/sqt/: Stupid Questions Thread


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newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100167748 600536648 600536650 601114472

can Sup Forums do my homework for me?

Do these actually do anything?





Did you ever know anyone who received a swirly in real life?

Did you ever receive one yourself?



Could you repeat the question?

Anyone have issues with laptops getting BSOD'd from WLAN?

Can connect through ethernet just fine. As soon as I get on wireless it crashes. Been happening to about 30 of our Thinkpads. Re-imaging every time is a bitch.



Does anyone know what might cause steamwebhelper.exe to eat damn near all of my cpu power, and more importantly how to make it not do this ?

Suspending the process fixes it but renders most of Steam unusable, the store is unusable even if I don't suspend it. Started after a Windows update a couple weeks ago, anyone know what's up ?

I've tried reinstalling Steam, but no luck there.

Obviously, your image is fucked.

It's not the image.
The fresh install from Lenovo is fucking up. I'm at the point where I'm just going to disable one Windows update at a time until it works properly but I think it has more to do with the Intel driver than anything else.

It might regulate the amount of botnet actions Google services make.
Also it drops the rendering frame rate, which is somewhat of a thing on high res screens.
Also the bars get turned red because they're actually transparent apparently and disabling the effect saves battery.

Probably some kind of memory leak.

so im teaching myself C at the moment (i only know python atm) and compiled the 'hello world' exercise from pic related and when i run it nothing happens. Is this because i havent told it to open the terminal or something? or have i done something wrong?

How would you go about converting a .3ds file to a .mdl?

Fedora, openSUSE, Mageia are based on RPM? What it means?

I'm running windows 8.1, and have a full drive encrypted with truecrypt.
I want to do a clean install to 10 now it's still free, will truecrypt still work, or is there something else I need/you'd recommend?
Thanks in advance.

The terminal opens and closes because it does exactly what you told it to do: Print Hello World and end program.

Run it from a command prompt or terminal to see the output. Actually, run every program you make from the terminal now.

>The fresh install from Lenovo
Why are you using install media from Lenovo?

Do a fresh install from an un-molested Windows ROM and install the bare necessity drivers, THEN make an image of that to flash them all with, assuming their the same machine.

The program outputs to standard output.
You're supposed to call it inside a terminal.

RPM is the package manager.

No, but the homework board will

I'm about to travel to work in Asia for a few years, an am looking for a laptop as a desktop replacement. It will be moved from country to country with me, but probably won't be taken with me to work daily.

I need it to be capable of working on software, 3D modelling, 3D rendering ect.

I'm thinking GTX970, 16gb ram (game development takes a lot of RAM) and a recent i7.

Is this overkill?
The best value laptops for this seem to be Alienwares, i know alienwares are silly looking but hey, they have the best stats for the money. should i go for a 15" or a 17" laptop?



I got an alienware 14 as a gift and its storage is a tad too small to hold all my steam games.
Can its drive bay hold two, or do I need to replace it?

>Not sure if bait

what exactly is bait about this?

I'm not attached to the Alienware badge, Alienwares are just dells in a cringy case, but they are the best value laptops for my requirements

So last night I got pissed off playing some games on my laptop, and in my rage I mashed Alt-F4 pretty hard, and it ended up blue screening.

Since then all my programs have just stopped working as I try to run them, or take a long while to start.

Have I fucked my hard drive?

Sorry for the photo, can't take screenshots.

Ahah wow I don't know how that ended upside down, but I'll be quite happy to post any images anyone needs to help me.

can someone tell me a USB headset with good price-performance? i dont know shit about anything

How to I create a binary tree in c++ and what are the mathematical implementations of one?

come on, if you can find me a laptop with a GTX970M, 16GB RAM, i7 for less i'll buy that one instead

>Have I fucked my hard drive?
I sure hope so.

Consider growing out of the 'petulant child' phase.

I am using mozilla firefox and I have a problem with their plug-in stops.
I can't use flash and silverlight plug-ins the way they are intended to be used.
I must llow them personally, but then the sites crash anyways.

For an example,I can't watch amazon prime videos with that browser.
How can I make Firefox MY Firefox Browser?


I was going to help you but you live in a shithole.

Just go to newegg or any similar site, filter by 970M and better, sort by lowest price.

newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100167748 600536648 600536650 601114472

I have no experience beyond the G35 I used to use, and it was quite nice.

However, good pair of headphones + good mic is a superior option to a headset.

>install VirtualBox
>install Windows 7 on VM
>upgrade to Windows 10 Pro
>Use ProduKey to aquire product key
>scrap VM and use product key to install legal Windows 10 on actual computer

Does it work? Can anyone confirm?

In a perfect world that's what I would do. Time constraints and turnover rates just do not allow for that kind of undertaking in my company.

