Tek Syndicate

Shills or comfy tech news? Thoughts, Sup Forumsentlemen?

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Go away


They're shills, shill

Logan's a fucking salesman. His knowledge is reading manuals on how to sell TVs 'n' shit.
Qain is someone I don't know much about.
Wendel gives decent technical advice and opinions on some things, and doesn't shill as often as Logan does.

Show is like a 5/10, but Logan himself is annoying, so I avoid the show.

cringy idiots

Any self-respecting technophile would not watch this faggot ass show.

I want Wendell to mount my boypucci

I fail to see how they are shills, unless we are just using that word to mean someone we don't like know.

I like this guy and their spin off channels. If only they weren't dead.

The main channel and everyone else blows

Jupiter broadcasting is better

Did any Sup Forumsents go to Lan Syndicate?
I better some did.

The edgelord on the right clearly wants to live in the matrix.

Wendell has a real job in a server company, for what I understand

This show is good, but they focus soo much on murrica ISP and adds

top kek


Been watching through these because bored
About died laughing when he was complaining that Google's algorithym thinks Pistol is a man

>Buy Our TeeShirts
>We have more mouse Pads
>Wendle speaks geek and does good analysis

heavily into the cyberpunk stuff

Only good thing about this is Wendell.
Logan and Qain are too pretentious.

It fits so perfectly with the facepalm

quin is pretentious? He a network guy/security shit.

The only thing he does is be edgy

Official Sup Forums E-Celeb Tier List

Wendell>Paul=Steve=Lisa=Norm=PCper team>Raj=Logan=Jayz=Linus n Pals>Barnacules=Kyle=Austin

Literally Sup Forums Tier

Consumerism Tier

Edge lends itself to pretentiousness. Not gonna deny that he's knowledgeable, but the only bearable person on the channel is Wendell. I'd give anything for him to do videos on Linux and hardware in general.

>do montly donation with a message demanding this

He has a youtube channel


Wendell is the true value of the show. Logan used to be a whinny pleb view but hes just been getting shitty lately. Dont know about network guy yet but he should replace Logan. Pistol trap thing is fun but shes never on and honestly they have just been dropping the effort like crazy over the last year.

Hope Wendell keeps the self hosted thing going.

I fucking hate his radio advertiser voice. I dont even know what they talk about I couldnt get through a show.

He does some kind of server services or something. He had a video where he did manual repairs on a set of hard drive from a raid array where the raid hard had gone bad and shit on them.

Logan is a shill but is still not as bad as Linus.
Quain is an edge Lord and kind of a shill but he is competent so he can be alright some times.
Wendell is by far the best thing about the channel he is a computer programmer for a living so he know what he is talking about.
All and all I would say better than Linus tech tips

You forgot that Logan interrupts Wendell ever couple seconds to say some dumb shit

I don't see Louis Rossmann on this list, why?

Wendell has his own channel an he basically runs the tek Linux channel if you want more of him go check those places out

The mouse pads are good I have one. More of a deskmat.

>Louis Rossmann
Well he doesn't really review new tech stuff, and youtube isn't his job

>Wendell has his own channel an he basically runs the tek Linux channel if you want more of him go check those places out

Everyone needs to sub to the teklinux channel so they actually keep it going.

OK that's fair enough.