Weebs >>>/in/ + PTP will close this week edition

Weebs >>>/in/ + PTP will close this week edition
Trying to cheat will get you banned with approximate chance of 1% edition

Previous thread: →

Not sure what private trackers are all about?
>The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

Check out the wiki and update it yourself if you want more instead of complaining like a fucking faggot. wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

How to get into private trackers (and survive): pastebin.com/BFQBwQxm
Paths to get into the tracker you want updated the 2nd of May 2016. It's rumoured that PTP HDB recruitment has been dropped: a.pomf.cat/mngqff.pdf

What.CD Interview Notes:

Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd

Other urls found in this thread:


>subject in name field

BTN recruitment is up on MAM Granny Chat PU forum.

Invites & recruitment are officially closed, they've lowered the cap

you might still be able to get in if you have already applied to join though

>le inspect element

Dude we're all on PTP , who are you trying to fool?
Can't wait to make a thread on Sup Forums about PTP closing

>using the smiley with a carat nose

I am on TehC, Waffles, MTV, MAM and AHD. Basically the curry top 5.

you don't appear to know what curry means..

I'm sorry for your loss
AHD is the curry version of HDB you dumb faggot
Anything that's not the best in it's niche is a curry piece of shit you mediocrity loving pleb cunt

Please get your fucking autism checked.

>inb4 comfy doge user

>ahd is the curry version of HDB
hahah wow! Please you shitty wannabe, first get on HDbits.org then pretend to know what you're writing about :^)

someone mad they're still curry after months of hanging on /ptg/? :^)

How are those ratios user?

But I am on HDB? I'm the dude who posted the timestamp...
There is no way in hell AHD is better or as good as HDB and that is a fact. Is babby not on any high level trackers :(
I'm legit better than you. I'm on everything except BTN and KG , don't be upset because you're not on HDB f.am

why are most people posting in /ptg/ from india, myself included?

>Can't wait to make a thread on Sup Forums about PTP closing
will be there user

>but i am on HDB?
haha sure buddy sure :^)

Do you not remember when I posted the timestamp? I'm shoppy.
Jeez why does AHD have such a rabid fanbase? Is it because they know they will never get onto HDB?

Good enough.

988 boys
12 more to go

don't worry, i am on HDbits.org :^)
erroneous promotions


>he thinks he's better than someone because he's a member of some obscure site on the internet
man, you must fail miserably in life :^)

Good lad
Someone explain to me why AHD has this effect on it's users please
The staff are just as bad

I mean unless you upload why even join? Just to get things 1 minute faster?

To get THE best encodes on the net?
Not that you would know with your shoddy AHD internal encodes , the only encoder who's half decent on AHD is D-ZON3 and even then he fucks up half the time

>responding to b8

Are Hungarians supposed to have shitty internet? I'm the only seeder and this guy is leeching off me at like 60 kib/s

>le expert encoder face

Retarded rusing.
Enabled Users: 34,988 [Details]

if you're too far away you 2 probably can't connect for shit

>he doesn't know anything about encoding but still downloads 40gb encodes
Sort your life out

>sort your life out
says the guy who responds vehemently to weak b8 :^)

Makes sense. That's still embarrassingly slow.

>no UDP on this network I'm on
Is there a way to do remote DHT/tracker? Like tunnel the peer connection traffic over Tor and do everything else over the regular network?

What's the point of HD in this day and age anyway? MadVR can upscale SD to look just as good as full HD, but it takes much less space.

HD runs better than upscaled SD on my shitty laptop.

oh fuck we got a master trole on our hands!

because MadVR is more illegal than CP

>using the smiley with a carat nose

are you even trying..

What kind of bitstarved shit do you watch?

Peering agreements have more to do with it than distance. I remember a long time ago when I was still the leader of a scene group and had a .kr site it would max out my AT&T DSL at first then quickly get throttled to 10k/s. I would keep disconnecting and reconnecting to download shit.

Once I get Elite on what, where to next?

There's nothing in elite WCD except a couple of shitty user offered invites and PTP recruitment (formerly BTN)

FUCK. How will I make my way into AHD?


how to get in btn from wcd/ptp?

BTN recruitment is not open. Please be patient.

I messaged him like 6 months ago, then the thread disappeared, and now its back. Wow...

