I JUST NOW realized that the .bin file extension stands for binary.
I'm 28.
I JUST NOW realized that the .bin file extension stands for binary.
I'm 28.
Other urls found in this thread:
Only last night did I realise BLK means block as in block device
so ls blk is ls for block devices, and blkid means block device IDs as in blk id
I learned that the G in GNU stands for GNU.
Yeah i just recently realized the bin directories in linux meant binaries. I was thinking about it like a bin, like throw the programs in the program bin. But yeah binary makes way more sense.
Whoa i didn't know that. I run lsblk all the time but yeah i had no idea what it meant.
relevant comicjk
Still no idea what the g in Sup Forums stands for.
It stands for Dra/g/ons Dildos
The Japanese word for technology starts with a g sound. I forget what it is off the top of my head, but that's where it came from. The word for weapon starts with a k sound, too, same thing.
>Recyling Binary
>being 28
/etc is short for et cetera, it's for the other shit that isn't binaries.
/proc is for proctologist
.bin = binary, .dat = data. Both can represent literally anything.
.doc = document
I assembled my own computer for the first time at age 30 and had prebuilts before that.
>.xls = XL (pronounce excel) Spreadsheet
tar = tape archive
i always associated tarballs with balls of black tar
>tfw .exe means "executable"
>tfw the "g" in .gif and .png means "graphics", but the "g" in .jpg stands for "group"
Graphics Interchange Format
Portable Network Graphics
Joint Picture Experts Group
holy shit
oh fuck
Sup Forumseeks and /k/alashnikov
it was originally Sup Forumsuro in ye olde times but moot's webhosts didn't like that so now we have cucknolo/g/y
That's not that bad.
I eat a lot of Steak and order it Well Done (Heresy, I know).
I was asked recently why I dont eat it medium, and I said I didn't eat Red Meat.
In all these years Ive been alive, Ive always thought Red Meat meant that the meat was Red...
Damn, I miss comicjk
congratulations, shinji
Extra large spreadsheet?
Yeah that's right, fuck off anti anime fags, this is a weeboo website and board.
.bin can only hold binary data.
.dat can hold both binary and ASCII data.
What the fuck man... have you never tried rare or medium rare steak?
How can anyone prefer their steak well done? It's like preferring to drink orange juice right after you've brushed your teeth.
>eating raw meat
it's one of these discussions again
>Eating overcooked meat
Rare steak/medium rare steak is not raw
le "if it's hot it's not raw" meme, my favorite.
Every data is binary data you moron.
You... can't be this retarded, can you? File extensions are entirely arbitrary you retard.
>doesn't know the difference between binary and text write modes
Epic lolzzzz xD nice m9
>Raw and rare steaks have a risk of causing food-borne illness
Well? The other differences are only on the surface(which is not raw).
yesterday i found out gcc is pronounced gucci.
>gcc is pronounced gucci.
ebin, recyl ebin
I know that, idiot.
But you wouldn't give a disk image a .doc or .c extension now would you?
Just like you wouldn't put purely ASCII data in a .bin file, it's just fucking retarded.
it was guro
Unix system resources
Gijitsu and katana for Sup Forums and /k/
Yes, katana.
I thought it was short for user...
.bin is often used for unknown or arbitrary data, which could just happen to be pure ascii
Sup Forums started as a board dedicated to Gentoo, back in the day when the shit was popular and was the only thing discussed in the software board. Where do you think all the Gentoo memes come from?
Tarballs are not .tar, but .tar.gz
Holy shit the newfaggery is strong here. At least look up the Sup Forums history wiki or something.
The only right answer.
.gz = gnu zip?
>Sup Forums
Haha faggot
Be honest, good long have you been here?
Are you retarded? Sup Forumsuro was replaced only with Sup Forumsijutsu because Sup Forums is technology on 2ch. Therefore they answered correct.
Would a guro board still be impossible?
We won't even get /l/oli, unfortunately.
Guro. This place was a Guro board. Then moot got all ethical and got rid of stuff like the Guro board and the other questionable porn boards we had here. He later created a tech board but didn't change the directory, just the name. And here we are today.
kek I remember that thread
You realise how bad this makes me feel? I want my hug!
There is literally nothing wrong with eating raw meat, or as I call it: meat.
the gnu version is "gnu zip", the openbsd version is "gratis zip", probably the same in other bsd's as well
just learn that .bak stands for backup
Even 2ch.hk deleted guro
.docx, .xlsx = extreme document or extreme excel spreadsheet
>Then moot got all ethical and got rid of stuff like the Guro board
No, you retarded monkey. Godaddy stole the original domain name because of "questionable content" found on Sup Forums and /l/. Actual pedos infested /l/ with 3DPD so they both went away. Later Sup Forums became techloli/g/y because mods didn't pay attention to Sup Forums at all.
is that an open mouth, or a very long frown?
The straightened question mark suggests the former
but the eye brows suggest the latter
I just realized everything in linux is really files
you're wrong and also a faggot
Earlier today I just realized that the word flu came from the word influenza.
Yes, but are they harmful?