There are people on this very board that still think you don't need more than 8 GB RAM
How does that make you feel?
There are people on this very board that still think you don't need more than 8 GB RAM
How does that make you feel?
>opera 32bit
look at him
look at him and laugh
i'm using 1GB of 1.7GB right now.
Like anyone who does serious job and browsing on their computer will do more than fine with 4gb
take this to
>>Sup Forums
my router has only 128mb RAM and does quite fine
Do they even still build for 64 bit Windows? Their websight and ftp only have the 86 bits versions
>Background processes (84)
You just need to fucking die, I'm being sincere. Educate yourself you god damn faggot.
lol dude, you really think those matter?
Even more reason to have at least 16 GiB RAM. Do you really babysit your computer and make sure you have to restart programs every time you want to use them?
>mount dir as tmpfs
>compile shit there
99/10 best thing ever invented, ever.
>you don't need more than 8 GB RAM.
lol, keep em' coming
I love this shit
>Windows 10
>Opera 32 bit
Get the fuck out of here you underage shit
>tfw you fell for the
I'm 29, famalam
>Opera 32 bit
>84 background processes
One day you'll move our of your parents' home. Until then I guess shit posting is the closest you'll get to a job
Then you're a retarded manchild
I only run software I use, so I don't see why having processes is a bad thing
para ser honesto, familia
this MUST be bait
He bought an alienware. He is incapable of learning anything. Flashing LEDs will always win him over.
Why? They provide a good cost:performance ratio compared to other laptop makers I looked at. On par with any I saw, and WAY better than Apple. Originally I set out to buy a MacBook Pro but was underwhelmed by them.
>86 bits
Oh my sides.
I turn the LEDs off, mate.
I just leave the indicators for disk activity, caps lock, etc on
Well, do you really need more than 8 GB RAM?
Yep, and I suspect most of Sup Forums does but is afraid to admit it because they think they'll get called out for falling for memes
I've had 8 GB of RAM for the last five years and 2 before that, you don't need more than 8 unless you're an idiot who fills all your RAM with bullshit. I used to game heavily too, and it still was far more than enough. If you have a properly configured page file, background programs can get dumped to the hard drive in cases of intense usage.
Only idiots need less than 16, sorry.
Games are for children and anyone who doesn't need much RAM is just a Facebook nigger.
>Gaymer trash laptop
>DX12 gaymen platform
>x86 memeware
>EpIk WaTeRmAaarKzzzZz
How is it like being a lifeless obese manchild living in parents' basement. Ever thought of ending your life?
I would state proper reasons for having high memory but I don't want to waste my spare time on a manbanby
you are fat
>good cost:performance ratio
>originally going to buy a mac
Keep digging deeper, kiddo.
I wasn't impressed by the Apple products in that regard which is why I didn't buy one, mate.
you are fat
and you're probably dumber than me, uglier than me, and less friendly than me
I have 20GBs of ram. But I do some heavy loads on my computer when I do video editing.
But usually I don't go over 4gb in use.
you are fat
But you were impressed by Alienware?
You are an absolute dumbfuck. You could've gotten a REAL gaming laptop, but you just chose the one that looks cool to and OOOOO FLASHY LIGHTS WANT
and you're probably dumber than me, uglier than me, and less friendly than me. For all I know you're also fat but you're too much a coward to prove otherwise.
you are fat
The more ram you have the more the system doesn't give a fuck about managing and freeing it.
Play Doom on a machine with 3gb and it's only use 2.x and probably run just as good.
Sometime my computer tells me I ran out of memory, yet I have 16gb and most of my work don't even need more than 8. It's just due to retarded optimization.
My laptop was not overpriced and was a good price:performance ratio. I think you're just upset that you have 8 or less GB RAM and finally Sup Forums is catching on and making fun of you for it.
>ometime my computer tells me I ran out of memory
top kek, that means you need more memory you stupid fuck
need vs want
>making accusations without knowing shit
Keep digging.
lol ok
>implying this is an insult
>"lol look at him keeping in touch with friends and family wow fuck that guy"
I win.
Do you keep track of all Sup Forums discussions this way? This is autism prime.
Note: indifferent user to the arguement at hand
I've only just started, but I plan on keeping track of all major discussions this way. I also keep a screenshot of the discussion in the same folder
>tell us we need more than 8GB of RAM
>he doesn't even use 4GB
are you even trying ?
I admire and also fear your dedication.
I'm using 14.6 right now, user.