What is Sup Forums's opinion on iWork? Is it better than libreoffice or msoffice? IMO it's the best office suite and has the best compatibility with MS office.
office suites are technology
What is Sup Forums's opinion on iWork? Is it better than libreoffice or msoffice...
I use LibreOffice. It does everything I need an Office suite to do.
>inb4 people pretending they need special snowflake features for their word documents
it's interface seems a bit overcompilcated over Pages'. It kinda breaks my workflow.
bump or something; i want to hear your opinion
>using a word processor
Why is Sup Forums full of normies now?
remember that the suite also includes a spreadsheet utility and a presentation utility
Sup Forums grew up, got jobs.
Sorry you got left behind.
>Word processing
If it's something that others will see, use Latex, if not, use a text editor.
They're all pretty much as good as each other. Use the one that you can get cheapest. If you need advanced features your company should provide you with the software, not you.
See above. There's only so much that you can do in a presentation without seeming pretentious. If it supports slides, basic animations and timings it's good enough.
well iwork is bundled with os x, therefore free!
Well then use that.
>mactoddler shit
Keynote is so much better than PowerPoint that it's not even funny.
Excel is so much better than Numbers that it's not even funny.
>Keynote is so much better than PowerPoint that it's not even funny.
How so?
literally any structured document: csv, json, xml, yaml and a scripting language would do the same. You could also grow the fuck up and use a proper db, embedded or otherwise, and a scripting language.
>inb4 muh excel macros
literally fucking vb with some kind of XML query language against a fucking OOXML spreadsheet; whoop dee fucking doo.
reveal.js is drastically superior, FOSS and playable on any standard web browser.
plus you can make them easily with pandoc.
iWork is a garbage.
MS Office > rest
>literally any structured document: csv, json, xml, yaml and a scripting language would do the same. You could also grow the fuck up and use a proper db, embedded or otherwise, and a scripting language.
do you even know what spreadsheets are for, user?
hint: it's not a database
Sure, it's for what-if analysis from data pulled from a database. All easily done with any modern scripting language.
yes it's a structured document.
>mactoddler shit
>that's why everyone who isn't using windows uses that with the exception of basement dwellers and NEETs
Let me guess, you think word documents look like a bomb site compared to the perfect kerning (or some shit) of latex?
Better ways of adjusting the look and animation of the presentation.
It certainly is an improvement.
More importantly if your documents are going to be viewed by others they should be well-structured and formatted properly which is something that Latex does much faster and easier than any current WYSIWYG document editor.
Of course if you're typing personal notes then just use whatever's quickest which is usually a text editor.
same for pages, word feels much worse
well it kind of is.
It's very easy to see what was written in a markup language like word's OOXML docx format and a properly typeset dvi/pdf outputted by a TeX engine.
Yeah but how is that relevant to a serious presentation?
Can they both use a background with your company/institution's logo? Yes.
Can they both display images and text? Yes.
Can they both bring said objects into view when the user requests them? Yes.
What more does Keynote bring to the table?
I tried using latex exclusively but first I had to install a fuckton of shit. I made some good looking documents but it soon became clear that no one cared about them. They demanded word documents that they could edit.
I still typeset documents for myself but I cannot get rid of word.
>Yeah but how is that relevant to a serious presentation?
You are making shit presentations if you are giving zero effort to the actual appearance of your presentation.
>What more does Keynote bring to the table?
It's almost as if this was already mentioned.
spreadsheets are used for doing calculations on data
for example, actuarial tables or engineering simulations
you are not achieving this functionality with a database and scripting language
maybe you're achieving it with something like MATLAB or R. But not in any reasonable amount of time.
I don't know about keynote but even simple alignment of objects is horrible on powerpoint.
Appearance != flashy swooping animations, machinegun text and kickass nucular bomb sounds.
I own 2 Macs and I've never used anything other than Office on them.
>spreadsheets are used for doing calculations on data
>you are not achieving this functionality with a database and scripting language
Well this post is full of retardation.
uh what?
no shit dumbass?
all spreadsheets are just an intermediate, marshaled, form of tabular data from some kind of dataset.
this is similar to all structured documents like XMLs, JSONs, YAMLs (basically more human readable JSON) and so on.
To imply you can't do analysis on these structured documents using a scripting language is absolutely retarded. Especially since shit like Excel uses VB to fucking do shit like "excel macros."
The majority of presentions I sit through are by people who use a PDF reader in fullscreen.
scripting languages do not contain the math functions of spreadsheet software, unless you program them in yourself. For example, statistical tests, error analysis, discrete math functions...
Scripting languages are for manipulating text files, not huge amounts of mathematical or scientific data. you can program in all your own functionality, but even if you do, it will be MUCH slower than just using Excel and its built in, native-speed math.
These are the best. Fancy shit just distracts from the content.
If you can't do it on a slide projector you shouldn't be doing it with Powerpoint.
What exactly is youwork?
So, you should never use video.
probably not.
vidoes are usually poor form.
Generally no. If it's someone else's video then you should stop being lazy and summarize the key points.
If what you're presenting /is/ a video then it's not really a presentation but a viewing.
memework :^)
well you're missing out
Pages is also a document layout application, crossing into that space occupied by Microsoft Publisher, QuarkXpress, and Adobe InDesign.
>hurrrr just use Scribus, faggot
This is the exact reason i like pages. Even though doesn't word have some of these features too?
recently, I had to add in-line pictures to a document for people who needed a .doc/docx to continue editing
broke completely when saving it in Libreoffice, like just re-opening the file had the images strewn everywhere
decided to try in Pages, which saved the docx perfectly
is there a reason I can't add text captions to an image in Pages without manually adding a text-box/baking them in
In Word and LO, you can just hit add caption, and bam, it's there.
Yes, because add caption is illogical. It's much more obvious just to add an element over creating a predefined, less customizeable caption.
Don't know, I've never really had to compose anything beyond the simple. But how would a more dedicated layout application (ie InDesign) handle the same? Could be an industry convention for certain reasons and Apple followed that. Whereas Word (and LO following along,) took a simpler approach, targeting a less sophisticated user.