/sqt/: Stupid Questions Thread

>no /sqt/

What's a good tool that lets me run a light web server that renders markdown and mathjax so I can write my notes and host them on my server?

Similar to github.com/joeyespo/grip but with MathJax for formulas

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i had ~40 tabs open in chrome and for some reason my history decided not to allow me to open them back up all at once, instead showing me the same tab 10 times
i had to go to my history and manually open a bunch of the tabs but a lot are lost due to being in a second window
is there a way to get them all back?

How do other KDE users who also use kwallet deal with typing in the password upon login?

I've got a script which copies my password to the clipboard, but I'm not sure if it's the best solution.

Is CyberGhost VPN bullshit?

Is there a better alternative for a newbie like me?

Which language should i learn C++, C#, or Java? I have a whole summer and I want to start something worthwhile for my future.

I'd recommend Java first since it's the most widely used language and not the worst starting point. From there you shouldn't have too much problem learning other languages.

Good luck.

C# or Java.

Both are good multi-purpose, hobby-friendly languages that can get you jobs.

I strongly prefer C#. It's comfy as fuck to do things in once you understand LINQ.

C++'s nice. What kind of things do you want to do?

I received a $50 Amazon gift card. What should I buy? I was planning to get a Raspberry Pi 3 to use for a home media server and for various network programming projects I have; is this a poor choice?

If I did get the Pi, it looks like it has holes for standoffs/risers of some kind so the board doesn't have to rest on a surface. Does anyone know what hardware I should buy for them?

There are the most jobs for Java programmers, if that's what you're asking. I've never used C# but have heard good things from people who use it. C++ is my personal favorite of those languages but I'm a masochist. (Java and C# are very high level languages, meaning they're pretty easy to code in but aren't quite as fast, while C++ is a bit lower-level, meaning it's faster but more tedious to code in).

If you have absolutely no clue, go with Java.

>reinsall Windows 7
>downloading drivers
>"not compatible"
>redownload, maybe I made a mistake
>"not compatible"
>finally realize I downloaded a 32bit torrent

Well fuck. I'm so glad I dual boot right now.

I'm trying to reference another sheet's cell in the same spreadhseet in libreoffice
using =sheet(sheetname.CellNumber) works, but since CellNumber is a sum function and not a actual number, it's just using the sum function on the sheet I'm trying to use it in
how do I fix this?

for clarity
Sheet1: trying to reference Sheet2's totals and add them to the totals on sheet1
Sheet2: contains detailed amounts that are totaled and need to be added to the totals on sheet 1

I got a written job offer for a Java job on Tuesday and I accepted on Friday and I haven't heard anything back. Should I call?

Is there a property like CellNumber.Value?

The person in charge of handling that may have had a flat tire this morning.

Consider calling tomorrow afternoon, and basically ask if they need any additional information, as well as when you can expect another call.

not sure what you mean with the value
Sheet1: B7: =SHEET(SheetName.B29)
Sheet2: B29: =SUM(B2:B28)

>B7: =SHEET(SheetName.B29.Value)

would be what I would expect to use.

Yo guys wasn't there something that was fucked with the earlier revisions of the zowie EC mice? Anyone know how to tell them apart? I think it was something like the earlier ones having a while logo and the newer ones a red one.

ok, but what am I putting in the Value part?

Not sure if this counts as Technology, but, a friend and I are going to pay $500 each for an item on Amazon, So, let's say I buy a $500 card, and he buys a $500 card for me, does that mean I have $1000 onto my account?

Value in this case would be a property of B29.

Basically, you're saying you don't want a literal replacement of B29, but specifically the current displayed value.

I don't know if this is how LibreOffice works at all, I don't use that shitty FOSS non-alternative to the superior Excel.

Wasn't answered in last thread that died
I have a 64gb micro SD card for my phone, had really bad problems with reading, writing, mounting, everything
Sometimes works, and when I would transfer stuff to it, it would just corrupt, unmount, and act retarded
Formatted it a gorillian times on my s5 and now my s7 edge
Apparently the s5 fucks things up when they go over 32gb, which would explain the problem
Please help will suck your cock

I see. Libreoffice doesn't like the Value at the end, it gives #NAME?
what brand card? I've had sandisk and PNY 64gb cards in a s3 and they've worked just fine

Why is firefox so taxing on cpu? This is a 4Ghz 6700k. Nothing I normally use breaks 30%.

pls respond

It's fucked Jim.

Nice blog friend.

C# or Java. Java first.


is there any reason the samsung is $30 more than the sandisk other than brand tax

Samsung 64gb Evo sdxc

> (You)
>It's fucked Jim.

How do i lock a folder with a password in windows 7?

Should I use cyanogenmod on android 4.2 or not
I basically only watch anime and browse internet
Can it help me watch those HEVC clips, they generally lag and have sound problems.
Should I root my phone?

Your dad wont disown you if he finds your shemale porn, kid.


Nice shitposting. Its not porn either, just personal files.

Encrypr/hidden partition. It's not as convenient as your imaginary functionality but windows isn't capable of that out of the box. Maybe if you make another account with administrator privileges and a password then transferring your files in that account. Trying to access the other account's files (from C:\users\) will ask for a password I'm guessing.

Is an R9 290 or 290x for 200 good for price/performance? Will a 8320e bottleneck it?

The thing is i just want a few folders. Keeping only this account would be much more useful to be honest.

someone pick me a 3-4 letter username (tech related)

With user permissions, of course.

