/wdg/ - Web Dev General

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>Learning material
youtu.be/JxAXlJEmNMg?list=PL7664379246A246CB - "Crockford on JavaScript" lecture series.

>Frontend development

>Backend development

>Useful tools
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started
youtu.be/pB0WvcxTbCA - "WATCH THIS IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A WEB DEVELOPER! - Web Development Career advice"
youtu.be/zf_cb_Nw5zY - "JavaScript is Easy" - If you can't into programming, you probably won't find a simpler introduction to JavaScript than this.

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:


First for salt cave.

Hello frogo

Anybody can help me with nodelists?

When I use querselectorall(), I get back a nodelist. That's cool but why when I typeof() the result I get object rather than Element? This wouldn't usually be a problem but I have added a new function to the prototype of elements that checks what is calling it, ie:

function Evaluate (vis, root) { return (this === Element)? ..... }
Element.prototype.Evaluate = Evaluate;

Help a n000b?

Could someone with python and flask knowledge give a honest opinion of my codebase code quality?
It's some message board software I'm working on, focusing on speed by using rational caching (message boards are easy to cache) and not the "traditional" method of writing files when someone posts.
I've posted it on 8ch and people always meme about python being slow or just general "it sucks" without further explanation of what they thought sucked. I think the code base is reasonable at this stage. Not pleb tier, but not god tier either.

You know you're a web "programmer" when all you do is look for shit to copy and paste all day or beg on the internet for real programmers to write your code for you.

>or beg on the internet for real programmers to write your code for you.
I want an opinion, not someone to write the code for me. Did you even read my post?

How do search engines work? Do they actually loop through everything until they find what they're looking for?

map reduce, and a lot of magic

Short of a week passed since my 3rd and last interview for a hipster web programming job (50/h, remote). I think I aced the 2nd and 3rd interview.

Should I send an email asking about my current status or shit?


Your mistake is to believe users of such anonymous boards have any relevant opinion about the code behind it.

Look at the reply you just got, Sup Forums is clearly not a dev community. Most are just kids, wannabes, amateurs who don't know what they're doing.

Finding a good advice here will be difficult. This is mostly a tech-memes board.

How defuq do i get the Zend framework on my iis?

Thanks for contributing nothing faggot.

The answer to this if anyone is asking isn't the === operator but rather (x instance of y)
function Evaluate(vis, root) { return ((this instanceof Element)? this : document)....
Element.prototype.Evaluate = Evaluate;

Thanks everyone!

Not that user, but why is it that you can find experts on Sup Forums or /his/, but if you want to be serious about web development you have to go to reddit?

Let's make /wdg/ great again.

That's a sad state.
But you're right, and it's pretty bad on 8ch. There are a lot of threads there about image board software (because of the terrible software they're running now), but if it isn't node.js or Go then they will insult you. They will circlejerk over a language, not looking at the code or technologies used. They will create drama over the people who wrote some software. Only a few know something about real web dev.

I was hoping the situation here was better.
What are the /wdg/ threads here generally about then?

>What are the /wdg/ threads here generally about then?

1. Pajeets asking how to align a grid of images with CSS
2. Pajeets struggling to install WordPress
3. PHP hate
4. General JS, node.js and SPA hate
5. A few fullstack/backend guys

Well, at least you hate PHP and nodejs, the other site think's there is nothing wrong with it.

I'm currently working through Freecodecamp and I'm starting to feel like I'm just filling in blanks and not actually learning. Is this just how it feels for a while? I'm on the intermediate algorithm section (About 300 or so modules in)

Are there any other recommended paths for learning web dev? I'm not too fond of video guided material if you have to wait for the video to finish to get some hands on.

Seconding this

The only things "required" for the "certificates" are the ones with the * next to them. You can just skip everything else if you don't want to do it.

It's not that I don't want to do them I'm just not sure if what I'm doing is the most effective way to use my time for learning.

is the free part of code academy tutorial any decent?

also what's a good IDE/programfor a complete beginner? i'm not a beginner with programming just with web dev, preferably unix compatible, and preferably allows for some live or quick feedback, something like the khan academy in built editor or scratchpad.io

It's not like you paid any money to use FCC. If you want to do something, do it. If you don't, don't.

>I'm just not sure if what I'm doing is the most effective way to use my time for learning

If you're even wondering that, it probably isn't. Skip to the project section and do those.

>is the free part of code academy tutorial any decent?
For the most part, they're pretty good for teaching you the basic syntax and usage of the language you're learning.

also what's a good IDE/programfor a complete beginner?

Brackets is good if you want an IDE and has an integrated chrome live preview. VIM is pretty much unbeatable for text editors, though.

I am learning JAVA in order to pass my OOP course and I want to start learning WebDev in the summer.
I am a bit naive and also ignorant about what would await me, but:
Will I be fine in WebDev?

I didn't pay money for it but I did invest 20 or so hours into where I'm at now expecting for it to get more involved. I skip to the projects but it just feels like I didn't learn the concepts and I'm just hacking stuff together from stack overflow.

If I'm devoting 4 hours a day to coding, is there a better recommended learning path?


>is there a better recommended learning path?

Yes, go to school or the military or something because it sounds like you can't handle self-directed learning and need someone else to hold your hand and tell you what to do.

Oh shit I thought I was asking questions to people who've gone through similar paths of learning so that I can better myself in an efficient way.

Get over yourself

Tokenisation and inverted indexes. By tokenising every word in the search text, which includes splitting the entire document by word, indexing each one with an ID, the placement within the document and the number of documents the word resides in, documents can be scored via algorithms that measure how relevant a search term is to a document (term count, word order, popularity, etc).

