Yo know what to do

>mfw this thread gets deleted while doggo spam is allowed

Perhaps the same person is responsible for both actions.


>have Sup Forums mod friend
>point out that he should delete desktop threads on Sup Forums because they are full of autistic tripfags
>he agrees
>now mods are actively removing these cencer threads

>things that happened

Yes, the same dumb mods are responsible for both deleting good threads and allowing spam, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums to infest Sup Forums.

Reported ;^)

Hey mods, I hope you're reading the threads that you're deleting.

This. Mods you dumb fucking faggots, why are you allowing anti-technology consumer generals and homescreen threads, and then deleting desktop threads. At least desktop threads involved the occasional script or config/CSS sharing, but the other shit is just reddit. Fuck off.

This man speaks the truth.

or, you know, just move to /w/ where anime faggots will accept your faggotry while Sup Forums looses 1 cancerous reoccurring thread.

>mfw the kinds of threads that are specifically are specifically referred to as a no no in the stickie are allowed, while good technology related threads are deleted

Desktop threads have always been a part of Sup Forums. We are not going anywhere.

Alright, well then delete homescreen threads and send them there. Alongside consumer generals.

Chinese moot should make a shopping board. Shove all of that shit there.

That sentiment is MARKED FOR DELETION (OLD)

That's a good one, laughed

The year is 2013

shut up !FtUbUNTu6s

Keep up the good posts.
you shut up


shut up Anonymous

Hey, look at what a fine job our moderators are doing



don't reply to her posts