How do I go about providing my own internet Sup Forums?

How do I go about providing my own internet Sup Forums?

I want to live off the grid the same way people use solar panels and rain water. Is this even possible?

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Cell or satellite internet

Install gentoo

>off the grid

You realize the thing that makes the Internet useful is that it's NOT off the grid. It IS the grid. It connects everyone, and has everything

I was wondering this too the other day. I know you would need a satellite. But what then? You just buy a dish from amazon, install it and get internet like a radio frequency or something? Who do you have to go through to get access to the satellite?

Normally its cost prohibitive, for most people, to build out their own internet infrastructure.

There are projects like mesh networks and internet 2, but these aren't really an option for majority of people.

im not paying the telecomms to use the internet. It should be free

And the better question would be, what kind of rates would you get and what would the cost be? As it stands, I get shitty fucking 25 down for $60 a month. I would absolutely invest in an expensive sattelite if it's mostly just an up-front cost for cheaper but comparable ongoing service.

You could easily set up a wireless ad-hoc network. Having it powered 24/7 is another issue. You would need some deep cycle batteries to have it run through the night or on cloudy days. A better question would be why you would want a solar powered network with nobody else to share it with? Will you be living with Mennonites or some type of commune?

Mesh network is your only option.

>I don't want to spend money to use expensive infrastructure
So you want the government to manage the internet?

no, and the idea of living off the grid is fucking stupid

set up a very long fibre optic cable into a mate's house

or a chain of weatherproof raspi's towards some sort of wifi hotspot

use a vpn and you're good

no, that would be terrible. I want RMS to do it.

If the government managed the internet everyone would be fucked. It would be approved publishers and no such thing as an open market

I don't think you can. Its contradictory.

Maybe wifi and tor

Will this actually get you free internet for life?

It's obviously not free. It involves putting down some sort of infrastructure if you go wired, investing in hardware, and renting bandwidth from a supplier.

That last one they quoted as costing around $1,000 a month.

>renting bandwidth from a supplier.

Who the fuck do they rent it from?

The chain has to end somewhere. Where is all the subscription money for the internet going?

latency from hell

Just make a local network.
Then dedicate one machine to talk to the internet to grab resources. The data can then be transferred to machines on the network.

yeah. but you still gotta pay out the ass for things. laying fiber or buying rented fiber isn't cheap.

various companies. it depends on who has the fiber really. Level 3 is a big one few people know about.

for instance, your ISP might have fiber in your city (going to house and the trunk lines that serve the houses) and those trunk lines go into their main head end. from there it goes out to other companies, such as Level 3, or whoever has the fiber from point A to point B. your ISP pays Level 3 to keep that circuit up and running.

from there, it might handoff back to your ISP in another city, where they already have fiber down. literally all the major ISPs have fiber down somewhere and other ISPs pay them to keep the bandwidth/service up and running, as it's much cheaper than laying fiber themselves.

the sub money you pay goes directly to your ISP, but, as you can see, the money is pretty circular. it also should be noted most ISPs break even on residential service - it's their bread and butter, but not their main profit source.

Just download the Internet before you go.

So who do you think is going to pay for it? Keeping the infrastructure running is costly. VERY costly.

You could hack a cellular provider to give you unlimited internet forever.

When I was little, I used to see Apple catalogues with servers for ten thousand dollars. I used to think this is what you had to buy if you wanted to get your own internet without an ISP.

Say what you will, but I'm glad there's someone like Elon Musk working hard to bring us into the future.
>electric cars
>global internet
>space tourism
>colony on Mars

>mesh networks over WiFi
>packet radio
If you just want to use the internet before the commercial whores and normies destroyed it just use gopher, ftp and irc for all your communication needs.

Isn't this basically a router?

>personal satellites
>have a bunch for satellite to satellite communication
>my satellite system so i set the frequency to communicate with it
>i give them to a few my mates for 1on1 communication with them
>as long as i don't change the frequency my mates can contact me via our personal space satellite.
>we exchange personal nudes with each other.
what a great life.

