
Who here using /edge/ ?

Why is it so smooth and fast?

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smoothness and fastness can depend on your hardware. As well as your connection.

I don't use it regularly, but when I do it's pretty excellent

are you serious?

obviously I have used other browsers on the same hardware and connection.

Ugly piece of shit by a dinosaur company trying to stay relevant but failing.

meanwhile, firefox is dying, chrome is botnet, brave is chrome, Opera is bloated

We all are botnet on this blessed day

>tfw no Edge for LTSB

is brave meme or is it better than chrome with adblock?

is there really no fucking way to get it for LTSB?

brave is chrome with less functionality and more meme. just use chromium

is this still true? win10fag here
wouldn’t automatically update either and you’d have to trust the third-party distributer. You could compile Chromium yourself, but would you really want to do that every time an update is available? Ouch.

just update it once a month or so. why update it immediately after every tiny update?

I read article and It tells me chromium is just chrome with auto-update

Can you explain where It is better?
Does it use less ram?
Does it load pages faster?
Is it safer?


Chromium is Chrome without the proprietary Google binaries. Auto updater is one of them.

it's chrome without google bloat

Because of the lack of extensions.

it's faster than all other browsers, even without add-ons / extensions

I tried apt-get install edge but all i got was some VPN utility thing.

>he fell for the loonix meme

I use edge cause Microsoft saves my Metadata for later use, good thing if I lose some of the sweet animu and need something to fap too

Not using a browser with no adblock

>he is one with the Microsoft botnet

we are all one with the internet botnet. there is no escape, you were never outside it to begin with