System V and BSD
BSD > System V
they actually tried innovating by having a TCP/IP stack
SysVR4 had a tcp/ip stack. It's just hat DARPA research ran BSD.
I've never used SysV since companies actually expect people to pay for Unix.
Most of the time it came with hardware. Like the Apple.
And it was nice since you actually got drivers at a time when Linux was buggy and shitty.
Makes sense.
didn't BSD still get there first?
in any case, BSD also gave us other great software, like vi
vi is so ergonomic
Whenever I use a program like Firefox I cry for it not natively having vi-like controls.
Dunno about firefox but chrome has vimium.
You can blame unix vendors for that. They got together and formed something called the COSE initiative. It tried to standardize the GUI desktop to make it look and behave more like windows.
The DOS/Windows-like control imitation is the worst.
When I actually use stuff like Xaw, I find out that Unix actually has its own reasonable commands for programs with GUIs.
I love how retro Xaw looks.
It's ugly but nostalgic.
Xaw is ok, but I really liked the OPENLook stuff from Sun.
Maybe try Vimperator, VimFX, or Pentadactyl.
+1 for vimperator
+1 for vimperator, the only reason I'm using Firefox.
You're all script kiddies
Install Gentoo and stop being such a cuck
>being cucked by GNU
ITT: people pretending they used UNIX back in the day
also ITT: people asking for more things to be like vi like stupid assholes
O great master, what ergonomic system do you think a graphical program should have?
>My college wasn't still a Sun shop
>I didn't have a Sun Ultra5 in my dorm room
>everyone on Sup Forums is a 22 year old inexperienced retard
I thought it was cool and so did all of my CS buddies, but didn't get me laid.