post anything tech related in this thread
Post anything tech related in this thread
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What brand makes the best lamps?
I personally prefer LEDs in my lamps, and any knockoff company will do because they're hard to fuck up.
I use Philips Hue bulbs in my shit, its kind of expensive to get into tho.
>Getting into the hue bulb meme
Dude, rgb leds can do you famcy faggot
yellow light vs blue/white light for rooms?
Hot new tech
I own this
I made a short video if that helps^^^
The parts
Mobo manual
Tried pretty much everything on this list
Please walk me through this folks I'm prepared to take it all out and start again if necessary but I've been at this 2 days now and I just want this bastard monitor to display. Monitor works its definitely not the monitor.
Could be any of the parts already in there. The only way to find out is to test each component with hardware that works.
Dogs wearing hats is technology
I draw pictures of robots
cities are Tech
my first computers
Black people are
That picture makes me feel uneasy when you consider just how much shit is left plugged in 24/7.
What a qt. I'd like to service her parts if you catch my drift.
Phillips, hands down.
Yellow, easier on the eyes
I'm not certain what that is, user.
But it looks awfully neat, can you tell me what it does?
Depends on what the room will be used for, blue and white lights can actually keep you awake and upset your natural sleep pattern.
It's a stereo from the 1970's.
I plan on adding more vintage Hi-fi, but I'm in the middle of writing a suicide note. If all goes well then I won't be adding more. You should start buying some Hi-fi, it's beauty with a function.
Based external hard drive manufacturer (HGST).
>inb4 "A WD company"
WD bought HGST so they could cheap out on their own brand, while profiting from people buying HGST quality.
best of luck brotha, I hope you are able to figure things out.
Thanks mate. Have one of my favorite quotes, i'm going to use it in my note.
hope you do some crazy shit before you die, if you're going to better make your last moments count, yo.
I have no desire to do anything for myself, nor do I want to affect anyone else.
>the keyboard is also on fire
This is the coziest thread i have ever seen in 6 years
Your superior vintage hifi taste is what the world needs senpai.
Don't do it user
i agree, vintage audio hardware is shit
Hey hey!
If you live alone, drop an address so we can check on you and get the house cleaned.
When are you going to do it? As in, when can we do a checkup?
I've liked your posts, whenever I've noticed it was you.
I'd love to, I'd also love to give my stuff away to a lucky user. However, I fear that someone will try and use that information to try and stop me.
I'll give a little teaser... Fort Myers, Florida. Look to see if I make local news or in an obituary.
I-i just wanted to make a technology
t-thread......onii chan........
Also, id gladly take anything from you both digital or physical.
Im a poor dude, literally anything would make me happy
underage b&
So every glorious achievement of mankind is about sitting in a nicer surrounding? You're fucking retarded mate. That stupid quote of yours is pure projection. Have fun killing yourself because you'd achieve nothing worthwhile with your life anyway.
Dont we as living beings look for a better place to stay since we fuck up every place we go thru?
What is art, music, architecture? What are gardens, parks, monuments. Man always seeks to make their surroundings better. You just don't understand the simplistic needs like Karl and I know.
Then again, he is an idiot and I am killing myself so who knows.
>that white balance
pain and suffering. Have my 5 second attempt at fixing it
>he'd fuck a robot
Boop bop
White LEDs
Kill yourself retard
Neat. When did you get them?
Got a deviantart/tumblr/other misc artfaggot site?
I would too. Draw lude please.
a weapon to surpass meat gear
Yes multiple, but I'm not active
I'm planning on drawing some more :^)
I lost the charging cord for my tablets pen
Holy shit I literally have the same thing
Any way I could stalk you until then? Don't wanna lose a source of top tier art.
I guess this one lel
Thanks, famalam. I'll keep it bookmarked.
The psu was the problem, right?
What is love?
Probably, the PSU is the only thing that could really start a fire like that
He got the new 1080 then?
The PSU is in the bottom of the case though.
Unless it was shitting out bad power which caused the motherboard mosfets to melt and burst into flame.
blue light is a lot more straining on the eyes. yellow is more what we are accustomed to and won't hurt as much. perhaps blue would go better in a utility, garage, electric box area better as you're not going to be in there unless you're doing something that requires your full attention anyway. perhaps the bathroom/cloak room/wc unless it's your personal one that you'll be using before bed or during the night.
a lot of commercial advantages for utilising light as well, some airlines like Norwegian use blue light whenever they want the attention of passengers and then red for the rest of the flight.
have more 70s hifi and a quadropus.
