Google keyboard just got usable again.
Google keyboard just got usable again
When was it not usable?
>broke flat style keyboard
no thanks
What was it before?
No it didn't
In previous version you couldn't turn on the symbols on the letter keys.
Wasn't that update a bit over last week?
What's the best keyboard for android? I hate the standard Google one.
>still no fucking arrow keys
literally why
"perfect keyboard free", literally
I dunno, it only got updated today in here.
correcting shit in blocks of text, because touch-cursoring is a fucking PITA
Google keyboard 5.0 is objectively the best.
>swipe left and right on the sacecbar
No need to waste space on extra keys
just slide the spacebar
You can slide the space key.
>not having arrow keys on the nav bar
It's just not the same.
>using navbar
Is this a new feature in OP's update because I cant
>not having a physical keyboard
You have to turn it on in the settings
Does it still detect presses on buttons when you touch area inbetween buttons?
I hate that shit.
check out the gesture typing options should be in there
should turn on by default
>Google keyboard just got usable again.
What the fuck do you think, numbnuts?
honestly most of Sup Forums is fully retarded.
If you somehow manage to tap that
This thread is about the option to show symbol keys on the main keyboard, not the ability to swipe on the space bar which may or may not have been there before
You mean the google keylogger? Why would anyone use that and here of all places is beyond me. Fucking plebs
It can't send shit back to google's servers if it wants to tbqh
It's a new feature in 5.x so it is relevant.
Holy balls, this is actually a significant improvement over the old one
>what is turning share usage snippets off
Thank god. Hopefully they update the Japanese keyboard soon.
>no numpad
How do you change between typonyms when using gesture typing?
One handed mode is goat
There is one tho.
Now the last thing it's missing is the ability to use multiple language dictionaries simultaneously. The only reason I still prefer Swiftkey.
Swiftkey has this fucking annoying bug the devs don't seem toncare about. Sometimes when you put a point at the end of a sentence it doubles the last word and if you delete it it just doubles it again. Drives me fucking nuts.
how do i make it look like that?
Settings > appearance
I discovered a major flaw for Sup Forums users tho, you can't easily access the ">" symbol which sucks.
Whereas on SwiftKey you just have to long press i.
No dictionary or mixing of letter/characters still? Fuck off
What do you mean?
One handed mode is actually pretty usable.
Can they just remove the fucking voice symbol. I keep hitting that when I mean to press send.
>inb4 fat fingers
For that you have to disable voice input in the general Android settings. Which should be disabled anyway unless youre one of them weirdo who talk to their phones.
did they finally add that shit?
I was still using the Jelly Bean keyboard as a resort.
This is a legit huge improvement what the shit
hackers' keyboard
Yes. I switched to Swiftkey for the same reason tbqh.
>been using android for years
>didn't know this
why don't they put arrows on it? would it ruin the AESTHETICS too much?
(in my defense, my first android phone had a physical touch/trackball thing that provided cursor key inputs, so i used that)
It was just added in the latest version a week ago.
Because it's a new feature.
That's because it's new.
Don't the keyboard show off the new stuff after the update? I'm pretty sure it did on mine.
i see, don't feel as silly now
i don't use the google keyboard anymore, but rather hackers keyboard (which has separate cursor keys)
Swype, best gesture typing and best design. Everything else is second best.
You can disable key boarder, it's flat.
I always download the jellybean keyboard because everything else is just shit.
I like it with borders. Without borders it just seems like a bunch of letter thrown into an empty space.
1-finger slide keyboard master race
That's for changing the input language. What, do you think everyone only writes English?
you have to long press space to change language, or press the button right next to it, not slide it.
Does any other keyboard have a select all, cut and paste function? With Swype it's a simply swipe from the Settings key to a, x or v
Pretty damn useful and though the keyboard itself isn't all too great anymore, that alone keeps me using it
nope, for some reason that only moves the cursor to the right, never left, no matter what i do
>Forcing emojis into the keyboard
What are some good alternatives?
lurk the fucking thread before asking dumbass
Hi, can you, yes you, personally give me some Android keyboard recommendations?
:'( :-* :-! :O :'( :O :-! :-P :'( :O :-)
>using the smiley with a dash nose
>using the smiley with a apostrophe nose
Minuum. It also has scarily accurate word correction. It even accounts for extra/missing letters.
>google keyboard
Not even once
>still no meme arrows in the first character set
this desu
moot sort this shit out
Does anybody here know the answer to this question?
>dash nose
aah, an oldfag.
how're you holding, sir?
next or previous word?
Wow, that actually looks comfy af
In which texts do they appear? I can't get them to show up.
I'd think it's next/previous character tho.
They advertise their meme "one row" mode(hence the name) that relies solely on prediction
, and emojis. Don't use them. Copy pasting is in bonus panels, pick what you need in extra settings.
Here's how it looks. Surprisingly, it even somewhat works.
kill yourself
Now that's retarded but the full panel mode looks okay.
Not sure if the copy/paste buttons are worth it.
Thanks mate, I'll check it out
Not sure I'm really fond of giving those features a dedicated row, but it might actually prove to be more useful that way
I wanna breed
Is there a way to remove the Tab key that's next to the spacebar in Hacker's Keyboard? It's the only gripe I have with it
user asking the question here. I think I've figured it out. It functions like a tab key, moving your cursor to the next or previous text field. It doesn't work perfectly, but you can try it out in email.
I personally use it for correction(not a native speaker, keep forgetting words) but "select all" is insanely useful. The other 3 buttons are cut, copy and paste. Here are the other bonus panels, they all occupy one row and you change them by swiping.
What I miss the most from cyangenmod is the volume button cursor moving.
I don't understand why that isn't standard. I mean how many times do you actually want to change volume while typing?
What's stopping you from using CM? Got memed on and bought a locked down piece of shit?
>What's the best keyboard for android?
Modularity and performance wise, multiling o keyboard. Learning curve is slightly steep at first, but it's the lightest and most modular there is.
Stock CyanogenMod keyboard.
CM doesn't officially support my phone, and I'm not willing to put some furry's from XDA rom on my phone.
Is there a mechanical keyboard app?
>design is beautiful again
>swipe spacebar scrolls through text
>swipe backspace higlights text
>there is no keyboard app that competes in the functionality department
Why would you use anything else?
lacks features
see all of the above
You are aware officially supported phones have "maintainers" that are the very same furries and pajeets(usually exactly same, as they also keep xda threads), right? It's not making it any worse, on the contrary, they try harder because they use that phone themselves.