it's time to fucking switch browsers I swear to god.

What website?

just Sup Forums

ur AND idiot

to be fair I'm running skripz

Where are you going to go?

>mfw 1gb with facebook, youtube, a few more web apps, and a forum open on arch linux 64 bit and chromium
feels good not being a moron that can't follow a tutorial kek

>using 1GB of ram for firefox
>thinks he isn't an idort

>installing a meme distro

>not reading the chromium part
lol thanks for proving my point moron
>using a babby OS

>not using chrome

>muh ram

Who gives a shit? Chrome uses even more RAM than Firefox anyway. Firefox's problem is that the browser locks up when you open a heavy page. God what a clunky piece of shit it is.

>using 1GB of ram in any browser


Why don't you have at least 16GB of RAM?

that's a good question. I need it.

>not having shared libraries and cache in your RAM for faster access and less lag due to disk
step up pleb

It's your addons.

Fuck off Google

>not getting full use out of your 16 GiB
>not forcing the entire cache into RAM

>not 32
>not loading your whole OS into the RAM
gtfo poorfag

>not 64

ah who am I kidding. 32 is fine.


People have 8-16 GB/RAM nowadays so does it really matter

8GB isn't enough.

>9 tabs
>400MB RAM
Feels good to be masterrace


how about those no addons though?


You are a massive faggot.

Don't stress over small unimportant things like that. Probably just a leaky add-on or something. Restart the browser and go on about your day.

>he posts in a thread to share his unimportant opinion

you're worse than OP.

>hating on foobar and steam
You're in good company

>You are a massive faggot.
>You are a
>You are

I may be, but at least i know how to fucking spell, fucking retard

Opera does everything the addons I'd install would do with a stock install sans JavaScript blocker, and it has an addon for that.

Better not be disrepsecting the GOAT you FAN.

TFW using Vivaldi


Vivaldi is like the niggers of the browsers


i was trying that for the past couple days

it loads pages really slowly compared to my firefox

What can you fucking expect from a browser which UI was written on JS?

do you use adblock? it seriously causes memory leakage

oh word? i havent used firefox in ages. i remember it being super duper slow back in the day. how is it now?

I use your mom in case it matters


she's dead but ok user.

That reminds me, I need to clean my shovel.

OP, get your life together, like me. pic related


I have three Sup Forums tabs and one YouTube tab open and I'm only using 650 MB of RAM.

why aren't you using vivaldi?

Opera is dead

Because Vivaldi is shit and Opera's still the best browser despite being three years old.

>this thread's tab takes 280MB on your computer

you're doing something wrong. very wrong.

Soon this is going to be the standard on store bought pc's because of paget haphazardly trowing "code" together until it works. In 2007 i thought my desktop was badass with its 4GiB of ram, now fucking cell phones have that.

Unused RAM is wasted RAM :^)

>6-8gb of ram
>memerice ui

here's one more, with hardware acceleration turned off. people who say chrome is a memory hog don't know what they're doing

How are you doing in Dark Souls 3, OP?

>using the smiley with a carat nose

You have 10 seconds to name ONE legit reason for using Firefox in May 2016

Opera died three years ago.

when i get the money i'm going to get a shitton of ram and run my os from a ramdisk

Do you think an OS uses a ton of RAM or something? Just do it now.

really ? for me it's 840mb for 53 tabs

not a botnet

He probably uses Windows, he'd need 16GB RAM just to load his OS into RAM.

Why do you faggots care lol? Ram used is better than it being unused.

32gbmaster race btw

There's nothing wrong with using RAM. Bloated software using more RAM than it should is a different story.

>unused ram is wasted ram
>unless it's a program Sup Forums doesn't like

>firefox has the best addons
>uninstall your addons if you have high ram usage

i misspoke, i meant loading most of a 128gb ssd into ram, programs, auxiliary files, etc., maybe leaving 16gb for its intended purpose ("actual" ram)