You see a flame right below the gpu, that's probably the sata port. Most likely bad power or voltage.
Thanks for making a cool thread Sup Forumsuys, I love it when people are chill like this.
I feel so mixed about GPU launches this year. AMD Polaris won't be groundbreaking but it might be amazing in the $250-350 range. Nvidia Pascal is the same, but for the $350+ range. Both keep their strengths and weaknesses (Nvidia has better power consumption, AMD has better async compute). I'm about ready to stop caring which is probably better for me.
Ikea LED lamps work for me. I like the warm color temperature but they do have a bit of flicker if you're sensitive to that or try and take photos/videos.
It's the only thing I can think of that would fail catastrophically like that. Everything else should shut down if temps get too high.
this video also talks a little about the consequences of excess blue light exposure.
Whats the song they should play at your funeral? Dont forget to add it in your note, m8.
>this video also talks a little about the consequences of excess blue light exposure.
Hey, I found videos that prove masturbating to anime also causes CIA nigger blindness! Who knew?
only the video cites peer reviewed, published research papers.
stop being a retard.
mis-cites them you mean. Did you read the papers? They don't support what the video claims.
(as someone with a genetic melanopsin defect, I'm kind of familiar with all of this)
A lot of PSUs have temperature sensing in them and over voltage/current protection.
I mean, even lookin at the glow on the PSU and the below the GPU there which some fag mentioned as a SATA port but could easily be POST code display I wouldn't put this past just being a low light photo with some stuff that looks like smoke (maybe he vapes) and LEDs to create and affect that looks kinda like it is on fire.
>my first computer
you mean "my firsts"
Thanks for posting this.
I just tested the fire extinguisher under my bed and the pressure check doesn't work!
yes I've read them, but you clearly haven't even read the abstract and having an eye condition makes you as much of an expert on ocular health as CWC having the 'tism an expert on mental health.
>Short-wavelength radiation (rhodopsin spectrum), and the blue light hazard (excitation peak 440 nm), have been shown to have a major impact on photoreceptor and RPE function, inducing photochemical damage and apoptotic cell death. Following cataract surgery, there is a dramatic change in ocular transmittance. In aphakic or pseudophakic eyes (with clear intraocular lenses), high-energy (blue) and ultraviolet-A radiation strikes the retina.
>responses indicate peak sensitivities in the blue region of the visible spectrum ranging from 459 to 484 nm
>The first study demonstrated a clear fluence-response relationship between 420-nm light and melatonin suppression (p
this board is fucking sad, repetative jokes, shitty-ass-pc-specs and, doihavetomention, the virgin is strong with S in thiS one
>from a Sup Forumstard
actually, tell me this what this "genetic melanopsin disorder" is.
seeing as most Sup Forumsabbies are ~15 years old I don't know why you're bothering to call anyone here a virgin.
nor am I surprised you're in over your head.
The thing about PSUs though is you can buy a really shitty quality one, and a lot of people do because they're cheap. It's a lot harder to buy a shit quality processor or GPU (to the point where they'd set on fire, not just be slow as fuck). But yeah, who the fuck knows what it actually is. Could be shopped.
>yes I've read them, but you clearly haven't even read the abstract
The paper studies 420nm exposure exclusively.
>responses indicate peak sensitivities in the blue region of the visible spectrum ranging from 459 to 484 nm
...and the paper then goes on to perform a study with exclusively 420nm, which is well shorter than just about any blue source you're going to run across.
>why would you even bother to lie?
sigh. Argue not with fools....
>actually, tell me this what this "genetic melanopsin disorder" is.
My melanopsin is defective. It doesn't work.
So turns out those Electric Arc lighter things omit a hell of a lot of Ultrasound.
well, duh. Spark gaps are used to calibrate ultrasonic microphones.
>not recurve
It's trash
>420nm exclusively
>you're not going to be exposed to much blue light anyway
only it doesn't just talk about 420nm, and blue LEDs and the fucking sun expose us to light in and in the case of the sun below that range regardless. we're exposed to small amounts of UVC, some UVB, UVA and our eyes can percept everything above 380nm wavelengths, most sunlight is 380nm to around 800nm.
>calls others idiots because cannot into light and has been called out on being a liar
I'm going to laugh so hard if you have SADs as they routinely use light therapy to treat it.
you and I both know that if you are telling the truth that you have a melanopsin disorder and as a result are "kind of familiar with all of this" then you know how light effects circadian rhythms and moods or are specifically being an obtuse bellend for the sake of it.
studies on how light effects mammalian life have spanned decades and you apparently think you know better.