It's over

Google has designed a new set of emojis depicting professional women to highlight "the diversity of women's careers" and combat sexism.

The 13 proposed emojis -- unveiled on Tuesday -- show women in a range of jobs, including health care, science, education, farming and construction. A further 13 corresponding emojis will show men in the same roles.
Google's goal is to have these emojis in regular use on smartphones and computers by the end of the year to "empower girls everywhere," according to its proposal.

As it stands now, there are over 1,000 standardized emojis used globally that depict everything from ice cream to dragons to police cars. However the current emoji selection feels implicitly sexist, showing men running and policing while women dance and cut their hair.

"Given the fact that women are the most frequent emoji users, and that they span a wide professional spectrum not yet reflected in current emoji, we want to help address this pressing matter of equality," Google said in its proposal.

adding emojis because muh SJWs
100% of them are caucasian

dis gun be gud

Expect them to take 10 years to reach 50% of Android devices, nothing to worry about in the short term

if your entire cause is fucked because of a few emojis, then you were basically done before this news anyway.

the different colored people don't constitute new emoji compared to the white (or yellow) one. it's just a color palette change.

please don't be stupid, you make the rest of us look like we're all fucking uninformed hicks when we criticize SJWs because it's assumed we're of the same ilk as people like you.

I hope Sup Forums sees this and decides to sperg about fucking emojis

Who cares

>the different colored people don't constitute new emoji compared to the white (or yellow) one. it's just a color palette change.
they're still all caucasian in that image, and every image i can find of google's actual announcement

if they made non-caucasian ones, they aren't showing them anywhere

How much effort must you exert in your life for something so literally fucking meaningless that it can't possibly have any effect on you one way or another?

> male and female emojis are added
> not knowing about skin tone modifiers
> not knowing about gender modifiers

Do you only pretend to know about the shit you bash?

>over 1,000 standardized emojis
there's way too fucking many, I never bother with them because when I know one I want it's fucking impossible to find because there's tons of shit.

>female welder


>every image i can find of the announcement
protip: press kits are a thing and they're not comprehensive of all the imaginable details.

it's most likely that they started with the white ones because those are the standard/default, and they're still figuring out how to make a brown woman with brown hair and an orange vest not look like a blob at the sizes we're talking about here. and you can ask why we design for white people *first* (both literally in this case, but also why we design and advertise technology first to whites and then talk about globalizing, etc... rather than designing for china or india or whatever), but that's a completely different critique than the OP is making.

i honestly want to know how you could be this ignorant about how this shit works, but i'm afraid that it's going to turn out to be something boring like you being an idiot or 12 years old or some stupid shit. please tell me you grew up in a bomb shelter or you're on rumspringa or something.

Sup Forums here
It is a publicity stunt for good PR
It is faggots and millennials that use emojis for the most part and those demographics are most of the SJWs who care about that garbage so it is a good move on their part
Doesn't directly affect me so I am not butthurt about it

>it's over

Mate, who fucking cares?

>i honestly want to know how you could be this ignorant about how this shit works
sorry I'm not an emoji expert like you bud
it's not really relevant to my career in technology.

Again emojis where supposes to be genderless....

All this equality movements are making nothing but segregation.

based on the unicode proposal, it looks like this is talking about figuring out how to incorporate professions. the process they suggest (of making it human+element (like a briefcase, bolt of lightning, etc...) means that it doesn't really matter what the composite is, because "black woman"+"lightning bolt" should result in a female scientist. the proposal is deliberately worded such that the glyphs themselves are not the thing to decide on an up or down vote, but the general initiative and how to handle that upgrade process (whether to wait for unicode 10 or kludge it together to make it happen faster).

the interesting thing here (to someone who's interested in this stuff, anyway) is that the proposal is talking about yet another shitty, hacky way of extending unicode to support more emoji without waiting for the next available unicode update. the fast track approach to updating emoji should be reserved for stuff that's either technically broken (e.g. crashing devices) or stuff that's *heinously* offensive. if you're bothered that women are not sufficiently represented in emoji, that's fine, but there's a normal line to wait in for changes like those.

if there was an emoji that conflated olive-ish skin with islam somehow (i'm too lazy to give an example but i'm sure we can all imagine a stereotypical muslim person emoji), then i could be persuaded that this is something that needs a fast-track fix because religion is a sensitive enough topic for lots of people that some bad shit could happen if you shut those crazies down too hard. but this isn't one of those cases.

as an aside, read the fucking source documents, people. this is a tech board, not an "unquestioningly suck the verge's dick" forum. at least take a modicum of interest in getting to the truth of shit.

what is this, 2003?

>sorry I'm not an emoji expert like you bud
the question was how you can be so ignorant about how press releases work. there are lots of press releases in technology. you should really understand how lots of tech news sites end up using either a small sampling of images or generic stock photos.

this is the part that needed explanation. the only reason that your interest in emoji would interest me would be to try and explain why anything relating to emoji would be of any interest to you one way or another.

looks like you are the ignorant one after all


are you some kind of literal retard? i was asking how you could be asking these questions without either the background knowledge of how press releases work or the any other background knowledge about any of this shit (like reading the proposal itself).

if you adopted either practice (of checking for a press kit OR reading the sources on shitty tech news sites), you would have had no cause to ask such stupid questions.
