I'm really failing to see the point of this.
I'm really failing to see the point of this
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Must be tough being mentally retarded.
it's great for learning bare-metal programming and shit like embedded development
Then perhaps you shouldn't have bought one, until you did have an idea of what you might use it for. Did you think it was going to magically make your life better?
Kodi box.
The only reason to own one I can see.
If you don't have Kodi gtfo of /g
This is dumb and impractical, but I think I'd like to make one.
I didn't buy one. I have a free one lent to me from my uni's CS club.
>still using archaic methods to block ads like add-ons
get a pihole+dns cache
i really fell in love with kodi when it let me use my TVs remote to control the pi.
pihole is also really neat
I have two, one is set up with a basic DNS server for caching, and an OwnCloud instance that I'm still testing out to try and get away from Dropbox.
The other one is just sitting right now, I did have it set up with Kodi, but found it to be just slightly too slow to really use as well as I wanted to.
Sync it to an RC car and have it do pathfinding for it.
It's a small computer nigger, what is there to think about?
I'm really failing to see the point of this.
Using one to run a server to control my 3D printers (OctoPrint).
I'm failing to see the point of this
It can be used for millions of things. It's a small computer bro? What's there to not understand?
I turned mine into a poorfag nas it's been a good investment so far
I'm failing to see the point in this
RetroPi , kodi
The Pi3 has enough processing power to work well as a live opencv camera operation
How ? I'm probably going to do the same
I'm really failing to see the
Segmentation fault
>what's the point of a computer
I'm really failing to see the point of this.
Then don't buy one.
Then don't buy one
Autism pacifier.
Then don't buy one
tell me more
Install Gentoo.
I agree OP. This thread is pointless.
Load of Horse shit is all it is, shit tier broadcom CPU, bad performance, too fragile, bottlenecked SD card slot. I could go one, but at the price that one sets up a Pi, he might as well have bought a 200$ laptop that actually could do something. Otherwise, if you're a robotic fag, buy this by all means and fuck your mom with it!
it's not a desktop replacement you bakas it lets you interface with hardware devices using bash scripts instead of having to compile code and burn it to a chip. That's also why it has networking on board; so that you can interface with it from a real computer.
if you can find me a $200 laptop with gpio available I'll buy it
that costs the same as a pi
If you're into stuff that requires GPIO's then by all means buy a Pi. For everything else, i.e teaching children programming, the use as a main computer or a computer to be used in school or as a dedicated server(other then kodi). The Pi fails miserably.
But robotics and mechanics are your gig, then use the Pi by all means.
>Must be tough being mentally retarded.
It's too hard to be stupid nowadays. Too much competition.
It's because you're retarded Sanjay Chang.
what about indoctrinating children in the use of GNU/Linux and free software?
RPI has proprietary blobs out of the ass. The only thing that comes close to a Free single board computer is the Beaglebone.
Why do you speak with authority? As if you know stuff.
Raspberry pi is fucking shit.
Intel edison with arduino is the only option for patricians.
Honestly though for most people a 5 dollar arduino will do what they want.
And I'm failing to see the point in living. So what?
I would rather buy an used T420 for a little bit more money. RasPi is a toy for poorfag neets.
how is it a toy?
>GPU requires a fucking key to decode MPEG2
Pi jam... You can do a lot with those.
lmao it costs 20 bucks. if you dont have a power cord & a fucking sd card laying around why the fuck r u on Sup Forums?
>being on Sup Forums
>not seeing the point of a cheap, power saving machine running Linux
The Sup Forumsfags really assraped this place.
It's a teaching device to teach people "about computers".
it's meant for impoverished school children to learn about computers and programming and able to take it home with them and plug it into an old TV.
Buying old used hardware that lacks legacy I/O is retarded.
Not to mention an old laptop is bulky as fuck compared to a Pi.
kinda want to do this, what model? think it'll work fine with a raspi zero?
it should but you will be limited to the number of USB ports.
People thought of them as cheap desktop replacement. They are not. Might as well as buying a PC stick. It's not thst much expensive and you would have better web browsing experience compared to pi (even pi 3)
I personally bought one as retro video game emulator. I got a free pi zero, so I think I'm gonna use that instead and hook the more powerful pi 3 on those very old tv sets belonged to my late grandma (now sitting in the attic)
Don't, unless you have really pleb standards, it's really really really slow.
This is not what the raspi is for. The raspi is for hacking and mods.
they have replaced my pcs
great for running mate