>im not paying the telecomms to use the internet. It should be free

you must be that type of edgy guy who gets attracted by communist propaganda.

Maybe telecom CEOs should take paycuts. Lord knows the rich, entitled bastards are forcing everyone else to.

>the future

All that existed way *before* him.

Sounds like a proxy, you still need an uplink.

I don't think many posters on here have a grasp on how the internet works ....

>ceo paycuts

I don't think you quite understand what you're talking about, m8.

Oh I realize it won't happen, but it would solve the problem overnight.

>I want to get off the grid
>How do I get on the grid?

Youll need a solar router to capture internet rays from the sun, but your connection speed will be piss poor on cloudy days and latency increases at night.

You want to live off the grid... with internet access that has gps capabilities?
Are you retarded?

Good luck with that op

I don't think he wants privacy necessarily. I think he just wants to homestead with internet without having to rely on those fucking parasite ISPs.

The raspis would slow it down way too much

Freifunk and hyperboria are what you need

Being off the grid (to me) means that you're not paying bills, you gather your own food.

The only way I know to get internet in the middle of buttfuck nowhere is to get a satellite to cooperate with you. You got a satellite or are you going to pay a corporation to help you out?

Has the term "off the grid" been re-appropriated? If so, not cool guys.

full disclosure, i'm autistic

Subscribe to a WISP or build your own out. It's a really fun challenge, but in a nutshell involved pointing a dish from a site with existing coverage at your remote location.

I do this from my girlfriend's parents chimney over to my house about 2 miles away and get about 40Mbps.

Otherwise, cell coverage.

Yeah, its pretty easy. Just steal WIFI or get it from Starbucks or some shit. Whats the problem?

>internet access that has gps capabilities

>full disclosure, i'm autistic
Lol yeah I see that.

That's the most badass thing I've ever seen.
The future is fucking rad.

Underrated post

Google is already doing something similar with weather balloons.
It's much cheaper, too.

>Has the term "off the grid" been re-appropriated?
No, OP is just retarded.


Not again that gif!
(from the Movie: Thunderbird 6 by Gerry Anderson, scene where Puppets laugh (at the beginning of the movie))

God, people like you should just kill themselves.

Create your own ISP

>living off the grid
>using the internet
You don't seem to understand what living off the grid means you fucking retard.

Radio. A walkie talkie set can have range of 20-50 mi. and you could make a modem for it to route internet traffic (it would be slow but if they can do voice its good enough for bytes) so that enables one to use net off the grid (you ll have to DIY it theres probably a reason there is no pre built solutions)

Musk saves the day yet again

For satellite internet, you need at least a 56k line for upload.
Otherwise, if you're willing to spend a few tens of thousands of dollars, you can convince some ISP to pull a fiber line for you.

Do your networking in batches like rms and update your stuff whenever you can get on wifi.

>All that existed way *before* him.
>Names a stupid google project

Good luck protecting the balloons from space debris and the junk that fills our atmosphere/orbit. Including old satellites, meteorites and asteroids that enter Earth's atmosphere on a daily basis.

You forgot the Mars colony, the soon-to-be-affordable and plausible electric cars thanks to thousands of Tesla charging stations that charge other electric cars as well. Open sourcing the battery design so all car manufacturers can make good electric cars with long range.

Richard Branson's failed Virgin Galactic and crashed Space Ship Two. SpaceX will do more for space tourism than Branson ever did.


It's a proxy. A router forwards.

Your ISP is probably using proxies for static content like netflix, youtube and similar.

You can actually establish high speed link over long distance by laser pointers/diodes and receivers, though it might be visible at night time from the side as a long line.

Google doesn't have SpaceX to put shit into orbit on the cheap, maybe even piggyback the sats on missions payed for by their clients, then Elon can put it up there for the cost of the sats, which is arguably cheaper that google having to hunt down and recycle these balloon sats around the world forever.