Have a paper about Google before it was a company: infolab.stanford.edu/~backrub/google.html

What's that website with all the programming puzzles?

I want to do a few of them a day.


Thank you for that, I've never seen the paper. Very interesting.

should be

Everyone learns in different ways. An important part of self-directed learning is being able to recognize what is effective for you and what isn't. For some people, doing large numbers of problem sets is effective. For some, doing hands-on projects is more effective. Some people need to have a a human voice and diagrams explaining things to them to learn. Others need the pressure of deadlines and grades to learn.

You want help with a technical problem, people on here can probably help. For something that's intrinsic to your own brain, you're on your own.

> I did invest 20 or so hours
Oh wait, my mistake. After 20 hours they're supposed to email you a link to the secret part of the website where you can magically download JS knowledge directly into your brain.

As I said, if you're even wondering whether or not it's an effective way to learn, it probably isn't so move on. If you're pissed because you think that means the 20 hours you invested in the site already are wasted...Well, maybe you shouldn't have spent 20 hours doing something where you weren't learning anything.

Well memed, friend! :D

Im sure that Google search will lead to the obscure website user mentioned a month ago!

Males are hands-on learners. These websites typically use methods used in the education system which statistically has been shown to cater towards females.

Low test detected.

my favicon-and-title script agrees

so I'm learning html right now on mac and just realized that mac does not come with an application like notepad. what do you guys recommend I use, i want something easy and accessible if at all possible.

You could've easily googled this (I recommend sublime text 3)

>mac does not come with an application like notepad

yes it does you fucking liar

thanks, i tried googling it but i couldn't find anything that was easy to use. Thanks for the recommendation!!

it comes with textedit, and vi

atom works pretty well

im making a barebones chatroom with nodejs, express, and socket.io, and i want the room to remember people's usernames when they disconnect and reconnect. which libraries or modules should i look into to generate and store cookies?

cookie-parser and express-session if you want to use session

does anyone know where to spam a kickstarter?

i already promised i wouldnt post here or i would.

trying to make the world a more secure place



What do you use then?

Python with flask or django, ruby (rails), java spring. It depends on the project. Not even talking about decisions like what os, db, caching, cdn

working with json APIs
when I open them in browsers they look awful and its not easy to see where the objects elements end or not
how do I make them more readable

ok nevermind

Should I learn and start using ES6 or will it be a pain trying to make it work with frameworks and libraries?

>Should I learn and start using ES6
>will it be a pain trying to make it work with frameworks and libraries?
Not particularly, just use babel/browserify

Please, "experts" in a non technical field.

Don't fall for the ES6 meme.

best web language to learn right now? well, of course you have to learn more than one, guessing I should learn html entirely and css?

let alone de-memifies ES6, fucking hoisting shit.

>best web language to learn right now?
PHP dominates the web and will continue to do so.

Continue? Eh
It's popular but the pay will always be shit. You'll be stuck being a PHP monkey forever.

What do you recommend friend

Also whats a good editor? I remember starting with dream-wave adobe way back on my time, but.. yeah.. I've heard bad things about it.

What's the alternative?
Being a JS monkey ?

HTML > CSS > Javascript

> CSS > Javascript
I disagree... you can do more stuff with JS... how can CSS be better?

Comparing CSS with JS is like comparing a spoon with a bottle of shampoo. You'll use both, learn both.

dude ">" are arrows
html -> css -> js

hahah fuck my life
spent 30-40 minutes figuring out why my jquery append doesnt work


Rails desu senpai

You must be new here

I knew someone would bite.
Anyway, is right. Those are arrows (kind of)

so funny

Yo, does anybody have experience with chartjs? I have a line chart, with a bunch of different labels/lines, but I'd like to be able to display only ONE label at first, instead of all of them like it is by default.

I can post my code if you guys want but it is just a default line chart with ChartJS.

What is the best web format for images?

it depends on the type of image

BMP and TIFF mainly
GIF is also acceptable
JPG is lossy compressed shit
PNG is a meme

Nice bait, user

Just jpg everything. It's small and that's all that matters.

The downside of jpg files is that colors seem to leak into each other making future editing of the file a pain. So keep the original.

PNG uber alles

I didn't even have to google for some obscure file extension I didn't know


making a concept design for a upcoming project. rate and hate


logo is shit
too much gray is boring

what do you suggest then? It's one of the first light color sites I've made for myself in over a year and I thought it looked professional. I guess maybe blue or orange would fit decently?

Are you talking about codewars.com?

if you want to keep the gray at least use "gold" color in some areas where you want to draw attention ( like the logo and the authenticate button for example)
That would look nice and professional

what I mean is gray has to stay in the background otherwise it will look boring no matter what, because that's how gray works.

pols respond

>tfw giting gud

Can you tell me a website that sells shit and has a good design.

Need that for school.


To make it simplier, I have to tell my classe why this website is shit. Any suggestions ?


i read today that async/await finally hit v8.
full native support in node.js when?

Easy: it's french.

>still no tail call elimination

Already in my speech.

annoying fixed items
search box in the middle
some header above the context header
tex too small imo in the footer


I know how to program and am smart and can be hard working if i want to
how long does it take me to learn webdev

Where do you go for css inspiration?

Well if you already know to program, use the library that suits you the best and go learn some web designing skills.

But I'm pretty sure you don't really know how to program or else you would not ask that question.

Any able commerce devs here? Need your help desperately.

I finished The Odin Project RoR what should I do next? should I read a book or keep building sites?