I'm looking for an alternative to Mint. I'm relatively new to Linux and want something with options but "just werks"...

I'm looking for an alternative to Mint. I'm relatively new to Linux and want something with options but "just werks". What would you recommend, Sup Forums?

Ubuntu MATE

What don't you like about Mint?

Alternatively, just install Ubuntu LTS and shut the fuck up.

Mint is already built on the distro with the most options without being DIY. If you wanted that kind of thing try out Arch in a VM.

unbuntu and its many flavors my friend.

Just install Ubuntu Server and then install xorg and a window manager until you work your way up to a usable desktop.

Nothing in particular. Just felt like trying something different.
I was actually considering Kubuntu. Probably gonna run a live cd of it 1st.

This. It'll even run smooth on a d2500+igpu.
Can confirm.

Manjaro to get you used to arch like environment then you should move on to arch.



Kubuntu is still very laggy

You're better than this, Sup Forums.


If you like Mint you like Debian.


>recommending this trash

I recommend it because I like it and I think it's under rated. Why don't you like it?

slow as fuck
and it keeps dying on me

This desu senpai


All I had to do was update the WiFi chipset driver and it "just werked". Also, be prepared for minor network configuration. But that's it.

I like yast. It's not slow for me, and why does it keep dieing? Like the install breaks?


Instala gentoo, pinche pendejo.

Cant even get to the login screen.

What de? I've never had that problem.

Tumbleweed worked "fine", and by fine i intend half of the shit not working because yast is a big meme.
Leap ( STABLE LMAO ) is unusable for me.

It's a nouveau problem. Install proprietary nvidia drivers.

¿Cuando van a construir la maldita pared?

Cant even reach login screen.

Luego, estoy ocupado con tu mamá en este momento.

KDE is buggy and kinda unstable. Tumbleweed is only good when combined with something else.

I use leap w/ gnome

Use terminal

>Install gentoo

Stick to Mint

Shit randomly crash at different points in the install.

¿Eres necrofilio?

I've never had that happen

O instala Debian

Si :3

Tu ganastes por hacerme reir.

Install OSX

I have the shittiest laptop in existence.
A 2015 toshitba p50 satellite.

cub linux


One of the *buntu flavors, but not Ubuntu itself. After you're familiar with them, try hopping to Debian.


Manjaro could work, it is also a "just werks" distro and you have access to the AUR so you will pretty much never have to install anything from source. Everything is package for you by arch users with nothing else to do...


Best distro.


This. Fedora is great, despite the terrible name that has been sullied by the memes

Try Xubuntu or Ubuntu Mate, both of these are very good!

Debian + whatever DE you like if you use one. I personally prefer LXDE.

pc-bsd has been terrible to me. Went with mint and it has just worked. Easiest OS i've installed. Currently running windows in virtualbox when needed and mint for surfing and helping humanity. I am robot that got through the captcha

Do you realize mint is Ubuntu?

op here. just spent hours fuckin with kubuntu and all I can say is FUCK UBUNTU AND ALL ITS FLAVORS!! god damn this shit is annoying! it installed fine, but when i went to update my nvidia drivers it would never move beyond "scanning your system". got the drivers installed thru a work around, but it was either slow as fuck, the ui was too small to be readable, or both. i'm about to scream.

Yeah Ubuntu sucks. Try out opensuse in a VM or just install it. It's really easy and plain. No gimmicks or shit.

Mint is based on Ubuntu though.

Try Manjaro KDE.

Fuck off.
OP. There's nothing special about manjaro or arch. Just try opensuse for a day or two