Microsoft Schedules Upgrade to Windows 10 Without Users’ Consent
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They are trying to kill off all the older versions, They have no plans on supporting those older version for the promised timeframe, They may patch p1 bugs but nothing else will be fixed.
What would this shit even do on my 10 year old Dell notebook?
Just happened to my laptop while I was fapping. I never really pay attention to the updates on that thing because I exclusively use it for fapping.
I am fucking pissed. Not even about the Windows 10 upgrade because I barely use my laptop, I'm just pissed that They did it while I was fapping.
That said, I'm keeping a closer eye on my Desktop updates from now on.
>go on road trip for two weeks
>desktop with windows 7 left unattended at home
>left it unplugged to save electricity
>mfw it'll be safe from auto updates
Did you even read the article or are you seeing headlines and shilling them immediately?
Nothing has changed. Nothing.
Is this shit legal? That's basically free data money for Microsoft now that telemetry is always on. What if I don't want to give money to Microsoft?
This is only a problem if you're a fucking idiot and didn't use Win 10 update removers/hiders
>M$ shills trace your IP and go to your house and update your computer after this post
Windows 10 is superior to 7, and there's not many good reasons to be running an 8 year old operating system.
Granted, but a lot of casual users have no idea about that sort of thing, or that this is even happening.
This is incredibly shitty, even by Microsoft standards.
Don't use their fucking OS?
Fuck you the next OS's are the exact same shit.
Its almost like Microsoft has ordered a Final Solution on Windows 7. Luckily there will be some Japanese People somewhere who sticked on with Windows 7.
Or better yet people who just installed Linux or Gentoo.
1 cent has been deposited in your paypal account.
>not fapping on your phone
8.1 is superior to both.
Can you explain why it's better to run Win7, outside of a software compatibility issue?
Are your privacy concerns based on flawed reporting?
That's not there aren't very legitimate criticisms that could be made by privacy advocates, but you can disable the microsoft reporting without third-party software, despite what is widely claimed.
Will this really end July 29?
no they will just change it from free to 119 dollars
>Windows 10 is good upgrade today (unsubstantiated claim)
>Care to explain why Windows 10 is bad? There's no reason to not upgrade.
I honestly doubt it they'll charge for it. This "One year" deadline is just enough to get a bunch of people to jump in at the last minute, at which point they'll announce that due to unexpected demand, they're extending the free offer for another 9 months or some shit.
They WANT you to jump on 10. Why would they set up a pay wall to do it? The money they get for consumer builds of Windows is chump change compared to what they can do with ads and the app store.
Had to disable the recommended updates on my grandmother's computer so it doesn't automatically upgrade her to Windows 10 without any sort of consent.
If it starts installing it will ask you to acept the EULA. If you reject the EULA it wont install and will revert to your old system.
I'll take that as a no.
There is a registry key you can set that will prevent it from upgrading to win10 ever.
they'll push everyone onto it that they can and then, once Vista, 7, and 8 are dead, start charging a monthly fee for it, like Adobe did with Photoshop.
Proprietary software, not even once
The thing is that's faulty reasoning. Why should I upgrade when my 7 year OS works just fine? As if age makes a difference in the final product, Microsoft in 2016 offers nothing better to a 2009 OS unless you would like to tell us why.
If you're supposed to be a marketeer you're not very good at it.
maybe by then google will save us?
not that guy but soon not later i0 mean soon as in the next few months a majority of the games that happen will not work AT ALL on 7 and there are rumors the GTX 10x0 series will not release drivers for 7 or 8 so upgrade now or get left behind
Just wait
>ms pajeet employee breaks into your house
>upgrades to windows 10 for you
>takes a shit on your carpet
>my unproven claim is true therefore your unproven claim is false
That's like explaining why you'd rather eat the shit from person A vs the shit from person B
>enabling updates in first time
Source: My ass
Please don't scare me into upgrading. I have had enough with this marketer meme. Instead tell me why Windows 10 is a viable upgrade. Do some marketing. Sell it to me.
Nobody is interested in cutting themselves off from half of their potential market just for a few good boy points from MS
>the gaymen meme
i am NOT a marketeer i am someone sick and fucking tired of paranoid RETARDS holding us back and making my fucking job a massive pain in the dick cause they want to use ancient shit because "oh my god microsoft will know what porn i view and what games i play" all the fuckking while carrying around a device with 2 cameras at least 2 microphones and a GPS unit that alsoo cannot be powered down without removing its power source
but ya keep worrying about windows 10 and the telemetry boogieman you massive retard
The original claim was
>Windows 10 is superior to 7
Not the other way around.
I don't get how you extrapolated that from his statement. All he did was point out your logic.
Pajeet, you're rooting for the wrong side! We can't give you Rupees if you do that hahaha.
Please change your strategy.
just fucking upgrade and install anti-spybot you autistic fucking nerds
ive been running pirated windows 10 since last october
get win 7 and set it to no updates, play games from there
get virtualbox and install a a linux distro and browse from there
end of all problems
Holding us back is a good thing if we're going in the wrong direction. Which we are. Microsoft has no reason to know what porn I watch or what games I play. I don't think they should know anything that I do with my computer at all unless I choose to tell them. Because it's not their computer, it's my computer. If they'd made all their telemetry and botnettery opt-in, big deal. But they collect information on you and don't let you say no. That's the problem.
I also flashed a custom no-Gapps ROM on my phone and don't carry it with me unless I'm sure I'll need it, for precisely that reason.
So no source then? You still haven't told me why I should upgrade. The funny thing is, you probably did try to give me reasons why.
