Defend this AMDrones

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AMD is batter, too much cool and beytar

gtx970 - 70-130 fps
gtx1080 - 70-200fps

Video games? maybe my wife's son likes them

>amd driver is broken during first week of release
Again surprising no one, amd fans included

The thing is though that gaming isn't just a service; after updates the card will perform properly, and after the vulkan update it will BTFO of even the 980ti

What's there to defend? There shouldn't be that big of a difference between these two cards. Is iD using gamewerks or did they fuck this up some other way?

Honest question though: why do GPUfags get so attached to whatever card they bought? AMD and Nvidia are both fine. Competition is a good thing.

It must be hard being a deluded AMDrone.

>doom beta runs perfectly on amd cards
>nvidia gets their hands on the game
>released version now runs like shit

>the only thing that matters is release day drivers
How many other games are broken on amd? They'll release a driver. They always do. We know thats the compromise with getting the cheaper card.

It's because GCN 1.1 (hawaii) doesn't support 4.5 completely (2 addons that don't work) and GCN 1.1 doesn't work well with openGL. GCN 1.2 (285, 380, fury) work fine.

Its a good thing

GCN.1.1 doesnt support openGL 4.5 fully, so it runs doom on shittier version 4.3. Other cards are doing fine.

this. there is no use in defending rebrands ITT

And i'm a R9 380 4gb SOC user
also the tessaltion only works on meduim and high everything above that and its unstable.

next gen should have better support because not alot of rebrands.

note how 380 outperforms a 280x and the huge gap between fury and 390x

>amd relases new drivers 2018
>now they lock your fanspeeds again and OC your card to give you a better performance

>Competition is a good thing.

>Half the frame rate is competition

does kids really enjoy these kind of games with glorified piñatas?


>OpenGL 4.3 vs 4.5
Reasons? Developers are mum about it.

There is a 99.999999% chance iD is not actually using OpenGL but rather NVAPI pathway. They most likely programmed the game in NVAPI and had all the optimization for nvidia as their first choice. iD and nvidia have a history, afterall. The beta was running 4.5 for AMD, so what changed? Most likely nvidia specific addons that does not work for AMD, so the game went to fallback mode.

Pure speculation, but since there is no word from the devs, I'll take this as close to truth over silence.

>amd driver is broken while the game is relevant.

Sounds right. Most people will be done with doom in a week.

>Performance increase by up to 35% on AMD Radeon R9 390 series products in Doom™ versus Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.5.2

nvidiots can go to bed now

AMD = linux
NVIDIA = windows

just works™

>amd working on linux

up to 35%? does that mean the moon phase has to be just right during a leap year?

Back to your cancer board

>drivers that oc card

what the fuck is wrong with you, go to Sup Forums if you wanna shitpost

and i thought i was slow making the jump to 1440p

Funny how during the alpha it was beating the shit out of Nvidia and at time of release it suddenly runs worse.

That's JewWorks for you!


>Superior hardware
>Runs worse
I smell anti-competitive business practices

it's actually sad because OP with his peanut brain couldn't remember this fact and this will work on 99% nvidia users because what matters is now, not next week

And then final release. There's some serious Nvidia fuckery going on here.

who gives a fuck, the multiplayer is shit and im not buying it until i can get it for

what a coincidence, the numbers on amd hardware compared to nvidia was probably too emberassing to unlock the framerate now

nvidia's usually done better with opengl games

any vulkan benches yet?

it's one of the games i'd be happy to pirate for to protest this cancer specific vendor developing

Just because it works better for one vendor over the other doesnt mean it was intentional, so i see no benefit over not giving the devs their share. Instead of these reviewers irresponsibly putting out reviews they know will outlast any problems is scummy. I will also never understand why people care if a game will take a week to run a bit better. If the game is going to be dead after a week its going to be shit anyway.

NVIDIA and their shitty business practices.

the release version of the game is sans vulkan support, apparently it's going to be added later. I smell some jewish nvidia tactics for tanking day 1 performance on amd

This is the mentality of a consumer addict, not someone who enjoys something inherently

Yeah, Viva Pinata is a lot of fun.

but how often has an nvidia title demloished amd performance? project cars, fallout 4, witcher

>AMD cards don't support OpenGL 4.5
>this is somehow Nvidia's fault

this is typical nvida jew tactics, they did the same with the gears of war remaster with added goymworks where amd performace was abysmal day 1 and then later fixed in a patch where amd cards even came out on top. This is the same trickery, except they're abusing the fact that amd's opengl drivers lack certain features and are purposefully holding out vulkan support after people have stopped reviewing the game

how is amd performing like shit on opengl have anything to do with nvidia tanking performance?

AMD has already released a driver update fixing this.