Get to Elite/TM on WCD and or PU/Elite on PTP and wait till they re-open recruitment.

How curry is TehConnection?
Also, GGn or Blackcats?

black cats is better but ugly as fuck and tehC is pretty curry but decent back up for mainstream shite
>tfw using it to get 500mb scene rips for my mum
absolutely devilish

I use ipt for all my movies right now. Can I skip tehC and try for something like PTP or BTN/AHD?

Stop using IPT right now , it's sketchy af
Just use TehC to get into WCD then use that to take you where you wanna go.
Get an AB account as well to cover your bases and a MAM account asap to get into MTV which is kinda curry but you wont get into BTN for a while and it'll do

Considering mtv requires 6 months to recruit you, he might aswell grab a seedbox and get wcd elite and hopefully join btn from there in the same period.

WCD does not recruit from TehC

I'm power use on wcd. I just don't have anywhere decent for movies/tv shows.

That's why I said get a MAM account asap as a nice BTN backup incase he doesn't reach other requirements for BTN

Which Game of Thrones encode is better, DON or de[42]? (all seasons)

WTF are you tripping MAM is ebook tracker nothing to do with BTN

Damn, I thought this thread was about /ptg/ closing.

MTV recruits from MAM you spastic
My entire point was that he can make an account there quickly as they recruit on mondays then let it sit for 6 months and come back to it if he doesn't get into BTN (assuming he's brand new to PTG the RPG

What's the point of mug seekrit club gf trackers? Doesn't their shit always get leaked?

How do you think it can close when literally anyone with internet access can open it?

Hd* not gf fuck meng

And I CLEARLY said he might aswell possibly join btn in the meantime (assuming they open for wcd elites which is more than likely).

I'm already power on what and about 30 uploads from elite so I'll do it your way. Seems easier and I have no interest in MAM (I'm on SciHD instead) or AB

You know BTN is closed right? If you have 6 months on wcd then join MTV

please respond

>not knowing the difference between the subject and namefield

Pretty decent
Seedbox soon

>All these paranoids thinking that PTP will close

It's very likely, what with all the talk about BTN recruitment starting as well. From what I've heard, PTP and BTN will never recruit at the same time again. Something to do with slowing down the cycle for account sellers/traders.

how do i get into animebytes? do i just have to wait till they accept more if so how long does that normally take?

Since PTP staff has said they will recruit until the end of may (from what I have heard) then this will be something they'll have to stick to anyways. I'm predicting a massive drop in users (accounts getting disabled) so that the inactive accounts get replaced with fresh members.

couple months

IPT is so based

lolno, the cunts constantly change their rules as and when it suits them. Literally the only reason it might continue even after they pass the maximum user count is because they're lazy bastards and it's too much effort for them to close it.

and the triggered ones will be reddit so we can send them back

>It's very likely, what with all the talk about BTN recruitment starting as well.
Haha sure, and compromise the security of their site even more?

>tfw used to be HDB internal
>friends with all of HDB staff still
>if there's a tracker I want to get in to, I just ask my staff friends and they have connections
life is good

suuuuuuuure m8, don't forget to take your anti-psychotics :^)

fucking faggot use an authentic /ptg/ image not that cancer client you fucking stupid OP.

Also, what is the fucking point of exclusive releases? Anything exclusive I see = going to IPT.

>Anything exclusive I see = going to IPT.
my my, what an edgy young man you are :^)

Is this the saddest thread of 2016?

>making stolen content "exclusive"

And I'm the edgy one? Fuck off.

no, your post is

yes, you're the edgy one that feels the need to tell the internet what a rebellious, rule disregarding faggot you are :^)

so I join TL for fun since TI gives it such a positive review. Then I look at the seedbox rules... Holy shitk they litterally want to know everything about your box

why do they ban you for the calci yum/milk meme?It's like you're posting CP or something.

> #
Lying piece of horse shit u got that from nigger cubed's tabe screenshot or remember when we talked about it. Amosquu got promoted to UHD


mods get instantly triggered by that shit, it's the weirdest thing I've ever seed

sure m8..:^)

>there are people on ratiowatch on JPS

Post it :^)

which one of you cucks just joined shd?
>joined 43 minutes ago
>uploaded: 86 GB
>Torrents uploaded: 15

how the fuck did you do that so fast? Has to be mafiaaa