>tfw new itunes UI
Is there a company more innovative than Apple?
>tfw new itunes UI
Is there a company more innovative than Apple?
>asking alexandria
elegant and beautiful. I'll think you'll like it too.
Actually, how much do you want to bet those girls most likely use iTunes with Apple Music on their Macs in conjunction with their iPhones.
>bring me the horizon
Black Sun Empire is the only good thing in your image OP.
nice meme
wew, that's some shit taste, senpai.
>asking alexandria
>avenged sevenfold
>black veil brides
>bring me the horizon
Holy shit just kill yourself, already.
>he thinks girls can't code
>shitty metalcore and vaporwave
>likes iTunes
Who would have guessed
Of course they can code... from their MacBook Pros while listening to Queen Bey and Drake on Apple Music.
>hating drake
Found the loser.
Alright user,
can I avoid the flamewar and ask
Do you really prefer to have your media organized this way? I really would much rather have a large list, like iTunes used to be exclusively, with lots of columns for artist, album, track, disc, bit rate.
Has apple completely abandoned this sort of thing in favor of your pic large tabs? Is it still there but crappier?
Yes I do prefer it. But they do have the option to show it the old way.
>actually listens to drake
When your music player does 200mb updates you stop using it pretty fast.
This is the most fuccboi music taste I've seen in a while.
H9ly shit i like Apple but your taste in music is literally meme tier
Yeah...every other company.
The library of someone who uses iTunes everybody
>black sun empire and blank banshee inbetween all that garbage
It's not too different
I wanted flac support but I guess I'll have to fucking convert my files
Now if I knew of any proper converter
>Is there a company more innovative than Apple?
Clearly not, no other company ever had me pay for features that have been available for free since the early 90's.
Cog doesn't have album art view
Foobar looks like crap unless you install Columns UI and spend a day on it (or download some broken skin)
MusicBee tries to have it all and becomes a bloated mess
mpd is for people who enjoy dwarf fortress, I mean, just think about it
Horrible tastes
>Fall Out Boy
fall out of a plane, boi
>mpd is for people who enjoy dwarf fortress, I mean, just think about it
There are both CLI and GUI mpd clients.
>Foobar looks like crap
How often do you stare at a music player exactly?
Me, I use it to listen to music, and ideally never have to look at it because it plays just what I want it to play, how I want it to play.
>asking alexandria
>black veil brides
fucking kill yourself
>that taste in music
you must be over 18 to use Sup Forums.
Isn't that just columns UI?
>using "innovative" unironically
It's time to stop posting, OP
I- I like some of their music and use Deadbeef on Debian… Am I a little better?
you're a cute anime girl, so it's okay
>asking alexandria
>black veil brides
>bring me the horizon
>avenged sevenfold
fucking hilarious bait
Looks like Windows Media Player.
>he thinks jennifer lawrence can code
Still has shit file support so it'll remain unused
>b-but it supports ALAC
Holy fuck Sup Forums is retarded.
No, they use Flaac encoded free music on Gentoo and a non proprietary player.
What's with post-it notes on the back of the laptops?