/dg/ distros general / we all mock arch linux users

wanna chat about Linux distros? you have come to the right place.

and also, i installed debian + xfce what software should i fetch for it?

and one last aside >inb4 install gentoo

Other urls found in this thread:


Install Gentoo, Satan

another subreddit? great

shit, doubles.

What do you want to do ?. If it's just shit posting here and fapping to porn... install iceweasel and flasg (although its a clusterfuck for security).

eh, just for work and fucking around with. and plus i have mint on my laptop if i want to go find some smut to fap to.

also whats a good antivirus to get?

Define "work" and "fucking around with"...

You don't need it.

i guess those are some pretty general terms....

for work i would say paper writing, image editing. stuff like that. (your a bit pissed at me arnt you.)

as for fucking around with, ive been meaning to get into python or java.

Paper writing I assume you mean office tasks ?... LibreOffice. Image manipulation.. GIMP. Programming languages don't know... you'll have to look into the compiler toolchain for those. I use C and C++ only.

>first distro
Enjoy going back to windows in a week

first distro? ive been hopping around with unbuntu (and its flavors) and mint for a month or two, the one ive been satisfied with were mint and i am liking debian a lot so far. now i need to figure out where i can get some radeon drivers for it.

thanks man.

If OP can't install Arch, I doubt if he'll have much luck with gentoo.



Hey OP, why doesn't Debian work on brand new computers?

i dunno, how'd you install it?

Because it's debian

just have your pc boot to the item you have the image put on.

Debqueen is pretty moody today.








yeah no shit. installed, never boots up.


Was lacking the debqueen

so i just type all the links into the sources window?

>Debian fags in charge of doing anything other than shitposting about Arch and Ubuntu to feel better about their inferior OS.

Fedora is the way.

install arch
install xmonad
install pacgraph
run pacgraph
see "haskell" in letters 4 inches high.

>Facebook logo

it does look like the facebook logo. XD

> _____general

why ? we already got a linux general














Hey, can you share the pape? That would be super dank from you.

And this one? Can you post that one too, please?

I tried a bunch of distros on VMs a few weeks ago and I gotta say that Arch was by far the most performant. Plus you gotta admit that it's impressive how far a non-RHEL, non-Debian distro got. Making an online package manager with a well-furnished repository from scratch can't be easy.

So, I should learn to install and use Arch since there's been an upsurge on Arch hate for the past few months?

Debian is shit, it's ran by SJWs. Anyone with dignity would run arch linux.

Yes. Just reserve a few hours for it though. But it's a learning experience.

Why Arch when you are in a debian thread?

It feels like a very subtle mock Arch users thread but let's pretend it's a Debian thread thread. It also feels like more like an Arch thread.

Your operating system is ran from your hard drive by your computer's components. Unless you have a SJW extension card, then you're just being a salty little dicknose about a sparse few articles on their wiki that triggered your Trumpautism.

This is a distro thread.

That picture of the Debian logo is just a picture. Pictures aren't the things they represent. For example, the picture here isn't a real clown. It's a picture of a clown.

Speaking of clowns,

is it possible to boot Linux from a ZFS tank that is made out of all the storage media I own, and that INCLUDES all the USB sticks?

That's not complicated enough. Try spicing it up a little. Maybe you want your boot loader to be on an NTFS drive on a remote server?


>Boot FreeBSD.
>Mount all your drives into your ZFS tank.
>Start a Linux virtual machine.

No need to thank me.

well somehow i always end up in linux threads i know its a debian thread but i use OpenSuSe and Mint but somehow im stil unhappy i have the feeling i wanna try something else i feel those distros aint perfect for me so i need the enlightening opinion of Sup Forums fags of the "way" to go


Holy shit dude, can you post that wallpaper? It looks amazing.. And your setup is cool as hell. 10/10