Best smart phone you can get with ~$150?

best smart phone you can get with ~$150?

used 2014 moto x.

Moto Sup Forums 2012
Sony Xperia E
Xperia U
Galaxy S2

BlackBerry Q10

Galaxy S3

HTC EVO Shift 4G

LG Thrill 4G

Motorola Atrix II

HTC Vivid

Motorola Triumph

Samsung Focus Flash

Sony CLIÉ N760C

nexus 5

this might be the best option t.b.h. I'm looking for stock Android stuff

Holy shit you fucking loser. You actually took 7 minutes of your day for this shitty joke.

Holy shit, you don't know what Sup Forums X is

And you just revealed that you've paid for a Sup Forums pass as well. Fucking dork.

Holy shit, you REALLY are this retarded?

just paid about $150 shipped for one 9/10 used

>This just in: Fucking basement dweller loser mad he got called out on his loser lifestyle

go be a loser somewhere else, loser

Who are you quoting
Why are you so new that you don't know the concept of captcha caching

Why do you ask Sup Forums?
Sup Forums knows as much about technology as a professional model.
Your best options depend on what you'll use it for, but in general for a power user, the Redmi 3 would be the best bang for buck.

They don't they valid for 7 minutes.
You gave money to this site like a little bitch. Although I guess if you spend 60h a week on Sup Forums like you do it might actually be a reasonable purchase.

Somehow they were all valid
No, I never paid moot/hiroshima money

get a kyocera 6035

Lg g3

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