There you go. Distro-agnostic linux has a proper icon now. Stop using Tux.
There you go. Distro-agnostic linux has a proper icon now. Stop using Tux
Looks like a fucking Pokemon ball.
all I see is a gerbil penis
We already have a new logo
Looks like a hemorrhoid pillow.
Tux is better.
I see a baby's tonsil waiting to be fucked
>Distro-agnostic linux
So... Linux?
Penguins aren't white with black bellies.
Invert the colors for the light theme
OP's is shit. This is the new logo.
looks like a deformed penis, don't copy arch logo
Fix the feet and you got it.
should be GNU + Linux idoit
gonna GIMP the GNU out and use it tbqh fäm
It's still a penguin
It looks like a sheep with a carrot nose.
Drawing's not that easy with a trackpad, you get the point though dumbass
Keep it minimal, neckbeards
Looks like garbage. Almost impossible to tell it's a penguin, looks like a nigger dick penetrating a white anus.
Fucking this. Another issue with that logo is that it's too hard to recognize at smaller scales, though.
With appropriate fixes, this is pretty great. Cut it even closer to the head, though.
>Sigmund Freud
Like this? I'm not using a mouse
I like it.
I think the cut us good, but I feel like the head should be closer to the text.
It looks like the Stallman presentation with gnu as a circle and Linux as a wedge as his argument for calling it GNU/Linux.
Disregard what I said in , this is much better
Yeah, this is great.
i pictured it more like this
I don't get it.
I don't like it with just the head desu.
Maybe a 2D drawing of the right pic could be a good logo.
You need to remove the GNU part. Looks retarded.
Why are you neckbeards so fixated on logos? Tux is perfectly fine, just don't use gradients.
that is a plagiarism.
nice penis
without legs it aint a chair.
without linux it aint an OS
>new Linux logo is the balding hairline of the typical Linux user
You can't make this shit up.
>without legs it aint a chair.
Wrong, retard
that's a seat
i fucking hate penguin shit
OP is a faggot.
Post smug Tux.
its still not an os without a kernel lol
Tux looks like a.morbidly obese cartoon pinguin secretly harboring murder fantasies.
So it captures the essence of the Linux community
>Windows XP by itself is still more popular than all linux distros combined
>Windows XP can run a lot of the windows exclusive software, arguably making it more useful than linux on the desktop
Did you fall face-first into it upon a vacation in the antarctic, or what?
What does penguin shit even look like?
That is the MSN logo.
> in the beginning, there was a beat.
> I made a remix and added the rhythm.
> remix becomes popular.
> i get mad when ppl call it a remix.
brb, calling Linus
why not just exercise for real and use computer when you're relaxing?
Because this is for people who don't do anything else but use their computer all day. When they're not on the computer they're sleeping.
It's shit.
Looks like a dick.
>Distro agnostic Linux
I don't think you know what Linux is.
He means an icon to represent "a linux-based operating system" instead of a specific distro such as redhat or ubuntu.