Did anyone else recently realize how much they hate a lot of stuff about technology?

Did anyone else recently realize how much they hate a lot of stuff about technology?

The culture is fucking atrociously bad, with half of it being neckbeards with too much time on their hands shitting on those who don't have identical views, and the other half being obnoxious "gamer" faggots who always buy the latest nvidia GPU like the consumerist whores they are.

The job market is shit. There's not exactly a shortage of jobs but there are so many people that finding a position that isn't "work 60 hour weeks, no overtime" is hard.

I hate that tech companies get to treat everyone like complete idiot sheep because we are. It doesn't matter how barely improved something is or how unessential something is, people are going to lap up the piss puddle they're given. I did it for years.

I used to love everything about technology, but now I'm realizing what a complete waste of time so much of it is. I've spent thousands of dollars when I could have gone with something cheaper and spent the money on something that I actually get more out of.

Fuck this shit, I'm going to go be a plumber or a carpenter or some shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Technology is very broad

pluumbing is just mastery of plumbing technologies

>Not including Indians in his rant on tech

Have fun being a plumber in your poo in loo country.

At least there is still some innovation going on unlike every other industry.

A shame the boom is coming to an end but so do all things that come to pass.

>Fuck this shit, I'm going to go be a plumber or a carpenter or some shit.
That feel honestly its more rewarding nicer work doing stuff with your hands if you can and your health is good go for it.

>indian plumber
i got u senpai


Is it really this bad right now for people entering the field? I was hoping to get in on high salary pay with ~40 hour work weeks.

Can't be a plumber in India, there is no loo for the poo to get stuck in

I'm not a Luddite, I appreciate how much it's done for our lives and how amazing it is, I just really hate the entire surrounding culture so much. I picked up playing guitar around a year ago and I'm realizing how much more pleasant everyone else is in the different communities. It's actually based on supporting eachother and making do with what you got instead of shitting on other people for not having a memepad or an nvidijew gtx 880, and insisting your way is the only way.

I don't know man, it just doesn't have that magic spark it used to, I feel like once I learned how it worked it got 10 times more boring.

There's no shortage of jobs, the "CS gets no jobs lel" is a complete meme. There are a whole lot of shitty jobs out there though, they all have decent pay but you'll struggle to find one that doesn't try to work every last ounce out of you.

Sup Forums is not representative of the Technology community. Stop basing what you see irl through Sup Forums memes

That's the thing, I see it everywhere. It's all over leddit, it's a core fucking foundation of the Linux community, people do it in irl groups. I've met some cool people from tech communities but the vast majority are complete insufferable pricks.

I don't even know why I posted this here, I already know a mod is gonna come delete it because it's not consumerist shit general #46

maybe you just never met anyone that actually know anything about tech.

i remember how all the gamers and neckbareds disappeared after 1 year of uni. at the end it was only "normal" nice smart guys that actually knew their shit

True, my CS classes are male-dominated but still full of relatively normal people. Meanwhile, the gaming clubs, LGSs, etc. I've been to are full of legit neckbeards

I don't hate a lot of stuff about technology.
I only hate the cancer infesting technology in the form of children and manchhildren who think they know technology when they don't know shit;
and most of those are gaymer faggots.
The worst is when these gaymerfaggots post gaymer GPU threads where they compare cards using nothing but framerate graph comparisons which are obsolete the moment a driver update or game patch come around.
This not only shows that they don't know shit about hardware-software interaction,
but the fact that all they argue is clock rates, memory, and framerate graphs, shows that they don't know shit about the differentiation of GPU components and processing units that are more complex than just speed and memory, but also specialized quantification in terms of shader and texture and other shit.

That's why i want gaymer GPUs to be banned from Sup Forums and contained within Sup Forums.
Because 90% of the cancerous retards on Sup Forums come along with gaymer technology, and mainly with gaymer GPU threads.

At least limiting Sup Forums allowed discussion to Quadro and FirePro will get rid of all the dumb as fuck retarded gaymer cancer manchild and underage faggots.

Also smartphonefags. Contain everything SMARTPHONE within ONE general Smartphone thread. Any other smartphone or brand or anything that stinks of smartphone being made beyond the Smartphone general thread, 404 it and ban the faggot posting it.

You're the exact kind of retarded prick I just ranted about for a 1000 character post.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little dog thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The “epic” dog guy, isn’t it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a fucking banana. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic dogfag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “I REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS PICTURE.” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.

>all my REEEEE

lol tldr fegit

>hate a lot of stuff about technology
yeah, animu and vape are not technology, shit stain!

You're finally learning, congratulations. All this technological garbage is getting us nowhere, at the end of the day we're not better we're sadder and we always want more. More progress, more junk.

I think it's time our generation goes back outside and see the world other than through a screen.

I'd tend to agree that gaymen is a cancer on this board, I mean the whole culture reeks of a bad, disgusting smell. All the cringy technology pandered to them, the human trash personalities surrounding it, the "journalists", the shilling permeating everything. It's absolutely disgusting. More than disgusting is the gaymers ability to not know how to vote with their money, they like to complain a lot but rehash upon rehash is sold by the millions.

>The job market is shit. There's not exactly a shortage of jobs but there are so many people that finding a position that isn't "work 60 hour weeks, no overtime" is hard.
Man, I'd kill for a 60-hour tech job right now.

