New Retina MacBook Pro

New Retina MacBook Pro

fake and gay


>caring about macbooks


I can confirm this, Apple sent me some photos of the 2017 Macbook Macbook.
Isn't it beautiful?

I know right, It has the iForce iTouch iTouchpad iJustWerks.

Why do you keep reposting the fake picture?

wow and the leaker just so happens to browse Sup Forums, how convenient! I'm glad these coincidences occur and it's why I'm glad to be apart of this image board.

what a poorly photoshopped screenshot.

> photoshoped
it was gimped, lad.

In more than one way

then that's a not-bad gimping.

>tfw people still buy this shit
fucking designer laptops and the poorfags that buy them

Both ways, Apple is going to release a great new Retina Macbook Pro.
It will cost a minimum of 117,000 dollars and will require Apple Care + Force Touch edition.
It will be a absolute autistic masterpeice

> tfw poorfags can't pay $110000000 on a laptop
stay poor, poorfags

Nigger that you steal shit doesn't mean that the pajeets are stealing also




> only 1/3
> meanwhile other major companies are literally 3/3
based Apple, still mostly white.


fuck off nigger.

Fuck off iPajeet.

>Buying the rMBP refresh on day 1 and planning to take a picture and post it on Sup Forums to gloat

Where we at?

how will Sup Forums react if Apple announces at wwdc that they aquired wacom and built the cintiq into their newest mbp screens and kept it all under 10mm thick

>to gloat

What is it with Applel customers and the need to show off how poor they are?

No wonder they are in a shit spiral.



> laptop
> touch screen
I would literally puke.

Apple, copying Dell like usual.
If you don't currently own an xps 13 or 15, you are a literal retard.

>how will Sup Forums react if Apple announces
some combination of
- not understanding
- shitting on it
- realizing that another company did the same thing years ago
- claiming that it WAS the best thing in the world when THAT company did it
- complaining that the way apple did it is worse than the way the other company did it

in this case it'd be some bitching about
>"why would you even want to use a stylus on a screen"
>oh fuck the surface pro does it. oh and fuck so did the thinkpad x series
>"i mean, it was great when IBM did it in the thinkpad"
>somehow upset that a feature they thought was good is now too mainstream

lmao what a KEK


>shit linux compatibility
>shit keyboard

yeah no thanks

Goddamn is that ugly.

>but muh thinness!

That hinge is an abomination.

>dat trackpad


Should I buy the new MacBook Pro when they release? In late 2013 I future proofed my MacBook Pro by getting the 1TB flash Storage. 16GB of 1600MHz DDR3L. 2.6GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache. Spent ~$3,000 on it including the price reduction for a student discount

I know I don't need to buy another laptop but I really like the MacBook design assuming this is what they stick with.

Well at least you learned not to use a old OS for your fakes this time

What hinge?

my hinge is going on 4 years old, and just as sturdy as the day i got it

your shitbook can't top that

X P S 1 3

Still ugly as fuck. My comment was about aesthetics, not durability. Also, my Dell Latitude is over 10 years old. It has topped that.

CPU performance has hardly improved. GPU performance has massively improved, but pointless in Macs because of outdated as shit OpenGL.

are you visually challenged? the hinge is invisible

If you are not a poorfag, why not? Just get whatever you want.

Also sell your older Mac, you should be able to get a lot of cash on that thing.

Are you autistic? I'm referring to the way the screen overlaps the base of the laptop when in an open position.


>tfw Apple could be stupid enough to give up a ton of performance in order to make a thinner, fanless rMBP

> openGL
> what is Metal/Vulkan

>could be

>Google and Microsoft have Indian CEOs, while Apple has a white CEO
>yet somehow Apple is the Pajeet company here

0.1% adoption.

1 hour of Prime95 and Furmark

Really applicable to real life scenarios

*ironic thumbs up*

Dumbass thread kill yourself


>Windows on a Mac
Just get an XPS 13/15 if you want that. And the battery life on Windows is much worse than OS X anyways, the throttling is probably there for that reason.

new iPad leaked

Seriously all your shit looks like it was designed for toddlers

What tablet looks like it isn't designed for toddlers?

>looks like





Looks the exact same as an iPad pro with KB and stand

No it doesn't.
The keyboard cover when closed on the Surface looks like a hardcover book, while a closed iPad has these irregular fold lines that look like shit. Also, those rounded membrane keys on the iPad look like shit too,

... you don't see the resemblance?

do you need to find your glasses, or is this some kind of neurological thing?

>looks "exactly" the same

I just threw up

you need help if you have physical responses to pictures of ugly computers.

I enjoy it


Thanks anons


MacBook hinges are literally the best out there you autist.

>Right click
>Search Google for this image

You tried.

I know this is fake but if they actually came out with a rMBP with small bezels and an actually up to date GPU (Polaris?) I would actually buy a new Apple product even though I swore I wont.

but you realize how much worse the iPad Pro's keyboard cover is designed than the Surface's, right...?


That pic is wrong, people who comes from money doesn´t show off with fancy cars, that´s poor taste and nuveau-riche


>what is throttling on battery power
It won't throttle if it's plugged in.

>Just get an XPS 13/15
Worst craptops ever though, Dell's newest XPS models are their worst products of all time.

>look like shit
Sorry user, all the Surfaces look like fisher price toy shit.

Dat Winderz logo, LOLOL.

We bringing back macpoor?

>>Just get an XPS 13/15

It probably would throttle when on mains power, especially under stressful loads. The temps just go too high.

I just ordered a x260. Itll be here in like two weeks. Took all the discounts I could top model was about 1550.00 after tax.

Normally I get used laptops but I need that battery life for work these days. Might buy a separate battery after I see what its like. I really would be happy with a laptop I dont have to plug in for 12 hours in a pinch.

Thinkpad still has that quality also, even if the keyboards are a bit less then they were.

I wish there was some company that puts solid products like pic related on the market just with modern specs instead of all that lifestyle crap for fashion sissies and hipster trannies.

Is this a Photoshop fails thread?

I need mac OS for a couple of programmes that aren't on windows. Hackintosh worth a punt or is it just a waste of time?

No one cares about your fart apps.

Spare me the commentary, neckbeard.

What about hackintosh though?

No one cares about your fart apps.


>touch screen
>on a laptop
There is no way Apple would do something so dumb.

>shilling for 16:9 trash
Just stop. Even Chinknovo moved away from this cancer with their new ThinkPad X1.

> dat tiny bezels
I almost came, what happened and why newer macbooks has that huge motherfucking disgusting bezel?

Because they thin out at the edges, while the older ones are more square. Durability basically.

I honsetly dont see what people like about mac products. Unless oyu strictly need for work or something. I don't get it

This, my XPS13 is way better in every way and doesn't look like it came out last century.

Beyond flawless design (both from aesthetic and usability POV), OSX reliability and integration with other Apple devices, great input devices and generally long lasting battery life?

I don't know, perhaps the 16:10 screens?

>flawless design

>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel themselves has admitted it's utter shit now and has trashed the design to go back to copying 90's era laptops with solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>ultra shit tier zero travel chiclet keyboard
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats at the slightest task because abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz because of chronic overheating problems
>retina meme supposedly for "pros" have have blurry as shit retina meme scaling

>macshit is good
Can we finally put an end to this meme?