>there are people on/g/ right now still using the internet instead of apps
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Back in my day, apps were just website portals anyway. Those were good times.
Taco Bell app
Time to go back to the stone age
nice bait.
>hurr durr why use your browser to check specific information instead of getting some RAM/Storage abusing botnet app
>current year
holy shit user
So...still technically the internet.
I assume it works offline since it "isn't on the Internet".
I know, right?
this aint good for my job security
that's the joke you autistic fucks
I actually don't like using apps. Mainly because you can't copy text or save images.
I'm pretty sure there's an app for copying texts, and you can just take screenshots if you want to save images.
I hate this. Web browsers are so convenient. They work exactly the way you set them up to, and when you're done with a certain website, you can just load up another one right from where you are!
Back in the day man, Firefox 3 and emacs together were the only two programs you needed. I miss that.
Dubs replying to dubs? there's an app for that
Did someone call for a relevant xkcd comic?
nigger i thought i was the only one
>taco bell
Those fucking ads that would pop up every time you visited a webpage on your smartphone, nagging you to download their new app
Than the app turned out to be just the hompage of the website so it was completely useless
Good times indeed
I lived on taco bell lunches for a year when I was the working poor.
>2 cheasy bean and rice burritos w/ no cheese for .99ea
I never got tired of them.
the chicken smothered burrito with extra chicken.
well worth $6.
#not operating with hashtags instead of pac-man posting
Fuck... did you get tired of having explosive diarrhea?
>living on taco bell
shiggy diggy doo
where are you
we got some work to do now
You're writing like this was a long time ago or something.
The fucking loaded potato grillers. Holy shit.
>$1.29 for literally a burrito stuffed full of fried potatoes, a shitload of bacon, cheese sauce, and sour cream
I just order like 3 every time I go to taco bell and I'm set.
mah nigga.
weak stomach confirmed.
>dedicated site apps that need a network connection anyway and don't need to do any processing locally
this is the dumbest thing of them all
also, god damnit, I want some fucking taco bell now
I don't even know if I even actually like the crunchwrap supreme, but I really want to eat one right fucking now
I fucking hate the retards that think we need an app to visit an already perfectly functional website (looking at you Sup Forums app memers too). It's the wrong design choice in every fucking way there is
I don't know what's more humiliating. Eating at taco bell or having the taco bell app.
No wonder usa has an obesity problem
But don't worry, only the poor people are fat.
Sup Forums is glitchy in a mobile browser
Dude, what? I'm 130 pounds at 5'5". I drop as low as 120 sometimes.
I blame lazy developers for this. And Apple.
And yes, this app will damn well track your ass. I sometimes wish I could just run another instance of android on top of android in a virtualbox. Is this possible yet?
>I sometimes wish I could just run another instance of android on top of android in a virtualbox. Is this possible yet?
All android applications run in a sandbox
If you want to prevent tracking, use a separate user account (since android 5)
Im not a burger so please get with the rest of the world and repost in metric. Thanks.
165cm, 54-59kg
You're welcome, Rajesh.
What the fuck do you need a taco bell app for?
making sure your orders aren't fucked up by a clueless, half-deaf teenager
Thats Crocodile Dundee to you.
Going to their drive-through doesn't give them your identity and phone number, nor does it give them the ability to collect information on you and use that to send you advertisements.
Doing this kind of shit is the only reason companies want you to download an app.
>Going to their drive-through doesn't give them your identity and phone number, nor does it give them the ability to collect information on you
neither does using an app, unless explicitly allowed by the user
lrn2 android permissions
>tfw you eat at Taco Bell so much that an app might actually be worthwhile
>installing useless apps
>go to install app
>"This app needs permission to do absolutely everything"
>won't install if you don't give it permissions
although wasn't there something in one of the custom ROMs that bypassed that by telling the app it had permissions, but then giving it phony data? Like if an app asked to read your contacts list, and you denied it, when the app tried to read contacts the OS would just return an empty contacts list?
>Going to their drive-through doesn't give them your identity and phone number
protip: car, license plate, a *very* modest fee to query private databases for all sorts of shit.
if you think personal tracking is new because of mobile apps, you're a naive idiot.
