Best Desktop Environment and Theme?
Best Desktop Environment and Theme?
KDE seems to have gotten better. Partial to XFCE, OpenBox and Awesome as well.
I am running KDE Plasma on Arch. Really liking it too, it seems to just work for the most part and looks really good after some basic configuration.
I should get around to trying XFCE, which seems like the only viable alternative.
not a DE, but xmonad
Breeze is objectively the best polished icon and desktop theme you can get
everything else looks like toy theme that professionals won't use
MATE with breeze or oxygen icons
Suggestion: If you claim something is best also attach a screenshot of some kind of your setup, would be curious to see.
>he uses a DE
CDE is the STANDARD DE for SysV.
running GNOME on Ubuntu, tried Xfce almost puked
qnx imo
+10 special snowflake good boy points points, hipster seasoned Linux user
come back when you stopped dualbooting
OP here
Opensuse with Gnome and its laging that's why I'm asking (i5 4770k & r9 270x idk why but Games running better than on Windows)
Im new in Linux but I love it and the multiple choices u have
What games are you playing, asking out of curiosity.
Literally any DE other than cancerous GNOME
Can't think of any reason other than being freetarded to use anything that isn't Windows on your desktop.
Seasoned SysVR4 Unix user.
WTF are you on about dualbooting?
CS:go, Dota 2 and factorio. Noticed more Frames and less Drops
You can't think in general, so why would anyone expect a good answer from you
Also inaccurate. Clearly I can think or I wouldn't even be able to post,
Too late bruh, you got burned...
By some moron that doesn't think about what he's posting? I don't think so. Filing this under Internet arguments won.
What about them?
Cinnamon, because it sounds tasty.
I like GNOME.
MATE for sure
I've been using mate on Debian the last wee while, it's pretty nice really, fairly consistent, no idea what theme
Otherwise I'm partial to bspwm
i3-gaps is prettier tbqh fampai
Retards who can't distinguish between a window manager and a Desktop Environment.
KDE with stock breeze theme. There are no competitors ajaik
>funtoo GNU/Linux
Mutually exclusive.
Gnome with numix and some extensions
There is no difference retard. DEs are just bloated WMs.
>DE's are WM's.
WM is a component of DE, newfag. Do some reading
GNOME + Adawaita
Do your fucking research cuck. WM handles the windows while a DE gives an overall experience with preloaded panels, programs and other bloat
>These retards are agreeing with me and calling me a retard.
I like it without gaps because my screen resolution isn't great. Maybe if I had a WQHD or 4K monitor.
Personally I would recommend Apple for a Desktop environment (homOSeX El Chapo), and theme would be the El Chapo Mountain.
>china is exactly the same as america because it's a country
i use numix for any gtk environments
i like gnome 3 on laptops and cinnamon on desktops. im not sure why but i seem to like docks better on laptops
Basic, yet functional. Going to have to look into that
Best ITT
SysV is dead man. It's only supported through its clone aka GNU/Linux.
>inb4 b-bbut Slowlaris and AIX
na man.. dead.
Honestly thought it was pretty obviously implied I wouldn't be using a desktop environment, but I guess you're especially retarded
Gnome 3.
KDE is solid. XFCE is alright. Wish E17 was better supported.
It's basically how GNOME used to be.
KDE for Windows-like environment.
gnome for mac-like environment.
xfce if you like garbage.
lxde for minimal resources/low end machines (~128 MB)
cinnamon for a decent slim environment (~550 MB)
nice samefag freetard
Xfce4 with Compton, arc got and humid circle icons - can it get more comfortable?
looks comfy
>KDE for Windows-like environment.
kill yourself
KDE and Maia.