I don't think it's the windows install that's causing it at all anyway. It's something we're doing post-install that's making them crash but it's definitely related to wireless.

Why is this
better than


I'm running Mint 17.3 and the SPDIF output goes to idle almost immediately and takes a good .5 second to start when it's needed.
It's driving me mad, but disabling the idling in /etc/pulse/default.pa makes pulseaudio crash after a while, so that's even worse.
What now?

Why bother when you have Hyper-V ?

So I get constant ping spikes while playing online games. I get the spikes whether i use wireless or wired connections, and i get the ping spikes while playing on both Xbox and PC games (again both wired and wireless). I've tried port forwarding for xbox live and steam services along with individual games and it hasn't made a difference. NAT settings are all good as well. Been having this issues on multiple modems and routers so that pretty much rules out hardware being the cause (i also experience regular internet dropouts, had the isp come and have a look and they cant diagnose it, possible related to ping spikes?). is there anything else i can try on my end?

pic unrelated


how about this one?

If i copy the public_html of my old wordpress site to a new one, will that create an identical site?


Subversive or Subclipse?

I'm currently working with Subversive on Ubuntu but shit is just broken. I somehow can't commit more than 15 lines of code per commit. If I do the process hangs for 10 minutes and then fails.

Trying to install the DB2 Express-C database on windows 10 and 8.1 but both give me the 'This app can't be installed on Windows' bullshit each time I try to run the installer.

Yes I really do need fucking DB2, it's for a project. I already tried most of the bullshit you find via google like disabling smart screen and stuff. I have a 64 bit OS and the DB2 installer is for 64bit. Just don't know what to try anymore.

How much does it cost to ship a mechanical keyboard (109£) from the UK to italy? Amazon says 5£, forums say 20£, royalmail says 10£

I want to develop C programs on linux. What's the best open source ide? Eclipse cdt?

>inb4 linux is an ide
I'm dumb and i want the ide to spoonfeed me. Also i just started learning the language

Because I don't need that fancy-schmancy stuff, I just need to install -> start up -> upgrade -> extract key -> erase. I'm not going to host anything or do anything else with it, and VB is the easiest solution in that manner. Just download -> install -> run out of the box. No fuckups.

Posted in a new thread but whatever.
I pirated Ableton but stupid as I am I typed in my password without checking what file I'm letting access my files.

This is the command authorization file:

function msg {
printf "\e[1;32m>\e[m %s\n" "$1"
function msg2 {
printf "\e[1;34m>\e[m %s\n" "$1"

msg "Ableton Live 9 Suite v9.x.x x64 Patch:"

msg2 "Applying patches..."

sudo perl -pi -e 's|\xFF\x85\xC0\x0F\x89\x39|\xFF\xEB\x06\x0F\x89\x39|g' /Applications/Ableton\ Live\ 9\ Suite.app/Contents/MacOS/Live

sudo perl -pi -e 's|\xFF\x85\xC0\x0F\x89\x0D|\xFF\xEB\x06\x0F\x89\x0D|g' /Applications/Ableton\ Live\ 9\ Suite.app/Contents/MacOS/Live

sudo perl -pi -e 's|\x0F\x94\xC3\x83\xFB\x01|\xBB\x01\x00\x00\x00\x90|g' /Applications/Ableton\ Live\ 9\ Suite.app/Contents/MacOS/Live

sudo xattr -d -r com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Ableton\ Live\ 9\ Suite.app

msg "Live Suite is ready to authorize using the keyfile!"

Am I fucked?

>smash alt f4
>OS breaks
Windows, everyone

>install linux
>it's already broken and you have to fix it
Linuxfags, everyone.

>he does it for free

Okay, well, the answer to your question is that it probably won't work because the license gets locked to a hardware fingerprint in the UEFI bootloader. Your license would be locked to your VM rather than your actual hardware.

I'm not entirely sure if it's different if you use a retail license to upgrade with, but I doubt it.

Is there some sort of program either for android or windows that can archive webpages ie download all the pictures and links on that webpage?


Cop or Not?

Ausfag dollars btw

How long did it take you to realise programming is for you?
I'm trying to find something that I enjoy and be passionate about but I feel like I've tried it all at this point from long-distance running to art for 3 whole years without an ounce of satisfaction or happiness from any of them

Go dominate your mom's pussy you stupid gaymur Sup Forumsretard

A what?

>and links
You want the content of all linked pages, or what?

A swirly is where you dip someone's head into a toilet and flush it.

It's called a swirly due to the cyclonic motion creating a swirl out of your hair, assuming it's long enough.

Like having any quoted links clickable

end your life
>Sup Forumsretard
it's Sup Forumstard you moron.

Unless you can match the specs for a better price, kill yourself

How do I list song and album stats from my mpd server?

