No speccy thread?
Speccy thread.
No speccy thread?
Speccy thread.
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What do people say when they see your wallpaper?
you have 10 seconds to explain why you're using manjaro rather than antergos or just installing arch with architect linux
>letting people near your computer
senpai, you've already gone too far.
I have a wife and she looks at my screen sometimes.
You must be really lonely.
Why would she give a fuck what my background is?
I have loli backgrounds around my wife
>loli backgrounds around my wife
And she says nothing? She must be as sick and perverted as you. Crazy.
My wife would dump me and go to police if I had a loli wallpaper.
Why the fuck do you think I married her?
Seriously user, sounds like you've made some shit choices in your life so far.
>Why the fuck do you think I married her?
Ho my gosh.
>some shit choices
No, we're just decent people. Not like you and your wife.
user, this guy
Obviously isn't married. He might even be an underage b&
There are women who protect their pedophile husband. So who knows?
Yes, underage always have $3,000+ in hardware...
Please user, you could at least realize i'm a late 20's user who has been here for years.
Most don't even comment. This is my shitposting laptop and i always have shit fullscreened because of the shit screen size and resolution.
Testing out different forks of Arch. I had Arch installed before I swapped the hard drive to a SSD. Wanted to see the out of the box experience without having to use a heavier DE already preinstalled.
You need all of those SATA drives for your kiddie porn?
Then you have a shit wife user. I always have loli / neko wallpapers around my gf and she doesn't give a fuck, because she accepts and enjoys animu herself. Sounds like you need a new wife.
Kek, unless you count loli's in anime. I have ~5.5TB of anime, a few TB of Movies, TV, music, books, programs, and a linux distro or three.
Oh my gosh. You're a fucking sick pervert and you attract only sick pervert girls.
Pervert? Who isn't. Sick, nah I'm healthy user. Just another nigga in heat who has a gf in heat. Is there a problem? I definitely don't see one.
>packages 13
>purporting to have a "wife"
>believing him
Meme distro activated
this guy gets it
wine or Win 10 with bash?
Is this the thread where we post our desktops?
>tfw family income is more than 200k/yr
>tfw NEET so parents dont buy me much stuff
it is your main computer? how is interwebs navigation? what do you do mostly on computer?
Based Crux!
Internet is surprisingly usable as long as ads are blocked and noscript is running. Without an adblocker and noscript extension, my PC hangs to the point where i have to hard reset it
I mostly program, shitpost or play fallout 2 and civ 3
Try Arch Linux, Ubuntu is too bloated for your specs.
I would go for Mint xfce before Arch.
hey guys is my distro cool?
If anything, he should do a Debian net install without a proper DE and start from there.
OS: Arch Linux
Please explain.
By the way can you share your blade runner wallpaper? Do you have more?
I am actually using Lubuntu, it say ubuntu in screenfetch but isnt. I have tried all distros, from Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Debian, Fedora, eOS, Mint, TinyCore, Slitaz, and god knows what, but Lubuntu works the best
a'm new into linux pls help me
>all these 5 minute uptimes
>don't even have up-to-date kernels
step it up
You can alias screenfetch and make it display any distro you want. Most people think it is "cool" or "hip" to use edgy distros like arch, so they fake it because they don't want to slit their wrists just to get approval of neck beards
I-I use arch, I swear
It's this drawing with a color background
They release kernel 4.6.0 recently. I had to reboot. Stay with Debian with your outdated kernel.
3 days is nothing to brag about, I'm a little over 2 weeks
>pacman: command not found
4.6 is not released as stable yet, at least according to wikipedia and yaourt -Syua
Well, its been about 4 days since the last kernel update, so unless you have a reboot-free way to update the kernel, I'm not sure what your point is
>4.6 is not released as stable yet
It's officially released as stable.
>hasn't set up RSS for the kernel
b-but... is mainline the same as stable? how come the 4.6 kernel doesnt show up in p-pacman?
>b-but... is mainline the same as stable?
I seriously never understand.
To be fair, that doesn't include system packages
I've been thinking of getting Ubuntu.
Is it worth it?
What are some benefits?
I'm kinda new at this.
and I was just curious.
