Now that Moot is working for Google, what Technology related things do you think he is doing at his new job right now?
Now that Moot is working for Google, what Technology related things do you think he is doing at his new job right now?
Making a revolutionary new vibrating cock ring which will increase his wife's pleasure by 63% when Tyrone fucks her
Making Sup Forums's Captcha system worse to improve Google's bot net.
he looks like a fucking fag
who is it ?
He is the creator of memes
Google+ 2.0
Google+ community manager, face it, it's not like moot could ever program something himself
Is that really his body or is it shooped?
He's really well dressed, nice taste
>going to a google party this friday
I wonder if j00t will be there so i can drop some epic memes on him.
another failing product they will pull without any warning whilst apple and others succeed in that area no doubt
That's a really handsome man, I wished I wasn't a lesbian
So he will try to reporduce Sup Forums's success by not moderating anything?
You need to be female to be a lesbian user
Taking Eric Schmidt's cock between his cheeks.
What could be learned from moderating an anonymous website? Like legit, what could possibly be abstracted out to other social media websites? This nigga is in over his head. I hope he comes back with his banhammer and starts permabanning shitposters, Make Sup Forums 2006 Again.
ur asking for snacks, not moot
Checking his e-mail?
He probably doesn't have a position involving extensive technology use. That's fine. Companies can't function if all of their employees are only doing the work of whatever market sector they're in.
Developing an autism simulator
Snacks was long gone by 2006
Have you seen any of the talks he's given about what's useful about Sup Forums? He talks about how the option for anonymity gives you a better way to manage your identity online. As opposed to something like facebook or currently google+ where everything you say has your real name on it and is achieved and searchable forever.
that old dead guy