>if you arent american you're indian
It's not new because of mobile apps. It's just a lot easier for them to do, and for them to tie in to all sorts of other databases. Hence a lot of places that didn't bother before (like the fast-food drive through that wouldn't have bothered with a license-plate reader) now do, because they can just have it built into their app and get a complete history of everything the person does from Google.
Might as well be m8
>although wasn't there something in one of the custom ROMs that bypassed that by telling the app it had permissions, but then giving it phony data?
I was not aware of this but it sounds neat.
>"This app needs permission to do absolutely everything"
>won't install if you don't give it permissions
I just installed the taco bell app to be sure. Disallowed everything but "access the internet" and it didn't throw any angry errors.
Also, you can change app permissions in android system settings, after the app is installed. So get past the gate and then deny everything, before launching the app. This is the only way I'll use a social media app on my phone.
what kind of disarray does your life have to be in where you're installing an app for fucking taco bell
it's a pretty common kind of disarray actually
is this a comment on taco bell (in which case go to /ck/ to snort derisively at it) or is this a comment on installing apps where installing an app is somehow significant to you?
Pick a side.
>> inb4 gps transceivers the size and taste of black pepper in your sandwich
>"You must get the App™ in order to sign in! =^)"
taco bell has so much shit on their menu I cant distinguish in the short order period this is actually useful
Sup Forums is the exception, we need clover
>using the smiley with a carat nose
This is exactly the kind of shit Google is working on with their 'Progressive Web Apps' mantra.
Or rather, digging themselves out of a hole with once their realised Android was spiralling out of their control due to shit like .
it's a comment on
>eating this much fast food
Nah it's fine.
t. someone that never liked Clover and shit like that
the "cost" of installing the taco bell app, entering your information, and ordering something is roughly the same as going to the site and doing the same (assuming the functionality exists through a mobile site).
if there was a huge initial cost i would agree that installing the app would be sad, but it's not like you're burdening your phone by installing a trivial app like this.
i don't see much reason to install the app even if i went to taco bell, but i also wouldn't be that fazed if i saw it installed on someone's phone (unless they were extremely judicious and conservative about the apps they installed, which frankly would be more surprising anyway, since stats seem to suggest that people just install all sorts of shit).
>telling the app it had permissions, but then giving it phony data
isn't that the purpose of shady apps? getting your phony data from your phone?
manlet detected
t. Taco Bell Exec
I will not install your botnet Cortez
except for apps there are no easy-to-use adblockers, noscript, delete cookies, private browsing, spoof user agent etc.
Back in MY day, "app" was just short for "application", as in "this app can break".
This desu senpai, my brother used to work at the Taco Bell near my house. We would ask him to bring back tacos but he never would. He eventually told us that they do a bunch of nasty shit, one of them was cooking the meat in the same plastic bag that it came in from the box.
I dont plan eating there anytime soon from the cancer inducing crap alone that could arise from that.
>wow this dude actually makes sense maybe I should subs-
>*blooper reel*
fucken dropped
Fuck that, I'm not giving Taco Bell access to my identity, location, contacts, phone, photos/media/files, camera, wifi information, device ID and call information.
Websites don't have permission to read your list of contacts or files on your computer. Fuck you and your shitty tacos Taco Hell. I will never eat at Taco Hell ever again.
underrated post
once every 500 strips he makes something that isn't dogshit
>current year
>follow the trendytrend
>telephony data
>Trying to differentiate between apps and the web
>says internet instead
>mocking normies while being one himself
Go back to poo in loo technical institute
>Have Windows Phone
Nah, I don't use apps.
>have custom rom
>accept terms
>deny all app data access by default with Privacy Guard
ah apps, truly the trident engine of our times
Well of course they want you to use the app, it allows for way more surveillance possibilities than a website could ever hope for.
>one of them was cooking the meat in the same plastic bag that it came in from the box
That isn't too bad. It should be sanitary in most regards.
>tfw feels guilty when takes fry's out of fryer early to keep up with lunch demands
>he doesn't want free xenoestrogens from heated plastics
It's like you don't even want to be the little grill. Are you a faggot?
If these LUDDITES used apps instead of LUDDITE internet, everything would be 100% appy, because only apps can app apps!
user are you ok?