If that's crunchbang, then yes. I prefer Ubuntu to just about every distro I've used, apt and ubuntu's packages are straightforward (but sometimes a little outdated compared to something like arch). The whole "it just works" idea is made fun of a lot, but there are much more benefits past installing that this philosophy has, my broken partition was automatically fixed for me when I had a power outage.
Wallpaper = Cancer
I thought you just said you had a wife you dumb fuck
You were reading it wrong, he's a 3rd party to the original argument.
hey retard, next time do
screenfetch -ED arch
and the error won't display
>"Only ubuntu has automatic fsck" -fat ubuntard
That was just an example, and everyone knows it almost always takes more than one fsck line to fix a partition.
>automating more than one command
>running commands based on detected conditions
holy shit ubuntu is so advanced DOS can't do this at all sign me the fuck up senpai
Again, it was an example. If you prefer to do it manually then go ahead, I'd rather do other things.
About to buy pic related
Any suggestions?
Before you comment:
>non k cpu
I run virtual machines, apparently VMs run better on non-k cpus because they have virtualization support.
>expensive fan
I want a quite and reliable fan.
>le 3.5gb gpu
placeholder for 1070/polaris equivalent
>Blu ray reader
I still have a lot of movies on disc and blu ray.
oh please, fat ubuntard, teach me the ways of ubuntu, the only distro to ever be configured to automatically attempt to fix a broken partition out of the box.
Canadian prices are shit.
If you want a placeholder GPU get an r9 380/x.
WD Black is noisy. I can get two caviar 1TB blues for less than that price.
Might as well get a big-ass Noctua DH-15 if you're going Noctua. I have that on another build.
I run VMs on my 4790k just fine. Non-k may or may not, it depends on Intel jewing. Z170-A is for overclocking, get a non-overclock mobo if you're doing that.
Make sure that Fractal doesn't have a window. The window versions don't have sound dampening, they're noisy compared to the one without.
its not the same pc, check the specs
>Canadian prices are shit.
Yup, deals are shit too.
>If you want a placeholder GPU get an r9 380/x.
Whats the difference? 970 is around $400, 1070 is around $400. Im not actually buying the placeholder, its just for price.
>WD Black is noisy. I can get two caviar 1TB blues for less than that price.
Blacks have a better warranty, dont really care about saving a few bucks.
>Might as well get a big-ass Noctua DH-15 if you're going Noctua. I have that on another build.
That thing is just too big, might still get it since its only $20 or so more, still deciding.
>I run VMs on my 4790k just fine. Non-k may or may not, it depends on Intel jewing. Z170-A is for overclocking, get a non-overclock mobo if you're doing that.
I just want a quality mobo, been going with asus for a while now and they seem a bit more reliable than msi/gigabyte. K CPU is about $100 more, not really worth it imotbhfam.
>Make sure that Fractal doesn't have a window. The window versions don't have sound dampening, they're noisy compared to the one without.
Didnt know that, just got a non window because I dont want to see the inside of my ugly ass pc, good to know though!
>he's so autistic he can't detect sarcasm on the internet
>he spends his free time staring at drawings of bug eyed gook girls and imagining what their hair smells like
>Why the fuck do you think I married her?
top kek
>Whats the difference?
If it's not a placeholder, then wait for the 1070 to actually come out instead of having to buy two cards.
Pic related is my current card, won't upgrade until HBM2 is standard in even the cheapest cards, which will probably be 2020 if we are lucky.
>I just want a quality mobo, been going with asus for a while now
Every manufacturer has their own problems, don't shit on msi/gigabyte. I also use Asus, and I know Asus has it's problems. i.e. i/o usb 3.0 ports use asmedia drivers in some mobos that tend to glitch out unless updated to latest drivers, compared to the front end usb 3.0 that just works because Intel.
You still don't need a Z mobo since you aren't overclocking.
>tfw don't have this wallpaper
Waiting to see more benchmarks for the 1070/80, or i'll just get a 980 ti
Is this thread actually a desktop thread?
Hey Sup Forumsgents, how hot does your shitbox get under load?
>Windows 7
>taking a photo of your screen
>being this technologically illiterate on Sup Forums
Hello. Somebody told me this was a desktop thread.
Nice rig user.
Why user?! Why?!
This is not a very nice desktop thread.
>1080p 60Hz monitor
Don't be an idiot.
Is speccy even accurate?
Fresh from the recycle
>having hardware mainstream enough for Speccy to properly identify it