whatever and look for chairs with the semi-detached back and try lifting up on them. I've got this one, but I never bought the headrest for it. So I don't know how it'll work for you.

>TFW any chair designed for a person above 6 feet in height is $400AU plus.

Just kill yourself please kill yourself

Im tall, i have done a lot of research and tests, and this is my conclusion: the desk is the problem

If you are tall you need at least an 80-85cm tall desk. You can't have a standard 72cm or youll get pain at your back, especially if you have to write with pen and paper. If your state have stupid ass laws that allows office desk to be not more than 72cm tall, you have to build yourself your desk or pick a desk with variable height (72-85cm range are about 400). You can find the best chair on earth but it wont do anything for you if you are tall and your desk is short

Manlet rage detected.

@OP, I picked up a for cheap on Black Friday and don't regret it at all. I'm 6'4".

Do not order a chair before you get to try it in a physical store. You'd be surprise at how creatively disappointing desk chairs can be.

Why are you tallfags so insecure? If you're 5 inches taller than the average person who is 5' 10". 70" vs 75". That's 7% taller.

Holy shit you've got 7% more height than someone else! Good for you. That barely accounts for anything and provides absolutely no advantage on the evolutionary scale in survivability.

If I had 7% more wealth than you, do I brag about it uncontrollably every time it's brought up? No. Because I'm not an insecure neckbeard basement dweller. That goes for having a house 7% larger, or a building 7% taller. No one gives a fuck unless you're the tallest person in the world which you are not.

>Im browsing on amazon
Go to a store and sit. Do not buy chair online, mate.

There is someone who is insecure ITT, but it is not OP.

Look for big & tall chairs. They usually good from my experience after testing. But here is a nice one(I am 6,4") and it feels much better than my current meme racing chair.

you're a big guy

He's just saying he has tall people needs. You're the one barking at him over it.

Chill dwarf, you get the longer life expectancy so save the salt.

i am 198 cm and 104kg (uuuu)
cheapest office chair from ikea works just fine

If I were buying a chair for my sim I bet this would be the best one

can i be your sim, onii-chan~? :3

any chairs that come with anal vibrators built in?

This is my chair. My shoulders are almost at the top level and im 5"10. The headrest does go way up.

Ooh find me a chair too! 5'4 is tall right?

OK, so what's a good chair for someone who's tall AND fat?