>no- GAPPS
>he honestly thinks google is the only person watching his phone
source on fucking what? im just trying to keep retards from making my works days a big pain in the ass
Source this
That's too bad user about everyone not upgrading to the latest windows. Maybe there's no real reason to upgrade? Idk, it sounds like there isn't much point to W10, huh?
>wincucks are defending this
>right now
>in this thread
They are celebrating the loss of control over their own devices and are vehemently fighting against those who have other opinions.
and when i pass you off to the potato in my department because you insist on using a potato OS dont come crying to me later when mcpotato destroys your ancient piece of shit
im actually gonna do this. thinking of using mint.
I serious cannot believe there are fucks so contrarian that they actually do this, its like if Sup Forumseterans started defending game companies for on disc locked out DLC.
They literally just eat the shit right out of Microsofts puckered anus.
And they love it
Nice try M$, but you can not scare us into letting you build a network to allow any fucking company/government to blackmail the private citizens under the pretense of homeland security.
I fap to loli
should i avoid windows 10?
Non sequitur, great. So because the OS is old is the reason to upgrade? This isn't a valid argument. We both know code doesn't deteriorate with use. Windows 7 was fine to use in 2009 so it must be fine in 2016.
Still waiting on the source for that rumor or were you making it up?
yes, your local government will call you a pedo, normies do not care about context or how non-violent a crime is, they only care about muh childrenz and muh degeneracy.
yeah, the US of A will automatically run pretty tightly scheduled backups for you. If you lose it all, you can kindly send the FBI a letter to request for it back. Hell they may even do version control for you.
As soon as they kill my win 7 I'm a #linuxmissile for life.
why not sooner?
Linux on laptop.
Linux on desktop.
Linux on my blades.
Cinnamon with your distro of choice is max cozy, user. Come to the dark side.
Then I'll have my KVM up and running.
If you use Windows you shouldn't even be on Sup Forums, I don't know why we have these threads.
Muh photoshop muh games.
My workflow is basically linux with mingw32-make and gcc on the path and git bash for common linux shell commands.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
>The Get Windows 10 app will be removed on July 29, when the free upgrade push ends, so you won’t hear any other reports about such attempts beyond this date.
Let's see if that shit is true
I'm doing a clean install of Windows 10 tonight desu. 8.1 is hot dogshit
So much tinfoil in this thread y'all gonna start picking up TV stations
Just wait
>Microsoft now deleting any instances of Linux ISOs
>all websites that contain any material related to download Linux ISOs will be blocked.
>Microsoft reroutes all traffic to its servers
>implying GWX will respect that much longer
yeah I will assume they come up with another stupid thing next, maybe just schedule for everyone who disabled it in the past anyways, or "accidentally" publish another "security" update that resets all settings
>who sticked on
Speak English nigger
>privacy concerns
Son, it's been like two fucking years since everyone even slightly tech literate realized win10 is basically nsa-as-a-service. If you're too dumb to wrap your head around it, just upgrade and fuck off, but stop trying to meme your way into convincing people you know what you're talking about, because you really don't.
>source: literally google "windows 10", then count how many times "privacy" appears in the first page.
Interesting. I assume it tries again in a few days?
Hardly my fault you're so dumb you focus on "it's just porn lol" and lack the foresight to see how this is one of those slippery slope things. Why does ms need to see what porn I watch? Literally why?
You know your OS is shit when its vendor is pulling crap like this. I'd rather deal with the lack of drivers on Linux than with this piece of shit that I can't even use without using 3rd party tools to disable MALWARE THAT THE FUCKING VENDOR INSTALLS.
There's no good reason to downgrade to 10 either.
That's bullshit, they are obliged to keep supporting older versions and they will.
They want everyone to upgrade so they can start shoving adware in users face next year.
>using shady software to get something that should be the norm
You are the real fucking moron.
>keep Windows 7, unpatched
>only play muh gaymes
>install it on its own SSD, FAT32
>Every other drive Linux, ext4
>tfw Windows cant read ext4
>tfw even if I get the most horrible virus/malware they most likely cant deal with the other filesystem
Am I retarded, or is this really the "best of both worlds" scenario I was hoping it to be?
Fucking hell, Microsoft. They will probably find a way to "upgrade" Linux and Mac to Windows 10 as well.
Not on Gentoo because they'd have to supply source code for building with gcc.
Anyone here decided to go full GNU/Linux after they drop support for 7? Already have Debian on my laptop and muh games are the only thing holding me back on the desktop.
Even muh games aren't enough for me to switch to 10 when the time comes.
>hardware backdoor
>stealthily downloads windows 10 through a satellite uplink
>formats disk to ntfs
>installs windows 10
>literally burns the data into the disk so it can't be removed
Welcome to the botnet
Haven't had any problems on my dreamspark windows 7 pro
I meant NTFS
Isn't it enough that you are degenerate why do you feel like suggesting other people to steal like you do?
I've got W7Ult SP1 on an old lappy I use everyday yet I haven't seen a single update notification, heck idk W10 was even out till 6 months after. What's that about?
ITT: Linux users memespouting about Windows thinking that it will make their irrelevant "OS" more relevant.
I wish my BIOS was open source
5 rupees have been deposited in your PayPal account Pajeet.
This happened to me just last night while I was playing a game with a friend
Actually it does. Normies have pretty much given up on desktops, it's all tablets and phones now. Soon there won't be any room for Windows computers anymore, because the market will consist entirely of companies and NEETs.
And then Linux will be the most used desktop OS.
Thanks to Windows 10 this year (or next) will be year of the Linux desktop.
Well with all the new telemetry features in w10 I'm sure microsoft will be aware of when you're fapping, so it won't happen again.
>bumping a meme thread.
I would have done this a long time ago, but unfortunately I need my laptop to do work.