In the market for a new phone. I have an HTC m8 currently and it's served me well but the s7 looks neat.
Should i get an HTC 10 or galaxy s7?
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Anything else > touchwiz
What are the price differences??
>This shit thread is allowed.
>Desktop Threads get deleted.
There is no way this question could have been asked in /spg/ or /sqg/...... Right OP?
/spg/ has no authority
its not mod sanctioned
theres no rule saying you have to post there
its a forced meme
Edge is always better.
HTC 10
near stock android, supposedly 15 day updates, fantastic on board audio, can drive 300ohm + headphones.
no bloat
allowed to unlock bootloader and keep warranty in tact.
shit battery life though
HTC 10 has a bigger battery than the s7. Google some comparison Vida on YouTube.
What's wrong with your current phone?
I've still got my M7 and don't see any need to upgrade in the near future.
>I've still got my M7 and don't see any need to upgrade in the near future.
I'm on an M7 now. Going to get an M10 soon. If for nothing else besides non-purple pictures.
>15 day updates
>bigger battery
doesn't mean better battery life unless it's significantly bigger
just get whatever the fuck you want
They both have microsd slots. This is one tough nut to crack OP.
You have to get the 10. This is going to be their last great phone before they become completely irrelevant... Unless we all collectively as a community buy a whole shitload of 10s
Ultra retard
Are u dum, it has the same capacity. In terms of SoT, the S7 Exynos completely wrecks the HTC 10.
Enjoy Samsung being the only flagship you can get other than some overpriced sony shit.
Me and the two other people who pre-ordered the 10 are enjoying a true premium phone with elegant vibrations and high quality sound whether it's headphones or speakers. They may even send us a dildo soon as a gift.
Posted from my 10
10 looks cool but the design gives me cancer
the m8 is two years old and looks more aesthetically pleasing
not to mention the camera while decent, is not as good as samsungs
plus it uses LCD
plus they removed the fucking stereo speaker layout, why would they do that?
S7. The 10 has a mediocre battery.
Obviously the Galaxy S7
I'm using it right now and the speakers are just as good, just not so good at being a beat box for parties or whatever.
As for the aesthetics I actually like it more than any other HTC design. They have removed the bezels in favor of an elegant capacitive button and two secondary buttons you don't see until pressed, hidden away to never be an eyesore.
what kind of screen on time do you get?
one thing i do like about the 10 is it is significantly cheaper than the s7
On what planet is the 10 cheaper than the S7?
Doesn't mean this isn't a waste of a thread
I think first buyers had a 100 bucks discount when it launched, iirc. So the price wasn't bad at all for the specs.
get the edge if you go with S7, the battery life is just amazing. I get 8 hour-ish screen time on average
water resistance, fast wireless charging, and gear VR are all nice bonuses too
HTC 10 has stock android (barring the launcher)
HTC. The Galaxy does have better hardware, but I'm all about real-world scenerios. And the simple fact the HTC can take a massive beating compared to the Galaxy.
>being cucked by a non-removable battery
top lel
Holy shit, the S7 glass back cracks on just one drop.
I paid 600 for mine and their supposedly premium headphones are shipping in for free.
Can confirm, shit built like a tank.
iPhone 6S
HTC 10 hands down. better specs than s7, no touchjizz bullshit, and the black model even looks nicer.
dont just look at HTC or Samsung either. LG makes some good phones.
Get a note 4
S7 edge. Although the HTC10 looks nice. Most reviews and stuff I seen first hand the S7 does everything just a little bit better, and if I'm spending 6-700 on a phone I might as well get the one I want. Also, resell value S7 edge will probably float around $400 used in 6-8 months whereas I can HTC 10 going for $500 new in a few months.
They do keep those promises, its the case on A9 USA
The S7 edge cracks easily at the first drop on a hard surface.
It gets scuffs on the home button after just a few days of usage.
Being waterproof doesn't help that much if the phone glass can get so easily shattered. Those edges are actually quite vulnerable to getting shattered if you drop it.
And it's actually a phone that is hard to pick up if it's sitting with its front up. Those edges make it hard to properly pick it up. And since it's so slippery, being encased in glass, there's always the risk you may drop it.
The edge makes it hard to use properly with one hand. The phone is too big and those edges make it even harder to properly hold and use with one hand.
The camera is great, but it has so much postprocessing, it's ridiculous. Every shot is ultra-sharpened and colours are a bit overblown just to impress you and give you the illusion it's a great photo.
The speaker is nothing to talk about, just a bottom grille speaker.
Overall it's quite a fragile phone that is very expensive. It still runs Samshit's touchjizz interface. Performance is sometimes laggy, with parts of the UI getting unresponsive every once in a while. It's just a pretty glass metal gadget that was made to pop in your eye, using every possible marketing trick: exaggerated postprocessed photos, oled screen with overblown colours, ultra-shiny glass surface that is prone to breakage, gimmicky features that are questionable, like curved glass edges which can also break easily, making the waterproof feature quite useless. And, as it usually happens with waterproof phones, their speakers are quite shit, because they don't allow much of the phone internals to be exposed.
>Are u dum, it has the same capacity. In terms of SoT, the S7 Exynos completely wrecks the HTC 10.
The S7 and HTC10 have the same CPU anyplace that matters.
>32 drops
this is impressive
im still probably gonna get an s7 edge though fuck the bolis
Kys you fucking weeb
What is the problem with touchwizz?
Jesus fucking christ, why do people buy this meme shit
>it has to be watercooled during benchmarks
Dude goto a store and use it, its very impressive and makes everything looks 10x better on the screen. I can see other companies adopting it soon.
>It's shiny and colourful and takes colourful pics
>it has all the proper marketing ingredients
This is Samsung's MO: they even make their TVs have overblown colours in stores, so people can be wowed into buying them. THey use the same tricks on all their products and ask a premium for that.
It's not the edge screen it's the insane battery life.
Regular s7 has a 3000 mAh battery, s7 edge is like 3600
Wait for Sony x performance.
enjoy your autism and retardation
either shill or retarded. perhaps both
un-unlockable bootloader
samdung bloat (repetitive, duplicate functionality)
shit memory management
shitty childish theme
lags even on flagship devices
Watch the fucking video, you shitstain. I've literally wrote some of the conclusions that guy drew after using the phone for 2 months. He's actually shilling it, but he's realistic about its flaws.
Your argument?
>either shill or retarded. perhaps both
I'm quite sure who is the retard here.
Samshit shills detected.
Not same guy but you are a fuckin' retard.
>wrote some of the conclusions
Yeah the negative ones, ignoring his good points overall positive review of it. The very thing a shill would do.
Why would I reflect a shill's conclusions? What he said was the usual selling points about being waterproof, having oled and great camera. The point was, if even a shill admits the phone has lots of gimmicky shit and drawbacks, then what would a sane person think about it.
They would think they are being tricked with marketing gimmicks which have little use in real-life scenarios. Such as the waterproof meme, when the phone is a fragile glass mess. What a joke.
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