I have an app idea. Would anyone here be interested in building it for 80% of the profit? its really simple just an app i tried to download and couldnt find
I have an app idea. Would anyone here be interested in building it for 80% of the profit...
Whats the idea?
Let's hear it.
Just so you know, if your idea is feasible, someone will most likely start working on it and you will never hear from them.
80% of zero is zero
>idea man
You're not going to get any help here for developing proprietary software.
Why don't you just post the application idea? Somebody might even know something that would match your needs.
I'll do it for 98% if I like it.
you are throwing a stake to a piranha tank. this water swarm with codemonkeys that can't think for themselves.
don't expect much, and more so, expect people to screw you over.
You're high Tyrone.
It's an app that locates and rates public toilets, like yelp, for public restrooms.
In india you can use google maps and go to the nearest street
Don't get some random ass stranger on Sup Forums to make your app.
This is exactly what's going to happen. Go out and find a trustworthy developer.
It'd be an app for your phone with a simple "on/off" icon for your homescreen.
Whenever you had a boner, you would turn it on. When it retreated, switch back to off.
Basically, the app would use your phone's GPS to place the location of you and your boner on a world/local map. You'd be able to see how many people in the world currently have boners.
You'd also be able to see large clusters of boners in your area and be like "whoa...I better get down there. Something's going on that's giving everyone a boner".
Facebook/Twitter integration would be a must.
You could track friends' boners so you could shoot them a text like "congrats on the boner" and collect stats for yourself and others, e.g. boner frequency, boner duration, prime boner time.
You'd probably also want bluetooth or NFC to alert you of boners within 100ft of you so you know to knock before walking in a room and getting an eyeful of boner.
Yeah, but can you rate the streets?
That is sick idea,I will do it for 90% of profit
Every indian street is a 5 star street
its' the most wonderful part of india living
the streets that are good for the poo, will always be full of people and their poos
they literally rate themselves
im aware of this. obviously id need a nda before proceeding. but vaguely its something like a filter for the camera. nothing as complex as the goofy face shit snapchat has tho.
the math checks out
where would i go? pajeet dot com?
Sounds like heaven. brb, buying a 1-way ticket to mumbai.
If you believe any dev would make an app without upfront pay, you're ignorant of the dev market. You might be able to get some college students, but no self-respecting dev falls for that scam. If that worked, people would come up with thousands of ideas and feed different ideas to different devs. There's no such thing as an 'idea man'. Go back to watching linux tech tips and playing call of duty.
I might be down. How much are you paying?
He wrote 80% of the profits retard jimmy
C++ tutorials.com
Yeah, I get that. I'm asking how much I'll be paid while I'm writing the app.
Obviously 0
i dont have time or the interest to learn how to code just for one app idea. id be happy making some passive income while someone else gets rich off a weekends worth of work
>not learning the ultimate facebook lesson
if your idea is half decent, what ever code monkey you try to pawn off on making it will most likely steal it and try to sell it themselves
t. every idea man ever
That's definitely needed in Norway.
Fucking Norwegians some of the dirtiest and nastiest people I have ever seen.
id welcome that. id make more off a nda lawsuit than the app anyway
there are many of these apps already my good friend
I have an idea for a painting, i just don't have time/interest to learn how to paint
filter for camera, as if hipstamatic never existed, i like it user
your app idea sucks and you also suck
does anyone want 80% of the profit from my new app idea? it should be easy to code up for one of you monkeys while I stay high as fuck on sweet cheeba cheeba. it's called "absolutely shit tier app ideas" and it's populated with content from Sup Forums threads.
so go get it commisioned
I want bread id like someone to make it for me and im willing to pay for this
>not buying a plot of land
>not planting and harvesting wheat
>not building a mill from local timber
>not baking your own loaf from a fire created from rubbing to sticks together
I'll start working on the logo inmediately
Also, name idea: Yelpoop
Oh my bad.
Well I've got a pretty GG video game idea. I'll give you the idea and let you keep 80%, sound good?
>he thinks he invented bread
i didnt invent bread. i just thought someone might be interested in making money for a weekends worth of work. i thought one of you neet faggots would gobble up the opportunity to have more money to spend of anime figurines. ill just pay some pajeet 500 and keep all the profit myself
call the app shitadviser and sell it to tripadvisor.
good, then we can make more off replacing your shitty first failed attempt than you would have paid us in the first place
I suggest
iRateMyPoop.app for Apple devices
Poople for Android
I've read that here before
Can I design the icon?
i have a domain name idea for you and your programmer OP
you can have it for free
copyright the idea then tell someone about it. wait till they make it then sue them
havent seen that pasta in a while
So if this idea is old, where's the app? and promised someone would make the app if he posted it here. I would personally like that app and I would use it all the time. You could even have boner heatmaps and shit. And imagine the ad revenue you could get from porn site ads.