goggles that show you RF radiation with high fidelity, has a frequency knob
Post things you want that aren't present-day tech yet
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I'm counting on you, Japan.
Organic electronics that use some sort of Photosynthesis to power themselves.
not solar panels m8s
i mean, it's kind of a thing already; what kind of specs are you looking for?
>Valeria Lukyanova
>yfw you realize that's a real person
>he doesn't get how waves work
how do waves work
Can i have one that is basically yolandi accent and voice must be intact
>he doesn't get how waves work
The only way to do this would be have a bunch of RF probes flying around, then process and pipe the output to your goggles. What is picked up at the location of the goggles themselves would not be sufficient.
a thing that can report it's own location no matter where it is in the world, like reverse GPS
can the goggles shoot radio waves out, and report back what the field looks like, like radar? (i have no idea)
penis enlargers for all the pajeets
Android gf.
Subhuman AGI.
Tabletop DNA printer.
Tabletop Molecular Assembler.
He said "sexbot" user, not target practice bot.
That's what GPS actually IS though. A GPS device you might find in your car is taking data from 3+ satellites who are saying where around the Earth they are at that instant, and using that data to tell you where you are. If you only care about lat/long, a modern GPS can tell you your location anywhere you happen to be on Earth. If you want it to tell other people, have a satellite phone attached to it.
the aircrack-ng suite not crashing ubuntu
I just wanna be able to basically levitate and fly wherever at will. Like those flying platforms from the 50s but without all the bulky equipment. Used to have weird dreams like that they were great.
>still have trouble flying in my dreams
>sometimes my dream just won't let me
You might want it for yourself, but once it becomes a commodity, everyone will have one. And you'll need a license.
And you'll be legally required to carry a GPS transponder
And some idiot will buzz you in your air-lane. And some asshole with the latest sports-pack (the 2019 Ford Eagle, which can go 217% of the legal airspeed limit) will fly past you, and because of a bug in the FCC's speed radar, you'll get fined $465 for reckless flying.
I hate to be a downer, but it's a dream, user, it would be best to leave it at that.
If you were to travel to a particular moon in the solar system, though...