>only jobs available for technically unqualified people like myself are factory work for $10/hour, construction for about $15, or shitty service McJobs for $8
I'm currently working as an audio transcriptionist and QA proofreader for some slave driving company out of PA. Pays like $7/hour at my current speed and at the end of the year I'm going to get fucked in the ass on self-employment taxes... but at least I get to work from home and shitpost between working.

I'm learning to program in the evenings with the hope that I can land a job as a mobile dev at a startup.

My mom's gonna kick me out of her basement soon and cut off the tendies (figuratively).

Overall I am happy with where I am and I don't feel entitled to more just yet, but I'm somewhat stressed and apprehensive for the future

>The job market is shit.

There's a lot of technology in plumbing too though

like exposed crack technology


That's why I became a car mechanic. Shit's cheaper and easier to deal with. I'd rather rebuild an engine than solder a PCB.

>tech created by normies
>tech made for normies
>tech mostly used by normies
>techfags who do nothing else blame normies

I neither watch Chinese children's cartoons or use a mouth Fedora, as both are trash.

How hard was it? How do you like your job? I'm seriously considering a skilled trade at this point, because I don't care about money I just want to be happy, and technology isn't making me happy anymore. I realized the perpetual cycle of want it traps you in.

I'm not blaming normies, this situation came about from consumerism not normies. Although normies tend to be absolutely horrible consumerist whores.

> voting with their money

user don't you wanna be a good little consumerist sheep?

The tech wasn't created by normies.

It is shit you fucking deluded mongoloid.

>The tech wasn't created by normies.
It certainly wasn't you aspies who created it.
The "normies", as you call them, were the ones who built the underlying technology that made their creation of the tech possible.
They also planned and financed it.
Then they had kids who turned out to be you.
If you're not proud of where you came from how can you stand yourselves?

>le reddit steals our memes meme

Thinking I'm talking about shitty memes and not general culture and how people act.

everyone should think lije that! the ITisAEasyJobEveryoneCanDo has to end so idiots like you wont join our ranks

Fucking spot on

The only "tech" product I've ever bought, outside of computers, smartphones and a docking station for music, is a roomba.

Virtually everything else in my home is old school tech, as simplified and sturdy as possible.

Few moving parts and preferably made of metal or wood. I like things that last, so I don't have to buy new shit every few years.

Most tech products designed to simplify your life end up adding layers of bullshit and actually end up complicating things. I don't need a refrigerator or washing machine that I have to periodically scan for malware.

>muh sekret club
Fuck off and grow up a bit. Your mom's going to kick you out if you keep acting like this.

>At least there is still some innovation going on unlike every other industry.
You clearly know nothing about anything that has, does, or will ever happen.

Your ignorance is so overwhelming, that I can't stress enough how completely and utterly wrong you are about literally everything you've ever had an opinion, or even a glimmering of a thought about.

Is this pasta?

Now that's a meme I haven't seen since forever

You need to leave Sup Forums for a while mate... Go outside or somethig. You've forgotten what reality looks like.

>but you'll struggle to find one that doesn't try to work every last ounce out of you.

Just like almost every job.

What country? What field?

Unless you say America your fucked and even they have to deal with massive outsourcing and international telecommuting bs

ive tried for over 10 years to get into any IT work its fucked here in aus dont even try if your one of us mate
Yeah idkk mayne like IT used to be alot of fun as a hobby for me but as a job it was fucking boring as shit

I love technology

good post, I agree

>complains about neckbeards shitting on those without identical views

>bitches about people buying hardware from a particular vendor

I went outside, that's the problem. Going outside made me realize how shit it all is.

I'm not complaining about people buying it, I could care less about what you buy. It's specifically all the fucking idiots that only buy nvidia as soon as it releases and then jerk themselves raw about on the internet about how good nvidia is. Feel free to buy things, feel free to buy things and tell people how good the thing you bought is but when the only thing you have to say about it is "hnnnnng now I can run le witcheroo Tris at 90 fps instead of 80 fps look how cool I am" you can fuck right off. They're an extension of the shitty neckbeards but about gaming instead of Linux or headphones or whatever. Nobody gives a shit about what some loser on the internet says.

And yes, I do realize the irony of that statement, I'm ranting to no one in particular.


>Falling for a copy pasta
Shit I forgot to even change one instance of banana to dog.

me too, user.

Literally considering being a brick-layer just so I can fuck some poverty-ridden minority bitch.

I like the abundance of knick knacks. If you should find something for a neat little project, it makes it all the better.

The problem is that people don't buy things to that end. What good is it owning enterprise-grade hardware if you aren't moving the presumed data for it? I have a rig made outta parts my gamer friends donated or gave me for dirt cheap that I seldom ever use, like if I should have to run a sizeable mathematica script. Hell I'm learning OpenCL and CUDA if only to feel like my investing in this was worth it.

>I don't know man, it just doesn't have that magic spark it used to, I feel like once I learned how it worked it got 10 times more boring.

That's probably because you're in the lower echelons of the guitar community where the paupers need to support each other as much as possible.

When you reach the higher tiers of any hobby or pursuit it's always filled with assholes. People get so insecure about themselves once they've invested a load of themselves into it. When you insult someone's thinkpad you're also insulting them because they've built their whole identity around tech and the thinkpad is an expression of their identity.

Sup Forums is a palace of shit and we're it's patrician inhabitants, people are just fucking extreme on here because the currency is replies and nobody wanna be poor