They should have developed it so it works on AMD cards instead of blindly shilling Nvidia

I got mine for under 30 from one of those shitty cdkey sites

because the game was built around nvidia's opengl 4.5 drivers, which dont always follow the spec and the game abuses that to gain a perf advantage on nvidia

god, imagine if nvidia gave free cards to these retarded amd shills. amd would be finished within a week.

i thought opengl was open source

I thought everyone knew AMD was shit at Opengl? I mean they are even worse than Intel and Intel only has iGPU, let that sink for a moment.

the specification is,
nvidia's drivers aren't though

>screen tearing in both

How the fuck does that affect AMD? AMD users don't install Nvidia drivers.

how the fuck do you come to that conclusion? I know what a game is worth to me and will wait for the game to fall withing that range. Im not an inpatient kid so i dont care when that happens. I play all my games with people that do the same thing so if its multiplayer we'll all just get it at the same time.

So, I came here believing that this was the desktop thread. Was I wrong?

why couldn't have they build the game with opengl 4.3 so everyone gets bad performance?

OpenGL works around extensions, Khronos release the specifications for the features and Nvidia/AMD make their own extensions to get the feature work on their hardware, AMD is so shitty that their OpenGL "vanilla" extensions don't even work, meanwhile Nvidia is so good that they make extensions that are surpass Khronos specifications, they even have near zero driver overhead on OpenGl, pretty close to DX12 or Vulkan.

its not like the people who make the games make those kind of decisions. Id rather encourage more twitch shooters than discourage shitty business pratices

>AMDrones thinking their cards not supporting the current opengl version is a Nvidia conspiracy

Fucking delusional.

are you retarded?
the game was built with nvidia's drivers in mind, using and abusing quirks/features in it that may not be present in amd's driver

>I have no idea how OpenGL works.

retard alert

no, but releasing a game that had vulkan support in the beta without it and only leaving the tailored for nvidia opengl support sure seems suspicious

you know what fucking delusional is? that it first had to be disdovered and then the publishers said it was a mistake.

way to go nvidia and idtech to cripple competition for moneys

DOOM didn't had Vulkan on the beta, it was OpenGL and it was capped to Medium settings 60FPS, the beta already pushed a 980Ti to 50% usage at those settings.

alright then, educate me, how does opengl work then?

you mean like amd did with hitman? this is payback. amd have everything coming to them. they should make every game so it doesn't even fucking launch with amd hardware. that cancerous company needs to die.

what? Nvidia themselves demoed the vulkan version at the 1080/1070 announcement event

lol not that guy but it doesn't work that way retard. He might explain but youre a piece of shit if you just go on pulling shit out of your ass spreading misinformation, and wait for someone to spoon feed you info when they call you out.

It wasn't Nvidia it was Bethesda, and it was demoed as a BETA version of Vulkan, not the finished product.

Beside this event DOOD running on Vulkan has never been seen.

You're not allowed to talk about the GTX1080's performance until the release. Please delete your comment.

what the fuck are you talking about,

hitman was the most reasonable benchmark this year for both vendors desu

Yes, but the beta didn't ran on Vulka it was OpenGL.

Do you people even tried it?

The thing is, in the beta AMD was using opengl 4.5

>Not having support for open standard that was published in 2014

are you trying to imply that all opengl drivers perform equally, since that would be retarded, especially given the fact that amd's opengl drivers have historically had sub-par performance

the comment section is pure gold though


Probably a muslim.

>screen tearing at 28fps

So idtech 6 was an actual improvement over carmacks hack job?

No noise filter that was present in every idtech 5 game, not locked on framerate, texture shit problems resolved.

If the v-sync problem was also resolved I might end up buying this shit.

and xf86-video-amdgpu with kernel 4.5+ and last mesa.

i think things will drastically change when vulkan is the norm instead of opengl.

since mantle is part of it

I meant to reply to someone else, sorry

They do
And it did in the beta
The final game release just doesn't for some reason

Sounds about right.

Yeah, it's really bizzare how much better this is

I actually want a wolf port once vulkan is finalized. I'll even pay for it.

I don't buy news games until a month after release and everyone has gotten their shit together.Until vulkan comes out I probably wont be getting it,until then I'll just play the mountain of steam games I bought but never played that have been sitting there for a year.

Are you thought about mesa?

>The thing is though that gaming isn't just a service; after updates the card will perform properly, and after the vulkan update it will BTFO of even the 980ti
But until then enjoy your shitty 8 gigs of ram

>AMD GL drivers

That's what I was thinking, I hit the last straw with idtech 5 after buying rage, evil within and wolfenstein always hoping for the best and ending up with pieces of shit with all the previously mentioned problems.

I'm way too afraid of getting into id tech 6 games now, I need to get my mints on some "demos"

AMD opengl drivers
It's why AMD is horrible on Linux, while NVIDIA is better than Windows.

>especially given the fact that amd's opengl drivers have historically had sub-par performance


nvidiots will defend this.

>different content