Do your Black friends think that you're a tech god because you're using Linux too?

Why are they so dense?

>black friends
haha funny guy

Fat white neckbeards think I know a lot about technology because I bought a thinkpad off Craigslist and installed Gentoo or freeBSD.

My friends don't even know I run Linux. My friends aren't very tech literate and we don't discuss technology very much. And I'm not gonna be >that guy

no because I'm neither 5 years old or autistic.

Black people are funny

The smart black people always come across as little bitches. I'm a pale-faced nerdy white boy and I always feel like an alpha male around these stuttering white-washed niggas.

Then there are the tough gangsta blacks and you can just tell how stupid and inept they are.

Blacks can't win.

>having friends
you guys are the closest thing I have to friends.

They are so fucking slow at everything.
The only things they're good at are: violence and robbing. One of them from my school thought I was Albert Einstein because I knew how to install and use tor. Fucking tor OP!

>A fat white man knows how to code in Ruby

Hello Technical god

You deserve this user. TOP FUCKING TECH KEK.

We're not your friends, guy.

Did anyone else have a black guy that watched anime in the middle of a lecture?

I'm not your guy, buddy.

I didn't know thinkpads were a thing until a year or so ago, now everytime I see someone with one I think its a autistic fuck who vapes.

I had a black guy that had an anime backpack, longboard
pictures of his waifu on his thinkpad, watched anime in the dining hall, and wore one of those animal hat things with the ears and paws

>having black friends
AHAHHAHAHAHA, its more hilarious to think you have friends in the first place

did you get a good look at his boipucci?

had one that ran arch on a thinkpad and skyped with his white (what i assume is his) gf during lectures in our server management class. i always slept in class so one day he sat right in front of me, saw his gf's ass on screen because he didn't know i was awake.

he was fat
like a black neckbeard

Yep. He looked like this. LEL.

>Black friends

that doesn't answer my question