You do have your own admin login, right?




I have full access to my account, yes.

And no one else logs into your account, right?

Just right click and set the security to read/write for you only.

Meh another account would be easy. You can just make a desktop shortcut for the folder in the other user's account and that'll be it.

You can google about locking folders and read up a bit if you're not inclined to take this route. Maybe you'll help somebody else having the same problem.

fag or homo

kek, nice

nice one lads

Smart offline data collection for an ssd?

Can I make a thread listing components I want to make a pc with, and you guys critique it?

Astrill or PIA?

Why don't you post it in here, instead of clogging the board with your Sup Forums shit, normie cattle?

Can someone on Windows 7 confirm that these commands work? I can't get to my VM at the moment.

wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentHorizontalResolution /value

wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentVerticalResolution /value

How about XOR, ROT, ANSI, ASCII, etc

Gotchu f@m. If this is the intended output, yeah, it works.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

nice suggestions, think I'm going to go with rot

Maybe ctrl+shift+t but im not sure


yo Sup Forums

gimme a good linux distro cuz windows is being wack man, telemeter and shit, spying on me business it ain't cool you know i'm saying?

want something that bullshit free and just werks

i'm no Sup Forumsnerd so no reading manuals and shit like that


So I have this. How can I make this work for several ".drag" elements? I tried wrapping it in a for loop but that didn't work.

>im so cool haha look at my twitter black people talk XD am i cool guys
fuck off

yo gangsta
if yous down with tech and aint in no playin shit then Debian is for you. that shit just works man

but if you feel like frontin and wanna try be sumtin you aint then go with arch

Gift cards can be redeemed on any account, they stack, they automatically apply themselves to the next thing you buy (on the checkout page you can change that if you want)
It'd be better if they just transferred money to you through paypal or your bank.

my nigga, thanks

Fedora, openSUSE, or Ubuntu. Try all, pick one you like

is elementaryOS stable now?

you bein a real homie bro thanks

that would just open the one tab


The specs are right there, user. Samsung has 2.9x faster write speeds, and 12% longer predicted lifespan.

wait for loki, gonna come out soon

How do I input (analog) audio from my phone into my pc, and what's the best way to then record the audio? On windows

A site I use to download has been blocked by the state I live in, if I use a web proxy I can access it but I cannot donwload the files. Is there a way to bypass the block on download on the proxy or do I have to use a vpn?

add a wrapper and add the events to it, then move the element that bubbled the event

Do you have a mic jack on your computer? You should unless you have a MacBook or something similarly stripped-down. It'll probably be next to your headphone jack.

If you have one, then you can just get an aux cord (3.5mm male-male) and put one end in your phone's headphone jack and the other end in your computer's mic jack.

>an aux cord
this fucking black twitter meme language

I'm seriously thinking of using eMule again. Is using a portable version less risky than an installation?

why the fuck I can't listen to tunein on pale moon?

I'm sorry, did I trigger your autism? I also said "3.5mm male-male" to help you avoid having a little tantrum, but I guess that wasn't enough.

get fucked
you said the niggerslang version first
and only used the technically correct Sup Forums term afterward, in parentheses

I think XOR would be cooler and more recognizable

Because the average Sup Forums user is a Facebook normie who came here for tech support. Stay autistic, pal.

I'm not sure what XOR is, could you explain it in simple terms I know it stands for exclusive or but I'm not sure what that is? and without sounding stupid what would XOR imply about the person? I mean I picked rot because I'm pretty into ciphers

Thanks, and aux I think both aux and 3.5mm jack are equally negroid. Isn't there some funny buissness with Windows sometimes fucking up the audio line input and you needing a different program to fix it? Eh I'll just try it

>I'm not sure what XOR is, could you explain it in simple terms


A 0 0 1 1
B 0 1 0 1
O 0 1 1 0

pale meme is depricated as fuck, there are loads of sites that don't work right on it

To add to this, OR would A1 B1 O1, hence exclusive OR

It's a logical operation, like AND or OR or what have you. A XOR B is true if either A or B is true, but not both:


XOR is used in every real world cipher I know of. It's very useful because (A XOR B) XOR B = A. Check out the Wikipedia page for more info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclusive_or

I don't understand why either are negroid. I imagine a Black Twitter user would just call it the music cable or some shit.

I've never run into that problem but it might exist.

You either don't, use permissions if you're admin, or put it in a 7z archive and delete the folder

Use your brain to read reviews and follow logical increments instead of shitting up the board with your gaymen bullshit

Yeah I meant it in the sense that neither is, in fact most people would recognise what a audio jack is but would have to think about an aux cable I'd guess

Line in and audacity

Line in, that's what I was looking for thanks

man how do I make a program, in c++, that simply lines up integers according to their value?

so lets say I do something like cout > random integers, ok so I have the random integer values, how do I make a program now that lines them up from smallest to a largest?

I started with if statement, if (a


Only allowed

what kind of bullshit restriction is that, what are you trying to do?

implement a sorting algorithm like quicksort then.

They dont let me use anything other than iostream (and I have to write entire damn thing on the fucking paper, dont even ask, gets me mad every time)

I need to use integers, do, while, for, that kind of shit, and I need to find.. intersections, all kinds of utter bullshit.

I'm looking at this USB stick. Alright brand?

it's a Kingston DataTraveler SE9 G2

I'm looking for a program to build circuits with digitally, is there such a thing?