Reminder that tomorrow GNU, Mac OS and Windows are literally finished.
Google I/O 2016 thread
Chromebooks are Linux user. It's based off gentoo.
Yeah but same as android it's a debatable Linux considering the heavy proprietary software on it
It's over.
Linux won.
Winmac cucks on suicide wstch.
>Chromebooks move from completely useless to slightly less useless
Lol, toy OS running toy apps in a shitty Java VM. Good luck with that.
Android is free software, and it's Linux but it isn't GNU/Linux
>a whole desktop OS built on Java
Oh wow.
Not only that, but a Java VM bolted on top of a linux kernel. So it's basically like running "applets" in a browser window and calling them desktop applications.
Android is FOSS, it's the GApps part that's proprietary.
I'd like to remind you it's not Android, it's Android+gapps
Except that hasn't been true since ART.
Will this also work on regular Chrome?
If so, operating systems in general will have a difficult time.
That UI looks like hell, Whoever designed it probably designed windows 8 and 10 as well.
>Wanting inferior android applications over desktop programmes
I'll never understand this. What app would work better on desktop than what we already have?
Most likely. Nowadays Google Chrome is almost like emacs, a whole self-contained OS without a kernel.
no shit
will the weeaboo apps work as well?
can chrome os run steam?
can you debotnet it ala windows 10?
I like you, user. You make me laugh.
>le smug anime girl face
fuck off dweeb
Delete this post PLEASE
>doesn't even know that Android doesn't use the JVM
tip top fucking kek
how is Sup Forums supposed to be so much better than reddit again?
also I wonder if the "le smug anime girl face" poster on all boards is the same person.
No names means less circlejerk, less ad hominems, mod focus in the conversation. No indented comments to go on tangents, the system of quoting works much better. You can actually post images without using external services. Nobody gets russed over being called a fag. I could go on.
>ART stores two versions of the same app, taking up more storage
>ART is basically a layer of interpretation and apps run on top of it
It's just a glorified interpreter, dude, running on top of the kernel.
At the end of the day, it's still poo in the loo Java running on top of an interpreter.
Will it be possible to port the android layer to other linux distros? Might make for some interesting convertible tablets. Use the usual linux desktop in laptop mode, switch to android ones when you're just using it as a tablet for basic touch screen tasks.
What is this? I'm in the b-channel, haven't seen any news about this update.
As shitty and botnetty android is, there are some apps that actually do beat certain programs, or dont even exist as a program.
Running those apps on a proper OS could be quite nice, plus, with a real OS I probably would have a chance to control their insane datamining.
So it is Sup Forums approved then?
Android uses ART not JVM you nig nog.
Yeah, ART is soo much different than a VM. Basically an interpreter layer, which is needed for the Java shit to be able to get JITed.
Who the fuck would use an OS which runs Java apps on top of an interpreter as a desktop OS.
you can write software in any language for android
how is this different than RemixOS?
it spies on you better
google already knows how are you going to name your unborn child
I'm not gonna have children.
did you googled it?
>GNU, Mac OS and Windows are literally finished.
You literally don't actually believe this. You'd be have to be huffing paint for a whole week to think this is even doable.
Do us a favor and kill yourself pajeet.
Who fucking cares I just want new nexus devices which they won't even show until September to launch in October
apps are the new desktop program, you pleb.
time to brush off the dust from my kotlin book! this year is the year of the android dev.
reddit shuts down more discussion via a built-in vote system. good luck posting an unpopular opinion on a subreddit and getting people to actually see it, let alone see it in a positive light because the average person is stupid and will subconsciously associate a downvoted opinion with "it must be false".
on Sup Forums you can post unpopular opinions and not be censored. at most you'll get a bunch of (you)'s that call you a cuck or something.
Absolutely disgusting.
>reddit shuts down more discussion via a built-in vote system
Sup Forums shuts down boards by sending Sup Forums over
No. Even though it's based on Linux to a large extent, it's still packaged with non-free software and Google's malicious features.
Only thing I'm wondering is what kind of root capability this could have; like tricking the play store into letting me download Tegra only games
Don't think, feel and you'll be SINKANNSEN
>less ad hominems
Have you ever been to Sup Forums
>botnet browser
>botnet browser in the form of an OS
>laptop based on botnet browser in the form of an OS
Sup Forums is a containment board for a reason, even though it doesn't do that good a job of containing
there are no containment boards on Sup Forums. there are only boards with mods and boards without. that's why Sup Forums is still good while Sup Forums is shit.
>google cloud meme botnet shit
Not even a real computer/OS
>Taking the botnet to the next levelâ„¢
>That window style
>That design
ahahahah that seriously looks like Windows 10. What the fuck.
I'm still fucking confused why they would design a OS for phones around java in the first place, especially back when you couldn't realistically give a phone more than 256mb of ram.
I mean, what the fuck, who thought this was a good idea.
It's essentially a design decission that can be traced back to what was popular back when Android was in development. That was the mid-late 00's where smartphones (Nokia S60 / Blackberry) and PDAs were intended as fully featured OOB experiences. Stuff like twitter had functional mobile web apps (I used to tweet on a dumbphone's web browser and receive notifications through SMS, neat stuff back then) and downloadable apps were mostly an afterthought mainly intended for games. Android simply mimicked that and Java was a no brainer due to the A2DP popularity. Nobody, not even Apple, could predict the boom of "apps".
*Java MIDP, not A2DP, had a brain fart there.
I thought it was in june.
But I'm a little jaded about phones or technology in general.
Anything specific to be hyped about?
can I play my steam games in it?
>tfw all I use my laptop for is managing photos while I'm on holiday
4real if there's a good photo managing app I might sell my laptop and buy a Pixel or some shit.
They're probably offering google photos for that. Check the web version in any browser to see what's like and if it fits your needs.
If it doesn't support Steam and all the games on Steam or any version of DX including but not limited to 11 and 12 then any OS is fucking dead on arrival.
Yes definitely. Chrome is secure for using as your true identity for jobs paying bills and such. Install GalliumOS on partition to be user for everything else.
Google Photos/Drive is a joke lol.
Why so? Don't they give 20GB free?
I don't use it but what's wrong with it?
>will the weeaboo apps work as well
>Can ChromeOS run Steam?
>Can you debotnet it ala windows 10?
desu Drive is okay for quick notes and other convenient uses. Not for any sensible info tho
I use Photos so I can replace pictures with music.
I stopped caring about the mass espionage when it comes to non-sensible data.
Is either that or not using any technology at all. Since the internet itself is just another extension of imperialism.
Anyone gotten their welcome package yet? What's in it?
Why do they suck java dick so hard? Is it because pajeet knows java and works for 10 cents an hour?
Will I be able to install this on Debian?
Finally decent emulators will be available without running Windows, although it seems a flavor of the botnet is unavoidable
>powerful HURD kernel is finally finished
>state of the art microkernel multi-threaded server taking advantage of multi-quantum cores creating singularities in space-time continuum to make pre-computations based on possible iterations of all your possible decisions
Jokes on you faget
i need this
because back before google bought Android it was popular to program for phones in java, because "protability" saw a resurgence in phone space, and since companies could have programmers make most of the OS, debug and optimize it while hardware was still being finalized, then they just threw in drivers and shit.
This is still done today, and you can tell which companies do it the most.
I'm hyped for this XD my name isnt even pajeet
Honestly think this kind of shit on your phone is pointless.
It's good for a tablet
I wish osmand were available on Linux though.
Androids keyboard turned gay on my tablet overnight
does this mean tabs are making a comeback?