I'd like to know how many albums and tracks I have, as well as their format (flac/mp3).

Currently I have this shitty script instead (jp ignored because it's a mess).

#!/usr/bin/env bash


du -sh --exclude=$music/jp/* $music
echo -e ""

for format in flac mp3; do
echo "$format:"
echo -e "Songs:\t $(find $music -name *.$format -not -path "$music/jp/*" | wc -l)"
echo -e "Albums:\t $(find $music -name *.$format -not -path "$music/jp/*" | cut -d '/' -f 1-6 | sort -u | wc -l)"
echo -e ""

How to convert models from .3ds to .mdl?

Ah lol yes i received one at the age of 8 got bullied a lot back then in elementary school, they got suspended. Waited in front of the house of the leader and punched the shit out of him. Wasn't a great time and didn't got much better after that. Secondary school was salvation.

Will my processor bottleneck a GTX 1080?

Hell no

thanks, user

Why do usb 2.0 devices not work on the right front usb 3.0 port of my case but usb 3.0 devices do? No problems with the left port

W7 Home Edition
Can i use Remote Desktop? I checked and i think i can't even enable it, so what's an alternative
btw i have enough botnet with Wangblows, so no more botnet please

You better be the guy doing 3D modeling and design for work from before; you should be ok with that, BUT you should try to cop something actually meant for what you need to do, like a laptop with a workstation graphics chipset (quadro, etc).

If nah, kill yourself ya cunt.

not that guy but I have a gtx 960 and it's jackshit for modeling cause raytracing is all CPU, or am I missing anything?

I never overlclocked anything in my life but recently I just upgraded to a FX 8320 and I heard you can pump up the baby quite high

I know there this multiplier but I want to go high I have to touch voltage too. Can anyone help me like. What to do to achiv 4.7 or 4.8 Ghz

Is there some sort of a HDD Sup Forums tier chart or anything?

I'm trying to decide which brand and model should my new HDD purchase should be.

Does anyone here know how to harvest tweets from a twitteraccount?

I've heard things about it being difficult to install a pirated OS on a laptop because of the way their codes are stored within or whatever.

If I order a laptop without an OS, should I be able to just put on Win7 from a CD/USB with no fuss?

So I have a computer that had a botched update or something, whatever the cause was it can't boot now; just gets to 'starting windows' then restarts. Obviously some system files are fucked up and whenever I run sfc scan it says it couldn't repair some of them.
Normally this wouldn't be a big deal because I could just look at the cbs log file and see which ones it couldn't repair, but the cbs log is both like 500mbs which makes it a pain in the dick to search through, and from what I've seen it's not reporting any 'cannot repair blahblah' like it's supposed to. If I delete the cbs.log file so I can start with a fresh one, it simply doesn't make a new one which is infuriating.
Anyone ever had anything similar and have any ideas? Assume reinstalling windows is the last of last resorts.

It's easy to search an account, but what do you mean by "harvest"?

Download every tweet automatically. via script or something.

I wanna play my old mac-games from the nineties again. Is there an macos 7.6 or 8 emulator for linux?

just buy a WD blue

Google gave a new update to the keyboard and I can't figure out one of the new buttons. Can anyone tell me what the two arrow keys on the right do? They pop up when you hold the enter button. Pushing them makes for no discernible difference.

Just buy a WD Red

I'm worried about the longevity of an SSD in a laptop, given that it only has x number of writes. Ideally I want this laptop to last me as long as possible. Am I better off just getting an HDD?

So like, what would happen if a computer was transferring files over the internet to another computer, but the sender's upload speed is faster than the receiver's download speed


But if you are learning, you should also learn how to compile stuff manually using a terminal, and how to create a makefile. Things will be easier later.


By the way, HDD's only use about 5-6 Watts right?
My PSU is 650W, It should be ok when I get one more HDD right?

Image is specs.

If it's going straight from one computer to the other then it would just go at whichever the slower speed is, surely

one will bottleneck the other one.

Yes of course adding another HDD is fine, just how much power do you think your computer even uses ?

Spoilers: Your PSU is overkill

Thank you user.

What's the best Antivirus?

common sense 2016

C'mon lad.

I got a torrent with literally no seeds or trackers.

Do I need to upload it somewhere to download it?

I'm not the guy you responded to, but not everyone's pc is exclusively used personally and not everyone has common sense.

I'm always scared that my father will just fuck my shit up when he's using my pc when I'm not home for example. That's a good reason to get an antivirus in my opinion, am I wrong?

Not that guy but I haven't used antivirus since 2010. Back when I was a teenager and used limewire sure it was necessary.

Don't download shady torrents. Don't download attachments from Nigerian princes. Don't download mega uploads from Sup Forums. Really, it's not that hard.